Chapter 18

Neverending Love..!


In the morning..


Kyuhyun open his eyes and blinked repeatly, realized for what his seeing that something different. The ceillin that his been staring at was different.


This is wasn't my room.

The first think that appear in his head, looking by the colour of wall he sure that this isn't his room.

Pink? Defenitely this is not my room.


His own thought disappear when he feels weight in his left arm, and he tought that his arm will be very stiff after this. Panic attack him thinking what is on his arm, but once again the panic was disappear when he see what is on his arm. Not what, but who.




Sooyoung sleeping peacefully in his arm. Her breath is even and calm makes Kyuhyun doesn't have the heart to move. For him it's oke if he stay like that position for the rest of his life. Sounds chessy, but it's the truth. His heart beat loud and affraid that she will hear it and make him embarrased. Because if she knows, he doesn't know what will he do to make the reason for her, truthfully that he wasn't ready to tell her about his feeling.. yet.


She so beautiful and so kind. I've been so dumb for just realized that she is the one that I want, she is the one that makes my life complete, and maybe the one that I want for the rest of my life.


He wants to laugh with his own thought. He is still young, but this feeling cannot lie telling him that she is the one. His heart never beat this loud to anyone else.

Unconsciously, his free hand caress her face. Cherish this moment. He remember last night that both of them talking that both of them forgot the time and tired engulf both of them then sleeping side by side. But he didn't know that when he woke up, both of them position was closer. He even can smell her scent, her sweet-scented.

Suddenly the object of his affection wake up. She open her eyes and their eyes met. When their eyes met, time seems to stop, frozen. Both of them stare each other in amused. Seconds feels like a year.

Kyuhyun smile to her and put her hair to the back of her ear. Caressing her.


"Morning." He said to start the conversation, because if their keep silent, his heart will exploaded anytime soon.


She smile finally. "Morning."


Suddenly Kyuhyun groaning in pain. Sooyoung reflexed sit up beside him, panic.  "What is wrong, Kyu?"

Kyuhyun chuckled while streaching his stiff arm. "It's oke, I just feeling stiff with this hand."

Sooyoung cupped . "Ommo! I'm sorry Kyu, I didn't know that I would make you as my pillow. I'm so so so sorry, is it still hurt?" She said while massage his hand.

Seeing her like that, so damn adorable makes him really happy. To calm her panic, he cupped her face and stare her in the eyes. Her body suddenly frigid with his action.

"I'm okay. No need to worry." He said still cupping her face with his hands. He release her and stand up. His back face her and while he streaching his body, she can hidding her red face because of that treatment from him. Yes, she was surprised with his action and for a second she thought that he might kiss her. But the thought of him kissing her was beyond imagining. She knows what is she for him, friend... a bestfriend. Nothing more. So she erased that thought and take a deep breath to somehow she feels sad.

Kyuhyun turned his only head, looking from his shoulder and smirking. "In fact, I'm so happy right now."

After that, he turned around and draw his face closer to her widen eyes and say, "Thank you." The he kiss her cheek, softly.

With that he walk towards the door and disappear, without any words.


She cluthing her chest to tame her loud heart.

Did he just... kiss me?






I walk slowly in the hall of my school. My heart still beat crazily after that incident in my room. This heart never beat this crazily before until this morning. What is wrong with me? Why Kyu did that? Is he... like me? Omooo! It's impossible. What are you doing, Soo? Don't ruin your friendship with your hope.

Hope? Am I hoping that Kyu like me? Damn! What is wrong with me??! Seriously! Why this head and heart like betraying me right now?


"Are you okay, Soo?"


I looked at the source of that voice and found Donghae looking at her with confused expression. I just sigh and began walking again. Donghae comply and walking beside me. He still looking at me with same expression. Then I stop and looking at him and sigh again. I just don't know what I am about to say exactly. This feeling really consume me. No! scratch that! I mean, what Kyuhyun did today, really consume me! No! The real is....


"Argghh!!!" I shout suddenly and makes Donghae jump in surprise.

"Yah!! What is that all about? You make me startled me you know!" He said while caress his chest.

"Donghae..." I start to whined.

Donghae ruffled my hair. "Hei, what is wrong?"

I just pouted. "I don't know!" I shrugged in defeated. Donghae getting more confused. "Bye!"


