You Troublmakers

Falling Deep



Hehe. I am back with a longggggg chappie for you guys because of my week and a half long non existent updates !

Finals seriously killedddd me but it's all over and I am officially on summer break! 

This super long chapter took me hours to write but it was worth it because its time to celebrate my long awaited vacation!

^^ Enjoyyyyyyy <3

PS I refer to Sungyeol's guardians as his parents in this chapter because it would just get complicated if I didnt. (:








Chapter 13


Sungyeol was finally done with his shower and chose one of his favorite neon pink towels.

He suddenly realized that he forgot to bring his clothes into the bathroom because he was so flustered at the sight of Myungsoo. He groaned and prayed that Myungsoo was absorbed in watching TV or something.

He peeked through the door and didn’t see anyone in sight.

He had the towel around his waist and tiptoed into the bedroom. He closed the door quickly and sighed in relief.

“Hyung! Put on some clothes!” Myungsoo yelled in panic when Sungyeol came into the bedroom without looking inside.

“OH MY GOD! You ing scared me! Oh gosh… sorry, I forgot to bring my clothes into the bathroom. And I thought you were watching TV or something…”

Sungyeol went into his closet for clothes before Myungsoo could reply and left Myungsoo in the room alone after 2 seconds.

*Kekeke. This hyung is so cute, but who knew he could be so ing hot? He has perfect milky white skin, he’s prettier than a girl, but still has a slightly muscular build… perfect… I really must be some kind of sick …*

Sungyeol came back into the room with his clothes on and was ruffling his hair with his towel to get it dry. He was still a little flushed but said “heh. Sorry about before. I just was kinda shocked that you were in here… and I don’t really like people seeing my body…”

“It’s okay hyung ^^ hehe. It was quite funny. But sorry if I freaked on you, I was surprised… to see you without clothes on… But may I ask why you don’t like people seeing your body?”

“Oh… It’s just cus… I don’t know really… I guess I just don’t like my body.”

“HAHAHA. Hyung you’ve got to be kidding me. Your body is like perfect! It’s prettier than any girls body but build like a guys plus your height is amazing, I would kill for your body… OH ! OH …”

Myungsoo wanted to die right there on the spot. He kept cursing himself in his head and facepalmed himself countless times. He buried his burning face in his hands and groaned.

Sungyeol’s face turned a shade of red that would be humanly impossible. He laughed awkwardly and cleared his throat.

“T-thanks.. I guess..”

They met eyes for a quick second and started cracking up.

“I haven’t laughed like this in a long time. Hahaha.”

“Me neither. Keke. It’s nice to see you laughing Myungsoo-yah, this is a rare occasion. Haha. I can see why everyone calls you the Ice Prince, but you look nice when you smile like that.”

Myungsoo blushed at Sungyeol’s straightforwardness but smiled at him.

“Thanks hyung… I’ll make sure to smile more *For you hehe*”

Sungyeol yawned and said

“Yah, let’s go to sleep, It’s already two in the morning.”

Myungsoo got on the bed first while Sungyeol shut the lights off.

They were both lying in Sungyeol’s bed, awake for an hour already because of their erratically beating hearts.

“… hyung… are you awake?” Myungsoo whispered, not sure if the older was sleeping or not.

“…yeah… can’t sleep either?”

“Yeah.. Why can’t you sleep?”

“I don’t know… you?”

“… I don’t know either…”

There was silence for a couple of minutes.

“hyung I’ll tell you if you tell me.”

“….. it’s because you’re here.”

“me too..”

There was more silence. But they were both smiling like smiling like idiots, finally letting slumber take them over.


It was a bright sunny morning.

Both boys were still deep in their sleep at 10’o clock.

Myungsoo’s legs were on top of Sungyeols, and Sungyeol’s head was buried deep into Myungsoo’s chest… neither of them were exactly calm sleepers.

“Sungyeollie! Are you here?!”

Neither or the boys flinched or moved an inch.

“Yah! Son! If you’re still asleep, me and your mother are going to kill you!”


“Fine! We’re going to go in with spare key then.”

The two people barged into the quiet apartment and looked around.

“Lee Sungyeol!”

They both opened the door to Sungyeol’s room and peeked in.

“OMO! Yeobo, what is this?” Sungyeol’s mom loudly whispered loudly to her husband.

“… I don’t know. Who’s that other boy?”

“Keke. Well we’ll find out right?”

She cleared and yelled “YAH! WAKE UP YOU HUGE CHODING!”

Sungyeol immediately jumped up, wide eyed.

