Our first tutoring session

You Geek! I bully you cause I love you!

You entered the library with your bagpack filled with books and notes. The library was mostly empty and the only people there after school was you and Kai. You had a cautious feeling but then shrugged it off, because you were scared to think of it too much.

You saw Kai read his AP physics book like a boss and gave him a secret glare.
"Does this kid even have a life?" You whispered to yourself and put your bagpack down.
"I can hear you." Kai spoke,

"Whoa, the Geek has ultra radio hearing!" You applauded and took the seat next to him.
Kai looked at you and pushed up his large specs, 

"Don't push it....." Kai spoke,
You stood still and gave a bored look,
"Fine, sorry..." You rolled your eyes.
You were about to take out your text book until Kai slammed a paper on the table.
You rose a brow and looked at the paper, "What's this?" You asked.

"Contract, it's our little peace treaty and agreements before I agree to tutor."
You gave Kai a stare and then read through the list


Kai and _________'s contract

1.  _______________ will not interfere or question with my personal life
2. Only communication will be through phone, email, and tutor sessions
3. _______________ will treat Kai with respect and courtesy
4. There will be no personal informaton of family, friends, etc shared to one another
5. _______________ will listen to Kai and follow directions till finals begin

You looked up at Kai and rose a brow, "You made a contract?" You smirked.

"Just so we get the idea. I don't want us to get any closer than this anyways." 
You crossed your arms and scoffed at how blunt and conceited he was speaking to you.

"No problem Prince Chai, plus you don't need to write number six, you wouldn't be caught dead seeing me with you even if we were the last twopeople on earth."
You hissed and signed the contract. Kai grinned and placed it the contract on a laminated folder,
"Good, I'm glad we see eye to eye."

"Nerd...." You coughed,



You and Kai were in the library for fourty minutes reviewing just the basics to english. Kai informed important information to what was going to be expected on tests and went through each question one by one slowly, till you understood. He was actually a very bright guy, and you could tell he did his job better than a professor.

"Do you understand it now?" Kai asked,
You scratched the pencil with your scalp and nodded unsured,
"I.... kind of d-do....."You stuttered,

"Tell me the truth..."

"Okay..... I don't"

Kai sighed and threw his pencil down in frustration. "AISH! This is the eighth time I repeated the same section!"
He yelled and rufflled his hair in stress. "Well, maybe we should take a break!" You brought up.

"Break!? BREAK!? Is that all you think of!? You have exams in two months and you barely understand any terms such as  simile, metaphores, hy---"

You smacked your hand on Kai's mouth, "You need to shut up sometimes....."
Kai glared at you and smacked your hand off, " Don't touch me." He ordered in an angry tone.

"You're so uptight when it comes to studying, do you even take a break in the middle of lecture?"

"Is there even time for that!? Let's just contin---"

"Calm down Chai, we're just taking a quick five minute break okay?" You said and leaned back on your chair.
Kai looked at you and leaned back, "Fine.... whatever...." He groaned, waiting for time to speed up.

"Hey, you should have breaks so you can refresh your mind." You told,
"Hey! How about a riddle?" You spoke randomly.

Kai looked at you puzzled, thinking you were bi-polar.
"A Rooster lands on the rooftop, lays an egg. Which side does the egg roll down? "

"Roosters, don't lay eggs." Kai answered quickly.
You bit your lip then scoffed looking away.
"Lucky guess..."

"Bet I can confuse you with a joke...." Kai mumbled,
Your ear perked up and your brow rose.
"Challenge accepted! I'm a master of jokes!" You yelled,


"Kay....." Kai smirked and turned to you,
"But you have to answer quickly araso?"





"Okay, how did the turtle fly?"


"Uh..... it had wings?"


"Wrong, it had magical powers, how did the snake fly?"

"U-UM! It had magical powers?"


"Wrong, it ate the turtle which gave it magical powers, how did the eagle fly?"


You shouted frustrated and slammed the tabe.














"............eagles have wings...."


You shouted the top of your lungs and stood above your seat like a child.

Kai chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Well that's one english word you know..."



Durring  the tutoring session you were actually paying attention and trying to soak in the knowledge Kai was lecturing. You both didn't realize that it was already 4 pm and Kai felt like he was forgetting something but just brushed it off.

"Okay, do you get it?"

"I think so......" You nodded,

"Okay, let me test you. Hello _______, did you enjoy the supper that was served?"
Kai asked in english.

"................. No, it ..." You answered back,

Kai had a blank look but broke into a soft chuckle.
"Pft........ Pass..."

"Really? Wow! I actually understood!" You clapped your hands.

"Whatever, It was too easy of a question."

"Hater...." You said sticking out your tounge.

All of a sudden Kai's eyes widened,
"AH !" He yelled. You turned to him quickly, "M-MWOH!? WHAT?!"
"AH ! I forgot to pick up Cho Hee!" Kai yelled and slapped his forehead.

He quickly grabbed his open bagpack and placed his books and papers in it quickly,
"We'll continue tomorrow durring lunch! I have to go NOW!" Kai freaked out and put on his bagpack.

You looked up and saw Kai quickly leaving the library,
"Oh, Welll see---"

Kai slammed the door shut,


"Ya later...." You said completing the sentence. You sighed and placed your head on the table and yawned loudly.

"WAH!!!! That Kai geek needs to get LAID!" You yelled and rubbed your eyes while stretching. Then you noticed something unfamiliar on the table.


There.... You saw it..... standing like the helm of a ship,

It was a cd written and labeled in sharpie.

"Kai's SM- Audition tape"

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jloved #1
Chapter 29: Hi love ur story so much update soon cant wait for the next chapter
-kimmyeons #2
Chapter 29: Please continue this sorry it is so gooooooodddddddddddd
Sanahemat #3
Chapter 29: please continue this story it's very good please please
Stephy2510Shinee #4
Chapter 29: Please update soon~!!
I'm a new reader and I love <3 your story!!!
Chapter 29: Please update soon >.<

And you don't have to rush! Just take your time, everyone has problems. ^-^
Chapter 26: Updated Soon <3 ^^
XErika039 #7
Chapter 29: I love your story ! Take your time when you need it. Okay ! I will wait for your next update , see ya.
makymat #8
I keep coming here hoping I can find a new update :'c
Please update soon (?).
XErika039 #9
Chapter 28: Please update I loooooooove your story!