
I'm A Suju
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When it was around 9 in the morning, I got out of bed and immediately felt the urge to meet him again although I had only seen him the day before. I just had to see him again. So I couldn’t help myself and dialled his number on my phone while I was still lying in bed.


"Kyu? It’s me."

"Donghae? You’re already up this early in the morning?"

". I didn’t wake you, did I?"

"No, I’m up. I just expected you were kind of the type of guy that slept really long?"

"Not really. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if I could come over today to hang out a bit?"

"Sure. My parents are away so you can come over and keep me company."


"I’ll see you when you get here?"

"Yeah. See you in a second."

When I arrived I was so happy to see him that I was close to hugging him to death. But since I didn't really have the courage I just smiled at him. Soon we both realized there was nothing to do, so we ended up hanging around on the coach while Kyu was reading a book and I was watching TV. (Read: pretending to be watching TV while secretly starring at Kyuhyun) To see his eyes move from line to line and to often see a smile appear on his gorgeous and so perfect face was like heaven to me. When I realized there was this program of fishes on TV, I thought it would be kind of weird if I kept looking at that, so I eventually turned off the TV. Not that he noticed, because he was so caught up in his own world.

I looked at him. At every single detail about him that I already saw a hundred times but that I could never get bored of. While my heart started to beat faster, I knew I could never love another person that much. And suddenly I felt like I needed to tell him that. I don’t even know why, but there was just this one crazy thought inside my head that gave me hope that maybe he would like me as well? 


No respond.

"Kyu?" I tried again a little harder but still nothing.


He looked up with a confused expression. "Did you say something?"

"I was just thinking a bit and I was wondering if you still remember when I told you I’m a Suju?"

It would be pretty weird if he would have forgotten by now since it was only yesterday that I told him…

He closed his book and put it on the table. After that, he looked at me again with a smile. "Of course I remember."

"Now I was wondering… What exactly do you know about Sujus?"

"Let me see. They can change into human, ghost and animal. They have a leader called Park Jungsoo. They’re not that common…" I could almost hear him think about something else.  "Oh, and you have a complicated way of falling in love."

"What do you know about Suju’s that fall in love?"

He laughed. "Are you testing me?"

"Kind of." I said with a smile. 

I guess he really had no clue where this was going and while he was relaxing, my whole body was tensing up. 

"Then I hope I don’t fail the test. Okay, let me think again… You don’t fall in love that fast but you can basically fall in love with the whole world, right?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"And you can fall in love with animals and girls and …" He stopped and looked at me while the smile on his face faded away. I guess he knew what I was trying to say because before I could even say another word, he jumped up. 

"Are you…?" He didn’t end the sentence. "I mean… you… You don’t appear much and only when other people are around. And when I’m alone I constantly have the feeling of being watched… It’s all you, isn’t it? You are… in love with me…" He slowly said just until he realized everything. "And now you’re trying to make me love you back! How long has it been like that? I mean, since when? Since the first time I met you? Of course not! It was even before that!! You knew exactly what was going on with me and my ex-girlfriend but still you asked me and made me say it out loud even though you knew how hard it was for me?"

"I only changed myself into human because I didn’t want you to think about the break-up to much. I wanted you to me happy! I didn’t want-" I tried to explain.

"I don’t even want to hear your explanation! You lied to me! All this time!" His voice was filled with anger. 

"I tried to--"

"I never want to see you again! Not ever! Find someone else to fall in love with you! Because I’ll never love you back! You get that? Never! Now get the hell out of my house!"

All I co

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ThisLonerLovesEunhae #1
Chapter 29: hehe what a great ending x3 it ends with a moan haha
Chapter 29: Love ths story it's so awesome
kyuloveshae #3
it has its end already. i like this story a lot, i even asked you to update when you guys took a hiatus for awhile. the story itself has an unique story plot, that was why i got interested at the first place. but author-nim, the main point why hae went after kyu was to change him to be a human, right? i need to ask you, did donghae finally turn into a human?? and also i was quite expecting that hae would bring kyu to meet his suju friends in a proper meeting and also meet leetuk and kangin as well..

overall,,thank you for making this story and put a lot of effort to finish this so it reaches an end..thank you..
Chapter 29: oh gosh..its final chapter already??im gonna miss this story...well written..nice storyline..and awesome characters...i wanna read more kyuhae story from u write kyuhae story again neeee.....thank kyuuuu for writing this story...hwaiting authornim ^^
Blueberryblue #5
Chapter 29: Aww they're so cute!!!
Through the ups and downs
they pulled through and got together.
This story is so good~ <3
Thank you for writing it!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 29: this is a fantastic story! I really enjoyed it. Although i can't comment or forgot to comment every single time, i just want to throw out to you and tell you that i enjoyed every single chapter! (:
Chapter 29: I LOVE YOU KYU! D'AWW
Chapter 28: hahaha.....kyu is so so could he make hae like that..but i really like cute....awww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 28: Poor Hae, Kyu make a Fishy tired ): So savage is Kyuhyunnie? xD Hae have to understand, perhaps never had that strong activity :P Thanks for this chapter and for update :D KyuHae is the best! ^^