“U-U-Umma! Appa! What are you doing here?!”

“It’s out time to check up on you, remember? You forgot?”

Sungyeol groaned and fell back on the bed. Then he remembered that Myungsoo was there, sleeping in the same bed, and his legs on top of his.

He laughed awkwardly to his parents and said “I’ll be right out. Just wait a bit… in the living room.”

They left the room, while trying to hold in their laughter.

As they left, Sungyeol turned to Myungsoo and tried to wake him up.

“Myungsoo. Myungsoo-yah! YAH! Wake up Myung!”

Finally, Myungsoo moved a little and groaned from the bright light streaming in from the window.

“Myung-ah, sorry I have to wake you up. But uh… my parents are here… I totally forgot that they were supposed to come today!”

“Oh God! What do we dooooo?”

“Uhhh I’m pretty sure it’d be really awkward for you to uhh.. meet my parents, since they kind of saw us sleep in the same bed… OH! I know. I’ll just distract them for a bit, so you can sneak out the door. You can take a shower now, they won’t bother you in there. Heh.”

They created a plan for Myungsoo to escape the wrath of Sungyeol’s parents.

And so the plan initiated.

 Myungsoo was currently in the shower, taking a last whiff of Sungyeol’s strawberry shampoo and conditioner. He was done in the shower and quietly slipped into Sungyeol’s room. Sungyeol left the room to take a shower while Myungsoo got ready.

They were both ready to continue their plan, their clothes and hair were perfect as always.

“Okay, I’ll go greet my parents now. Just wait until you hear me say Let’s go into the kitchen, okay?”

“Yep, sure hyung.”

Sungyeol left the room.

“Umma, Appa!” he said while hugging his parents.

“Lee Sungyeol. Don’t think that you can change the obvious topic here.”

“Heh. Uhhh he’s still taking a shower or something…. Uh…. Are you guys hungry? How about WE GO TO THE KITCHEN?” he yelled nervously.

He quickly ushered his parents into the kitchen area.

Myungsoo heard the painfully obvious signal and slipped out the door of Sungyeol’s room with his school bag. As he was nearing the door of the apartment, suddenly, Sungyeol’s mom walked out of the kitchen saying that they already ate, with Sungyeol desperately pulling her back to the kitchen.

Myungsoo was almost to the door, but Sungyeol’s mom saw him.

“YAH! Lee Sungyeol! Did you make some stupid plan to let this boy escape?! You freaking troublemaker!”

Sungyeol facepalmed himself while Myungsoo slowly turned around, flushed.

“Ugh. Umma, just let the poor boy go! He’s just a dongseng.”

“Oh shush Sungyeol-ah. I was actually thinking of letting him go, but he’s so… damn good looking. Kekeke.”


“Tell me Sungyeollie, how did you get someone as good looking as this boy in the same bed as you?”

Sungyeol facepalmed himself for what seemed like the millionth time.

“Appa! Do something pleaseeeee I beg you!” Sungyeol pleaded his dad who came into the hallway with an apple in his hand.

“A-A-Anyeonghaseo. I’m Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo… uhm Sungyeol hyung’s friend.”

“Nice to meet you Myungsoo. Now will one of you please explain to me why the heck you were sleeping together? I didn’t expect you to do these types of things Sungyeol-ah, you’re like a genius in your studies. “

“…. Appa…. How in the world can you say that so bluntly?! You’re turning into Umma! But it wasn’t what it looked like. Myungsoo just slept over. It was way too late for him to go home. Now can you let leave? Can’t you see he’s standing there as awkward as a…. turtle?”

“Puahahaha! Awkward as a turtle? Who says that?” Sungyeol’s father laughed.

Sungyeol pouted and didn’t notice that his mom had basically pulled Myungsoo into the living room.

He finally realized that Myungsoo and his mom were gone and frantically looked around.

“UMMA! STOP THIS NONSENSE!!!” He ran into the living room and saw Myungsoo looking nervous as hell with his mom sitting on a separate chair, talking to him.

Sungyeol knew that he couldn’t win against his parents and just sat down on the couch next to Myungsoo while sighing loudly.

He leaned over a bit closer to Myungsoo and whispered

“I’m sorry you have to go through this. Ugh. This is why I moved out.”

Myungsoo peeked over at his hyung and saw his apologetic face.

He whispered back “It’s okay hyunggg. They seem… amusing. Haha.”

“Soooooo,” Sungyeol’s mom interrupted.

“Are you sure your relationship is what you said? If either of you are lying, I swear I will burn all of your coffee machines Sungyeol.”

