
The More You HATE, The More You FALL INLOVE!

-a week after- (Rachel)

He never talk or argue to me again since that night.. and I know you know who is that GUY.. I suddenly miss the way he tease me, the way he call me aegi, the way he argue with me.. I miss it all and most of all.. I MISS HIM! ><

I was In the living room watching some random show when sungyeol oppa approach me..

Sungyeol: Rachel-ah have you seen sunggyu hyung?

Rachel: hmm? Ani..

Sungyeol: that’s weird, he’s not in his room..

Rachel: *whisper* maybe he is with his girlfriend.. Tsk..

Unfortunately sungyeol oppa hear it..

Sungyeol: ohh hyung have a girlfriend?

Rachel: I saw him last week with that girl.. She even hug him..

I say it irritably.. Sungyeol look at me with teasing looks..

Sunyeol: why are you so affected?


Sungyeol: oooooookkkkkkkaaaaayyyyy~


Its already 1am but the hamster is not yet home.. Where is he? I was still sitting in the living room waiting for him..

My eyes feel so heavy already but im fighting it.. Then the front door burst open.. A drunk sunggyu coe in.. I went to is side to help him until we reach the couch..

Rachel: ya! Why are you drunk? Huh?

He look at me with his eyelids half open or maybe its close? Aish im confuse! ><

Sunggyu: oh is that you Rachel?

Rachel: ne..

Sunggyu: ani.. Maybe im just hallucinating.. How can you be Rachel? Rachel don’t care about me.. She hate me while you.. You care for me and you even help me sit in this thing.. Your so nice..

He smile at me creepily.. I awkwardly smile..

Rachel: your really drunk.. Come on I’ll bring you to your room.. I put his arm to my shoulders and drag him to his room..

Rachel: aish your so heavy!

I put him in his bed.. I took off his shoes and jacket.. I didn’t dare to take off his clothes.. NO! NEVER! Even you pay me I will NEVER take his clothes off! >< *a/n: then can I do it? ^^* shut up author-nim =_= *a/n: okay =_=*

I was about to get some towel to clean him up buut he grab my wrist and pull me to his bed.. I sit on his side..

Sunggyu: don’t leave me.. don’t go..

He intertwine our fingers.. And hold my hand tightly..

Rachel: im just going to get some towel..

Sunggyu: I don’t need that.. I just need you beside me..

I blush.. I feel like my heart will get out of my chest any minute now because of loud pounding.. He keep saying “don’t go“..

Rachel: shh.. Im not going anywhere.. Why did you drink too much by the way?

He open his tired small eyes and look at me..

Sunggyu: its because of Rachel..

I was shock.. why me?!

Rachel: because of her/me? Why?

Sunggyu: I was confuse.. She hate me and im suppose to hate her too but things get complicated when I feel that weird feeling! every time I saw her my heart start to say things like “do something so that she‘ll notice you” so I and argue with her.. I thought that way she’ll notice me but she hate me more.. I sometimes think that I like the way she call me ‘hamster/ hamster boy’ whatever it is.. What do you think should I do? Huh? Especially when she already like one of my co-member?

Is he confessing or what? I don’t understand if this is counted as a confession..

Rachel: so… are you saying that you .. Like her?

I was waiting for his reply but I just heard soft breathings.. I look at him and he’s already asleep.. I sigh.. I lay beside him and face him..

Rachel: I bet she notice you a lot.. You know, she even feel lonely when you don’t .. She even thought that you hate her but turns out that you just want attention from her and she’s stupid for noticing it.. Sunggyu-ah.. I admit I really hate you at first but it turn out that The More I Hate You, The More I Fall Inlove With You.. *a/n: hehe that is the quote in the poster ^^ *

I close my eyes and I fell asleep immediately..

-next morning- (sunggyu)

Ahhh! My head hurts! It hurts so much! ><

I was going to get up when I feel an arm around my waist.. Oh my hamgyu! Did I do a SIN last night?!! O.O I turn to look at the owner of the arm..

OMG!!!!!!!! RACHEL????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel cold shiver run down to my spine.. Nothing happen right???!!!

Rachel: hmm..

She’s waking up!!! Eotteoke? Ohh I’ll just pretend that im still sleeping..

I close my eyes..


I know he’s already awake so I just ..

Rachel: even if you open your eyes you still look like your closing them..

I start to move out of his bed..

Sunggyu: ya!!! Whats wrong with my eyes?! don’t you know that this is the iest part of my body?

He said proudly..

Rachel: ohh right since there’s no more y in your body..

Sunggyu: tsk.. I mean my eyes were just ONE of the iest part of my body.. Atleast im not fat like you..

I look at him with disbelief.. I cross my arms in my chest..

Rachel: excuse me but IM NOT FAT!!! Because of your super duper extra SMALL eyes you cant even differentiate fat from thin! Well for your information IM IN THE MIDDLE!

I rolled my eyes dramatically..

Sunggyu: don’t try to deny and DON’T INVOLVE MY EYES AGAIN! ><

Rachel: but its true! Im not fat!

Sunggyu: prove it..

Rachel: don’t tell me..

I cover my chest with my arms and look at sunggyu like his a byungtae or something..

Sunggyu: tsk.. In your dreams! Im not telling you to strip in front of me.. And im not saying that you prove your not fat NOW!

Rachel: then how?

Sunggyu: we will all go to jeju next week.. Just to chill.. And I want you to wear a bikini in the beach.. Then I’ll grade you from one to ten.. Deal?

Rachel: I have school!

Sunggyu: manager hyung will take care of that! Deal?

I think for awhile..

Rachel: DEAL!!!


I feel so sleepy now so again sorry for errors ^^
enjoy ^^ and don’t forget to comment ^^

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im so sorry that im not updating yet TT^TT im really busy and my mind seems like its going to explode soon because of too much reports X'(( wait for me ok?


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Chapter 40: Happy endings are really nice.
I am glad that Woohyun moved on, but I was hoping he would find the love of his life.
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: Awww...done reading this one! Loveeeee it :)
Chapter 40: Awwh I loved this story!! It was super cute!! I have never really ready a Sunggyu biased story!! :D You did a good job!!
Chapter 40: i love the ending.... ^^
great job author-nim...^^
Chapter 40: Nice Happy Ending ~ ~ ~ ~ *starts trows heart everywhere* ~
shinyoung97 #6
Chapter 40: Wow so sweet
good ending of your story
i hope you can make sequal
Dnicole #7
Chapter 21: Aishh.. Its JiHoo all over again ;w;
Chapter 40: Great ending !! Two thumbs up ^^ lab u thank u :*
Chapter 40: What a great ending Author-nim~!!
I hope you make a sequel for this ~~ !!! ^^