Chapter 21

|♥| My Only Love is You |♥|
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If love could be hard, will anyone ever be happy?


Minhyuk stared at the ceiling in the dark, deep in thoughts. Outside loud music resounded through the corridors while he hid here, in the studio the whole time. His mind was racing trying to comprehend what you told him. 

Hyomin = Minjung? 

That's impossible, he thought. Minjung was...gone isn't she? But it had became something that he wasn't so sure of. 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. One New Message from Sungjae.

'The hell you are. I'm not letting you hurt her like this again. She will be better with me. Not you. If our friendship still matters, go find out what's with Hyomin or Minjung or whatever.' 

He sighed and hit his forehead with his fist. He wasn't honest with her at all. All along he thought he wasn't prepared for a new relationship. 

'I'll prove to you.' He remembered what he said to her in the park and cursed under his breath. Useless. Utterly Useless. 

He turned and saw his own reflection on the wall to ceiling mirror. He squeezed his eyes shut and hit his forehead again. He was at a loss, his hands trembled while he tried to compose a new message. But the thought of her in pain and in tears scared him. He wasn't worthly of giving anyone happiness. All these thoughts were driving him insane. Literally. 

Sungjae could do so much better, He thought and sighed yet again. He tried to remember as much as he could about her. Her smiles, her seriousness during script reading and her beautiful grace when they performed together on the same stage just a few hours ago. His lips naturally curled into a smile when he thought about her dressed in that hanbok. Then his chest tightened when he remembered her heartbreaking expression. 

Staring at the still blank message, he canceled it and stood up. Maybe he should just go home while the event was still going on. Outside the room, sunlight was glaring, it took some time before his eyes could get use to it. Just as he was leaving for the stairs, He bumped into someone and dropped his phone. 'Sorry.' He apologised immediately and picked up his phone without even looking at the person he bumped into. But when he straightened up, he almost dropped it again. Infront of him, Hyomin stood less than a metre away, still dressed in her performing clothes and equally in shock.

Without a hint of hesitation, she wrapped her arms around him while tears began rolling down her perfectly blushed cheeks. 

MInhyuk however, pushed her away in surprise. 'What are you doing?!' 

'Oppa, you don't remember me? Just because I changed a name? I had enough, this playing new barbie isn't working. But Oppa you remember this face right?!' Hyomin rasied her head to look at Minhyuk but he took a few steps back immediately in horror. 

'W..what did you just say?' He hated the way his voice shook, how his composure shattered infront of her. 

'Oppa, Oppa I'm Minjung ya! Min. Jung! Kim Min. Jung!' Tears rolled down her cheeks as she desperately tried to grab his hands. 'Two years is enough for you to forget me?' 

Minhyuk took another few steps back until his back was pressed against the wall. He couldn't speak. you was right. His first love was back, with another identity. A year back he would have rushed into an embrace immediately but now his body refused to move. He watched her cry but all he could think about is you. 

'Hyo... no.. Minjung you... you were dead.' His voice broke at the last word and his hands were balled into fists. 

'I.. My dad faked that call to deceive you. I.. I just lost my memories in a car crash, not my life.' She explained in between sobs but kept her gaze locked at him. 

'I... no... this can't be true.' Minhyuk was on the verge of breaking into a run and he straightened up defensively. 

'You remember this?' Minjung took out a bracelet from her pocket while Minhyuk stared at the silver piec

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lisa66384 #1
Chapter 27: thank u 4 using my name (I waz shocked)
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 38: Conviently my name;)
alicheungmss #3
Shinee2013 #4
Chapter 6: love your story!!!
Chapter 39: I was shocked when my name appeared owo. I LOVE IT!
Kpop66 #6
Chapter 6: I can not believe you put my name in here, thank u I love it
Kpop66 #7
Chapter 2: My n ID Kpop66, YAAY
Chapter 39: This is so beautiful T___T
Chapter 39: This story is so cute. It really felt like I was dating Minhyuk. Thanks for writing such an amazing story. •﹏•
ESCshine #10
Chapter 2: I was kind of surprise to see my username. Its so cool! And im totally looking forward to this fanfic already!