Donghae's expression become dazed because of my weird attitude.


"Cho Kyuhyun! You really consume me!" I mutter and walking to my class.




Sooyoung enter her class and saw Yoona already seating nicely in her seat next to her. She greet her.


"Morning, Yoong!"

But Yoona just glances a second then back to the book she read. Sooyoung furrowed her brow and feeling there is something going on with Yoona.

"Yoong, are you okay?"

Yoona keep silent, acting like Sooyoung wasn't there. Only that Sooyoung can do is sigh and at the same time the bell already rang.


Maybe later I will ask her.




The school bell begin to ring and the school is over. Students begin scatter all around the school, no exception to Sooyoung too. When Sooyoung want to call Yoona, Yoona already walking outside the class. But that not makes Sooyoung stop chasing her. Sooyoung walking fast outside the class and began call Yoona but Yoona just keep walking. When she almost grap Yoona's shoulder, suddenly Donghae appear in front of her and with his smirked he said something that is the last thing she wants to Yoona to hear.


"Hei, Soo! I know that Kyu kissed you! How was it feel?"


Yoona who just a couple step in front can hear to. She look back and face Sooyoung still in her position. Her eyes widen in shock same like Sooyoung's eyes. Both of them keep staring each other. Yoona's eyes reflex pain, sad, and betrayed. Sooyoung's face became pale. Nobody move. After a minutes of silent, Donghae realized Sooyoung's expression. He gulped down and turned around and saw Yoona's angry expression. Her eyes piercing through both of them eyes.


"Yoona." Donghae called her. But she shook her head and began walk again leaving both of them. Sooyoung began panic and Donghae stare at her.  "Soo, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to."

She just smile and nodded then began run to chase Yoona. Hoping that she still in the school environtment.

When Sooyoung was gone, Donghae took his phone and began dial some number in his phone.

After a while, someone's voice aswer him.


"Halo, Hae."

"Kyu! Yoona knew about the kiss."




"Kyu! Yoona knew about the kiss."


When hear Donghae's word, Kyuhyun's body began stiff, surprised.


No! This is supposed not happen this soon! Not before I talk to Yoona! Damn!!

His eyes get widen when his thought goes to Sooyoung.



Without a word, Kyuhyun run through his car and drive fast, leaving Sungmin and Leeteuk confused with his sudden action.




After a couple minute searching Yoona in school, Sooyoung finally catch Yoona on the back yard. But she slapped Sooyoung's hand on her shoulder. Both of them standing in silent with her back facing Sooyoung. Sooyoung knows that she really upset right now. And she deserve to be scolded, because she was wrong. She waiting for Yoona's outburst.

She can see Yoona's shoulder begin shaking arubtly. She cry and it makes Sooyoung's heart get ached. She doesn't like someone crying because of her, especially because of her someone is aching.



"Don't!" Yoona's voice really hoarse but still firm. Yoona turn around and wipped her tears on her cheek. She don't know either why she crying heard that Kyu kissed Sooyoung, Kyu kissed her bestfriend. A man that she love kissed her bestfriend. She really angry and dissapointed with her. 

"Yoong, please let me explain.."

"Explain what? Explain what, Soo?!" Yoona cutted her words and began yell. She cannot handle this anger anymore.


Sooyoung began to cry. Not because of Yoona yelled at her but because she is the reason on Yoona's state right now. Sooyoung really didn't mean to hurt her. Even she don't know what she feeling.


"Yoong.. I'm sorry." She only can mutter that words, her tongue feels like frozen, her words left her.

"Why, Soo? Why?! Why you say sorry?!" Yoona began demand on her. Fortunately the back yard is empty just both of them. The sound of wind blows makes the situation become more heat but silent.

"Why, Soo? I'm asking you!" Yoona smirked. "You said sorry because Kyu kissed you, or because you lied to me? Because you lied to your feeling and to me?!! Which one?!!!"

Sooyoung only can sobbed and hearing Yoona's question makes her heart aching painfully.

"Now you just silent? From all the people that I trust, why you? Why have to be you, you are my bestfriend!! How could you do that when you knew that I love Kyu!?"


Love?? Is she really loves him? How bad I am to Yoona! , Sooyoung's thought.


