dinner with infinite and mr. hamster xP

The More You HATE, The More You FALL INLOVE!

Listen to: Marshmallow - IU


-infinite dorm- (sunggyu)

Sunjong: pegopa!

Hoya: nado..

Sunggyu: manager hyung is punishing us..

They nod.. aishh we actually escape yesterday and as a punishment manager hyungs eat all the stock food in our dorm and lock us here inside the dorm so we cant escape.. =_=

Myungsoo: just hope that sungyeol brought something for us..

Sunugjong: that’s unfair too.. Why did manager hyung let him go to his house while he lock us here?

Dongwoo: he didn’t come with us yesterday remember so hyung let him out today..

We all sigh..


After 1 hour of boredom we heard that someone come inside our dorm..

Manager: here..

He give the groceries..

Infinite: yay!!!

Manager: don’t try to escape again !

Infinite: ne~

Then someone come in again.. With a GIRL! We cant see her face since she’s behind manager hyung..

Sunggyu: sungyeol your back..

Manager turn around..

Manager: oh this is your sister?

Sungyeol: ne.. I’ll introduce her to the members..

Manager: araso.. I’ll go now..

Infinite: anneong and gomawo hyung for the groceries ^^

The girl bow to manager hyung..

Sungyeol: uhm guys this is my half-sister.. She’ll live here for a while.. She’s Rachel..

Woohyun and sunggyu: YOU!



I knew it! I know that sunggyu and woohyun will recognize me..

Sungyeol: you know her?

Sunggyu: yea.. She’s the kid who’s playing outside our dorm..

I glare at him.. He smirk at me..

Rachel: hello to you too hamster boy!

Infinite laugh and sunggyu look mad..

Hoya: ahahahahaha hamster boy? Hahaha

Sunggyu: YA!

Then everyone become silent..

Sungyeol: err.. Uhm woohyun hyung how did you know her?

Woohyun: I meet her somewhere..

He didn’t say that im his secret/ mysterious fan.. =“) then he wink at me.. omo im melting!!! =3

Dongwoo: oh she’s blushing.. Ya woohyun stop using your charm to her!

Woohyun just chuckle..

Sungyeol: Rachel.. You can use the room that managerr hyung use every time he’s here.. He’ll not use it for now ^^

I nod then I went to the room that they point to me..


I was unpacking my things when sunggyu -the hamster- come inside my room..

Rachel: don’t you know the word “knock“?

Sunggyu: ya! Im warning you.. don’t ever disrespect me here.. The members respect and obey me here.. Understand? And quit calling me HAMSTER BOY! I have a beautiful name and that was SUNGGYU!

Rachel: im afraid I cant do that..

Sunggyu: BWO?!

Rachel: no one order me around because I hate it! And I will only respect you if you respect me in return.. And lastly, I will call you HAMSTER BOY… FOREVER!!!




-dinner- (Rachel)

Sungyeol: Rachel! Dinner is ready.. Come on lets eat..

Rachel: ne!

Omg im having dinner with infinite! ‘yea what ever’ ya why are you still here?! Go away you conscience!

I went to the dinning room.. I saw a lot of food in the table..

Rachel: WOW! This is a lot!

Omg my bias made this FOR ME?! >///<‘he’s just being nice’ im not going to listen to you xp

Woohyun: I made it all for you ^^

Rachel: thank you.. I’ll eat well =“)

We all sit and start to eat..

Rachel: wow this is delicious ^^

Woohyun: im glad you like it ^^

Rachel: thank you again woohyun-ssi..

Woohyun: call me oppa..

Sungyeol: especially me since im your half brother here..

Hoya, dongwoo and myungsoo: me too ^^

Sungjong: how old are you again..

Rachel: im 16 ^^ *a/n: sunggyu is 21 here then dongwoo is 20 then woohyun, hoya and sungyeol is 19 then myungsoo is 18 and sungjong is 17 ^^*

Sungjong: then im you oppa then.. Wahhh I have a cute dongsaeng!! ^^

Omg they let me call them OPPA!!!! >///< and sunjong call me CUTE!!!!

