Meet the Geek

You Geek! I bully you cause I love you!

I panted in front of the mirror and felt my calves throb badly as I finished my dance. Breathing in and out and feeling the sweat coming and dripping out of my pores. I supported my weight by placing my hands on my knees to keep me preventing from fainting to exauhstion.I placed the ends of my fingertips and wipe off the sweat. I'm freaking tired, my entire body is burning from dancing, I didn't sleep for thirty four hours too.

But it was all worth it....

It was all worth it, I'd do anything...... Anymore time to dance.

Dancing was the only thing I loved, the only thing I had a passion for. It was my escape from SAT and ACT preps,

my escape from books, tutoring, or any curiculum..... Dance was a part of me, it was my life.

I might not be a great dancer, but I knew I was passionate...


My cellphone suddenly rang, I quickly picked it up, knowing for an instant it was my mom or dad checking up on me. I quickly answered, "Neh?" I asked.

"Where are you Oppa? Are you still in SAT prep class? " My little sister questioned and asked worried. My face beamed, relieved it was only her. I wasn't so close and tight to my family except my sister either. "Neh, Oppa is done." I smiled, "I'm leavng tutoring session now, you want ice cream?" I asked,

" Chinchah!? Neh! I want ice cream! Right after we're done unpacking our stuff, I'll ask mom!"

"Araso, I'm on my way home." I said and quickly packed up my dancing gear. I quickly hung up the phone and placed everything in my bag. My ihome, ipod, waterbottle, and towel. 

Then the door suddenly opened, causing my ears to perk up. I smiled once I saw that old familiar face from when I was in 5th grade. "Baekhyun." I smirked and walked up to him. He gave me his famous fake million dollar cheesy smile, "See you moved back from New York, good to have you back. See you still dance as always."

"Yeah, I caught up with some stuff. You know, still use the same card. Tell my parents I'm taking SAT prep classes, but bail for dancing.  Same old trick." Baekhyun lightly poked my forehead, "Still the same old dumb Kai..." He sighed, "So when are you coming back to Exo? The guys mis having the best dancer in the group, part of our crew."

Kai looked up with a troubled look. "Baekhyun, I can't..... My dad figured out last time, it made us move and start over.... and then my sister passing away.-"

"Yoona dying was never your fault anyway."

"I know.... But since I'm back, I can finally meet this girl who killed my sister... I'm just focused on getting her back."

"Kai....... You won't achieve anything with revenge."

"I know what I'm doing, I won't do anything reckless."

Baekhyun nodded in understanding. "I understand, I'm not forcing you to dance again because I don't want drama with your parents, but just...... Think about it. You're talented Kai, I see how you love dancing. Don't give up on it."
Baekhyun spoke. He patted my shoulder and quickly left the dance room.

I sighed and wiped the sweat off the forehead.
"I didn't come here for anything else but to avenge you Yoona...... I promise I'll give that killer what she deserves...." I mentally thought and left the dance room.

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jloved #1
Chapter 29: Hi love ur story so much update soon cant wait for the next chapter
-kimmyeons #2
Chapter 29: Please continue this sorry it is so gooooooodddddddddddd
Sanahemat #3
Chapter 29: please continue this story it's very good please please
Stephy2510Shinee #4
Chapter 29: Please update soon~!!
I'm a new reader and I love <3 your story!!!
Chapter 29: Please update soon >.<

And you don't have to rush! Just take your time, everyone has problems. ^-^
Chapter 26: Updated Soon <3 ^^
XErika039 #7
Chapter 29: I love your story ! Take your time when you need it. Okay ! I will wait for your next update , see ya.
makymat #8
I keep coming here hoping I can find a new update :'c
Please update soon (?).
XErika039 #9
Chapter 28: Please update I loooooooove your story!