Officially cool with Kai, I think.

You Geek! I bully you cause I love you!

Your POV (The next day)



I slowly woke up to the sound of the door bell ringing, it was only a saturday... that I'm such a light sleeper to the most smallest noises. I heard footsteps approaching my door and a knock.

"Come in!" I yelled half awake.

A loud barge rung and I saw Luhan smiling at me, jumping onto the bed and pinching my cheeks extra hard to wake me up.



"O-OUCH! LUHAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted kicking his stomach and making him fal off the bed.

Luhan flipped over and stood up angry,
"Ouch! What the hell was that for!?"

"Why are you here so early in the morning!? What the hell is going on!?"
I shouted throwing stuff at him.

"Hey calm down! Don't you know? It's Saturday! SO that means tutoring!" Luhan smiled and jumped onto your bed,
You looked at him shocked, "Wait! WHAT!? UGH Tutoring on a Saturday!?"

"Auntie Byun wanted it so I'm here to help!"

Luhan slolwy leaned in and pinched my nose.

"Ow! Luhan!"
I slapped him away.

 I suddenly saw how close I was to Luhan, we were inches apart from literally kissing eachother.
My eyes buldged and Luhan seemed a little surprised,

I slowly gulped, seeing we were criss crossed, touching eachother by the knees and the two of us alone on the bed. "L-Luhan..." I shyly spoke.


"Um.... By any chance... Are you gay?"

Luhan looked at me surprised.

"And... you like Kai?"

Luhan looked away shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I guess you remembered something after the coma..."

"L-Luhan tell me what I don't know---"


All of a sudden  you see the door open, seeing Kai enter the room.

Kai was shocked to find Luhan practically all over on the bed. He fixed his posture and flipped a piece
of stranded hair to pretend he didn't care and show his ego.

"Am... I disturbing something?" Kai asked.

"Kai! This is not what it looks like!" You blushed and kicked Luhan off the bed.

Kai's expression showed that he was fine with it, but it was obvious that he wasn't. It never occured to him why e was always troubled seeing Luhan around you, but it made him feel bothered. Like as if Luhan wasn't for you, but that shouldn't matter to him at all. His job was to just help you regain your memory back, that's all he should focus on with you. Not build this kind of protective relationship.

"Anyways... What are you doing here Luhan?" Kai asked unpleased.

Luhan sat up and fixed his hair.
"I should ask you the same thing Kai... Were you here to meet up with me on purpose!?"
Luhan's eyes twinkled.

"I'm tutoring ___________ today. Your work is done!" Kai spoke coldly.

"What? But I thought weekends were my time to tutor."

"No LUHAN! J-JUST Leave! Your presence is not needed!" Kai yelled


Luhan's heart throbbed from Kai's cold words, you saw it too. You felt really bad for Luhan, not knowing what it's like to be in his shoes and going through this forbidden love crisis. If only Kai knew, but if he did know then terms with Luhan and him would be awkward.

"Kai, don't be so mean to Luhan, if he wants to be here it's fine." You glared at Kai and held Luhan's hand,
trying to comfort your friend.

Kai felt like going between them and pushing Luhan away from you. Seeing you hold hands with Luhan just made him furious.

"Enough with this, Luhan, you can hang out with _________ another time. But her and I need to get tutoring started. So please leave."  Kai ordered Luhan.

Seeing Luhan's depressed expression made you want to kick Kai's junior. 

"Luhan, he's probably like this because he had a fight with Eunmi or something. It has nothing to do with you."
You whispered against Luhan's ear which made Kai even more impatient.

Luhan looked at you and smiled half heartedly.
"Thanks ________. I should get going though."

He wasn't crying but you knew he wanted to.


Luhan stood up from the bed and looked at Kai with a troubled expression. He then grabbed his things and left.




During the entire tutoring session you were still alf asleep, considering you just woke up a couple minutes ago. Kai was teaching you  how to write good essays for english. However, you barely paid attentioned at all. You mostly stared at Kai. There was something about Kai  that made you so disturbed. Kai looked like the type who had a big dark secret but it'd be troubling and hard to find out what it was.

You knew for one thing though, he was hiding something from you.

"So did you get that?" Kai asked.

"Kai." You spoke frank.

The way you spoke his name made Kai know there was something wrong,
"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry... You're trying really trying hard to teach me and all but... I can't put my finger on it! Something about you frustrates me!"

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"Not quite... It's just why do I have the feeling that I should know something about you. It really frustrates me."

"We should continue and study---"

You then pulled Kai's face close to your face, bringing him over by the chin.
"Stay still."

You observed him very closely, Kai felt uncomfortable how your faces were inches away from eachother.
He tried to make things less awkward but you'd hold him back of the head and forced him to stay still.