I giggle.. All of them were so kind.. EXCEPT mr. hamster.. ><

Sungjong: sunggyu hyung.. You didn’t say whether you want her to call you oppa or not..

Rachel: don’t worry sungjong oppa I have a nickname for him already..

Sungjong: what?

Rachel: hamster boy..

They almost choke with their food..

Sunggyu: ya! Your not calling me with that stupid nickname!

Rachel: too late I already do.. Hamster boy!

Sunggyu: well I’ll call you stupid aegi!

Rachel: aegi is cute but stupid? Really?

Sunggyu: yea .. Because your stupid!

Rachel: okay.. I’ll still call you HAMSTER BOY! And besides hamster boy is a cute nickname.. especially for a real hamster like you! xP

that’s what you get for messing up with me!

the other members were controlling their selves so that they will not laugh out loud..

Sunggyu: aish jinja..

He look mad and that kinda scare me.. ‘that’s what you get for messing up with him xP’ aish you’re the best conscience so please shut up now ><

Sungyeol: Rachel-ah that’s enough.. Just eat quietly now..

Rachel: mianhae oppa.. He start it!

Im saying the truth.. He start this war >< ‘why do you want this war huh? don’t you want to be close to all the infinite members?’ I do want to get close to all of them but this guy is.. I don’t know ><

Sunggyu glare at me first before he went out to the balcony.. am I too much? ‘yes’ really?

Hoya: I guess hyung is really mad..

Sungyeol: Rachel don’t call hyung that nickname anymore..

Rachel: but he bully me the first time I meet him ><

Woohyun: don’t worry I’ll just talk to him..

Woohyun went to the balcony..


Aish that kid is really stubborn ..

Woohyun: hyung..

Sunggyu: ohh why are you here?

Woohyun: just checking on you.. Are you really that mad?

Sunggyu: that kid just made my head hurt a bit..

Woohyun: just let her do what she want .. She’s still young and playful so expect her to be like that..

But she seem more mature when she talk to the members..

Sunggyu: she’s 16 for crying out loud.. She should know how to respect someone who is older than her..

Woohyun: she actually know how to do that but … not to you.. Its your fault too.. I still remember the first day we meet her and you really annoy her so she play along and now she’s annoying you too.. If you just treat her much better then maybe she treat you well too now.. Sometimes hyung your choding too.. ^^

Sunggyu: bwo? Aish whatever..


Wahh I update for all of you ^^

for those who is a bit confuse.. when it was written in italic style then that is what the one in pov's thinking ^^

So Rachel (you) is living infinite now.. *aish so lucky ><* hehe

She found new friends/ oppas but she also found an enemy?

Hehe.. Ohh btw INFINITE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhh spazzing around!!! >< all of them is just UNF!!!!! ><

so leave your comments and subscribe if you havent yet ^^ have a good day and wait for me ^^

saranghae <3

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im so sorry that im not updating yet TT^TT im really busy and my mind seems like its going to explode soon because of too much reports X'(( wait for me ok?


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Chapter 40: Happy endings are really nice.
I am glad that Woohyun moved on, but I was hoping he would find the love of his life.
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: Awww...done reading this one! Loveeeee it :)
Chapter 40: Awwh I loved this story!! It was super cute!! I have never really ready a Sunggyu biased story!! :D You did a good job!!
Chapter 40: i love the ending.... ^^
great job author-nim...^^
Chapter 40: Nice Happy Ending ~ ~ ~ ~ *starts trows heart everywhere* ~
shinyoung97 #6
Chapter 40: Wow so sweet
good ending of your story
i hope you can make sequal
Dnicole #7
Chapter 21: Aishh.. Its JiHoo all over again ;w;
Chapter 40: Great ending !! Two thumbs up ^^ lab u thank u :*
Chapter 40: What a great ending Author-nim~!!
I hope you make a sequel for this ~~ !!! ^^