Sungyeol’s eyes got huge and screamed at the top of his lungs.


Myungsoo couldn’t help but laugh but laugh at his choding hyung and said “Keke. Calm down hyung, I’ll just buy you all the coffee in the world if I have too ^^”

Myungsoo was now pretty much use to nonsense coming out of his mouth when he was near Sungyeol.

Sungyeol blushed madly and became quiet again.

“Hehe. I would totally love you forever if you did Myung-ah!”

They were now totally unaware of Sungyeol’s parents in the same room and were talking to each other, being all greasy.

“Haha. I think Woohyunnie hyung’s greasy-ness is starting to rub off on us,” Myungsoo said matter-of-factly.

Sungyeol nodded. “Haha. I wonder if the others got home okay last night. Kekeke I bet Woohyun hyung is even greasier when he’s drunk. I’m Sunggyu hyung was the one to bring him home,” Sungyeol said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“HAHA. You noticed them too? Heh. Well I guess they are kinda obvious. Why don’t they just realize that they’re madly in love with each other and get it over with? It’s painful to watch them being so obvious!”

Ironically, they pretty much said their own situation.

Sungyeol’s parents were now in the kitchen, in their own conversation, giving up on trying to get the kids attention, but still listening to their conversation, just in case they said something interesting. But they thought that the whole conversation between Myungsoo and Sungyeol was extremely amusing, and so obvious that they like each other.

While they were into their conversation, Sungyeol’s parents were discussing a plan to get them together.

“Yah! Lee Sungyeol! Your room is so dirty! Come help me dust out the blanket.”

Sungyeol groaned but went into his bedroom to his mom.

“Hey Myungsoo-sshi, why don’t we go help them?” Sungyeol’s dad said.

“Oh o-okay.”

The second that Myungsoo stepped into the room, Sungyeol’s parents pushed them onto the bed and ran out of the room, locking the door.

They boys were startled at first but their faces got red when they realized that Myungsoo was on top of his hyung, their faces only inches apart.

“S-s-sorry hyung…” he was about to move but met Sungyeol’s mesmerizing chocolate orbs.

They stayed still for a couple of seconds, looking at each other’s angelic faces.

“Myungsoo-yah… your heart is beating so fast….”

“… yours too… why?”


“… hyung… just tell me if you want me to stop.”

Myungsoo’s breathing was off, as well as Sungyeols, and he leaned in closely, making the tips of their noses touch.

He closed the tiny gap between them.

The kiss started slow and cautious. But after they got into a more comfortable position, the kiss got more passionate…. much more passionate.

The noises coming from their mouths were extremely loud as awkward for Sungyeol’s parents to hear, but they were glad that their plan worked.

The first moan escaped from the younger’s lips, making the older smirk.

“heh. You little boy. My parents are still here. Haha.”

Myungsoo pouted cutely and gave Sungyeol one last peck on the lips.

“Let’s go hyung, your parents will be suspicious of us.”

“Haha. Okay. But I’m pretty sure they were suspicious of us a while ago.”

They got off the bed and knocked on the door.

“Umma, Appa, let us out! We’re uhm… done.”

The door opened and the first thing they saw was his parents smiling like idiots.

After an hour of extremely awkward conversations, Sungyeol’s parents left unwillingly.

“I hope to see you here more Myungsoo-sshi,” Sungyeol’s mom said while closing the door.

Myungsoo’s face turned pink when Sungyeol wrapped his arm around Myungsoo’s waist.

“U-u-uhm hyung. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course Myungie.

“So… this means that you’re gonna stay in Infinite… right?”

Sungyeol chuckled and peck Myungsoo’s cheek.

“I would never leave Infinite.”

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Chapter 16: NOOOOO!!!THIS IS SO GOOOOOD THOUGH!!! (๑꒦ິ ̼ ꒦ິ๑)
Chapter 16: But it was so fun to read!
Oh! I understand you. I love this story. I'm sad that it's over but I understand you.
I totally understand! ^^
I hope that you have a fun trip and I'm looking forward to your future stories! :D
*catches hearts*
Aww~ looking forward to your future fics!
Hehe now everything is official! Wahoo let's hold a celebration party 4 woogyu and Myungyeol! Haha free snack and drinks! No one can resist free drinks and snacks!
Haha, of course Myungsoo would be the man in the relationship. ;)
Even Woogyu got together. xD
Aw, I wanna go to Korea. /dies
It's fine, actually.
I can wait as long as it takes.
I hope you get better, I really do. ^^
aww its ok! we just want you to get better so dont push urself to hard!!! ^o^