Kai's eyes shifted to your face and while you were too busy obsefving Kai, Kai found himself observing you.
Your pretty puffy eyes, gentle pure skin complexion, and your cute chubby cheeks that made you look innocent and young. It's been a while since he's been this close to you, he remembered teasing you a lot before the accident, but
why does it feel like he's being made fun of now? 

Looking at you was like a child looking at the new big shiny toy that he could never get. 

"Hmm... Forget it, never mind." You pushed Kai's face back and continued to study.

Kai's face was pink, he felt like he was being suffocated by the tense air. He knew it was all in his mind, but 
you really made Kai feel really small. You're acting like everythings okay but Kai had a strange flutter in his heart.

'Don't think too much Kai... You're just tutoring her...'
Kai thought to himself.


Those long three hours of tutoring session were the longest three hours of your life. You never tried to focus so hard on a subject you despised. Probably because of the fact Kai was just that good of a tutor. He was really patient and committed on teaching you.

After finishing the last problem, you dropped your pencil and sighed.
"Damn straight!" You yelled.

Kai chuckled from your comment, it felt like the old violent side of you was showing again.

"Hey Kai... Where did you come from?" You questioned and leaned your chair back.

"Me? New York."

"Oh really? What's it like there?" You questioned.

"Well... It's really expensive and it's useless to buy a nice car because there's always traffic and you can never find a parking space. I always made my way around the subway."

"Whoa... Sounds just like the movies. Do you miss it there?"

"Well I kind of grew up over there so yeah, sometimes I find myself thinking about the times I had over there."

"If you were to choose to stay in Korea or here, what would you choose though?" You asked with a tilted head.

"Seoul honestly, it's easier for me to find a job here."

You smiled, satisfied by his quick answer.
" That's good. All your friends are here too, like me!" You pointed at yourself.

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" Kai teased.

"I don't know, is it?" You made a derp face.

Kai laughed at your humor and realized, it's been a while since he's been close with you. After your coma, he was hoping to catch up, but ever since you lost your memory, it felt like he had a second chance. To be the kind friend you deserved, although he doesn't know the whole true story between you and his sister Yoona, he knew that you were a definitely a good person, good enough to earn his trust and friendship.

"Hey _________..." Kai brought up.


"Can we be... friends now?"

You paused and looked at him puzzled. Kai turned to you hearing you not respond to the question.

"Is that a no?"

"It's not that.... I just thought we were already friends." You smiled.

Kai sowly began to smile and puched you lightly in the arm. He felt like he had to ask the old you that.
"R-Right! Forget I asked." Kai laughed awkwardly.

"Hahaha, you're cute when you get all embarassed and weird." You teased Kai.

"Yah! Are you making fun of me?" Kai asked angry.


Kai rolled his eyes and turned away from you.
"Well, I have to get going. From now on Monday through Fridays are tutoring sessions at eight. Got it?"

"Yes boss!" You saluted to Kai as he was packing his stuff.

Once Kai Kai finished setting up, you suddenly grabbed Kai's bagpack.
"Yah Kai." You spoke gripping onto him.

Kai turned to you,

"We're friends now right? So... Outside of tutoring. We should also hang out too! We shouldn't have this awkward
teacher pupil boundary. We're buddies right?" you laughed and held your fist out.

Kai just stared and didn't respond. You looked away, embarrassed.
But Kai them punched his fist against yours.

"Yeah, we're friends now. Let's not have any problems between us."
Kai agreed.

Your face brightened and nodded at his answer. You didn't know why you were so happy about it though.

"Alright!" You laughed happily. 
"Also, don't  be so mean to Luhan anymore, he's your friend and my friend, it hurts seeing friends fight."

Kai's smile suddenly dissapeared, he got so angry you just had to announce Luhan's name when you and Kai
were having your own bonding moment. He pulled his fist away and grunted in anger, he glared at you then grabbed his stuff and stomped away. 

"Y-You're a pabo _________!" Kai's face turned red.

Kai slammed the door and left with a big attitude.

You looked at him leave in shock.
"Ah, Why is this guy so mad!? All I said was to make up with Luhan!
Why is he so mad when I mention Luhan!?"
You yelled to yourself.



ugh terrible update
but herre's our daily dose of Kailu

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jloved #1
Chapter 29: Hi love ur story so much update soon cant wait for the next chapter
-kimmyeons #2
Chapter 29: Please continue this sorry it is so gooooooodddddddddddd
Sanahemat #3
Chapter 29: please continue this story it's very good please please
Stephy2510Shinee #4
Chapter 29: Please update soon~!!
I'm a new reader and I love <3 your story!!!
Chapter 29: Please update soon >.<

And you don't have to rush! Just take your time, everyone has problems. ^-^
Chapter 26: Updated Soon <3 ^^
XErika039 #7
Chapter 29: I love your story ! Take your time when you need it. Okay ! I will wait for your next update , see ya.
makymat #8
I keep coming here hoping I can find a new update :'c
Please update soon (?).
XErika039 #9
Chapter 28: Please update I loooooooove your story!