"Yoong, I just.. I just..." Sooyoung wants to explain but once again her words left her.

Yoona wipped her tears for the ntn time when she said, "Don't talk to me again!"

With that, Yoona walk past her and leaving Sooyoung alone.


Sooyoung cannot holding her weight anymore and she slumped to the grass. Then her sobbed become cry. She cry and cry alone. But she didn't know that someone is watching her from afar.




Donghae can feel her pain, while his heart aching too seing his love cry and devastated in the grass. He wants to comfort her, but he scare if he do that, she get more devastated. He begin battle with his brain and heart. After awhile, his head wins and he walk away, decide that she needs time alone. When he began to walk, he can see someone running towards him and he knows who he was. Maybe this is the answer for his battle of dilema.



The person whose been called stop his run, and waiting for Donghae say a word, or explain anything.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Where is she?" Kyuhyun cutted him in hurry. It's like if he postponed another second, he will lose a chance of live. His life.

"She in the back yard."

Kyuhyun patted his back and began running again.


He smile seeing Kyuhyun running urgently. Maybe he is the answer, the one that she needs the most.






Kyuhyun slow his run when he began to enter school's back yard. He walk slowly but every step he take, his gazed never leaving the back of someone he really care in this world. She didn't know that Kyuhyun walking slowly towards her, she too absorb in her cry. She keep crying.
Seeing Sooyoung's cry makes his heart in pain. Pain because he is the reason why she cry right now. Pain because when he begin realized and start to show his feeling to her, she fight with her bestfriend. Because of his ego, she fight with her bestfriend.

Kyuhyun standing in front of her, and she still unconcious with his present. Kyuhyun squat and bend his knee, caliing Sooyoung in soft voice.




Her eyes peer his. He can see the sad of her eyes. With that Kyuhyun stoop his body and embrace her then hugged her tightly.






I just keep crying and crying. I just feeling lost right now. I feel so terrible right now. She feels that her only girl bestfriend leave her. She lost her bestfriend. She lost her bestfriend for the reason that she didn't exactly know. She really wants to turn the time. But once again she didn't know which one that she wants to undo it. She really need someone, no she really need to be alone. Even she can't decided what she wants right now. How hopeless she is.


Suddenly, she heard someone called her name. She looked up and meet the eyes that always she loves to see, eyes that she always see. Kyuhyun's eyes.


Seeing him in front of her right now, makes her tears begin to burst again. Because with him, I can be who I are, no disguised. She feels right now with his stare. His stare reflex care, simphaty. Seeing his sincere face, makes her more cry.

Without any second, she feels that a tight grip holding on her body. A painfull yet beautiful hug. He hug her tight as if his life depends on her hug.


I know that I cause the pain in your heart, Yoong. I know that I am selfish, but I just can't resist this feeling. I know that I am the worst bestfriend in the world, but I can't denied that this heart beat loudly to Kyu. I'm sorry, Yoong, I'm being selfish but I just really can't be apart from him. Because he is the reason this heart beat so loud. I'm sorry Yoong, because even too late, I realized that.... I like him as a man.






Sorry I just get update today.

Please!! Please give me your comment. Thank you!

Silent reader, speak please.. hehehe ^^



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chapter 16 is out!! ^^


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Gamekyulove #1
Chapter 26: Please update soon.
What will happen to kyu??
I'm waiting for the next chapter. Thank you.
Chapter 26: Please dont tell me that kyu oppa would die? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!~~

Update please! :-)
soondya32 #3
Chapter 26: Update please
Chapter 26: it is a nice chapter
please update
biluvsoo #5
Chapter 26: wowowowowow Soo accept it quite easy!
is Kyu sick or st???
why he cant tell her what the problem???
and thanks for your hard work.
u update so frequently...thank u ^-^
Chapter 24: please update soon
syoolove #7
Chapter 23: I'm curious to know why je's doing this to Soo....
If I'm being Soo...I'll be so sa with this relationship...
Siwon oppa...please tell her the truth....
biluvsoo #8
Chapter 23: what is Kyu hiding? and why???
kid_little #9
Chapter 22: Update soon please. I'm really curious about how next stage will be? Why Seohyun is in Kyuhyun room ? WHY???????????
LovinKick #10
Chapter 22: Updateeeeeeee omg Im dying. Sooyoung