Chapter 15

Neverending Love..!




Siwon stare at Kyuhyun without expression. Siwon knows that what he do was wrong especially he knows that Kyu like Sooyoung, although he knows that Kyuhyun didn't realized yet. Siwon stand up and walking pass Kyuhyun without a word. He closed the door and walking down stair. He stood with supporting his hand in the pantry table. Looking at Kyuhyun who still stare him without a word.

After a minute fill with silence, Kyuhyun sighed and doing the same like Siwon did. The stood in the other side of pantry table. His head look down with both his hand cupped it.

"You look so depressed." Siwon breaking the silent.

Kyuhyun looking up and sighed once again. "I just don't understand with Yoona, Hyung." 

Siwon furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you like her?"

Kyuhyun shook his head. "I don't know Hyung, but she treat me really nicely and I...."

"She likes you, I can tell. Seeing from her gaze towards you today."

Kyuhyun back to cup his head like minutes ago. "But I don't feels the same way, Hyung."

Siwon smile and patted his back. "Then don't let her take falls alarm from you, oke?"

Kyuhyun just nodded. "Let's go home."

"You didn't bring your car?" Kyuhyun shook his head. "Oke, let's go."

When Siwon want to walk, Kyuhyun hold back his arm and makes Siwon face him. "Where were you going with Soo?"

Siwon raise his left eyebrow. "Waeyo?"

"Why you didn't tell me before?" Kyuhyun said straight forward.

"Why I have to tell you first?" Siwon stare at the same.

"Do you like her?" Kyuhyun ask and now both of them standing face to face with tense between them.

Siwon smirked. "DO YOU like her?"

"You didn't answered mine."

Siwon chuckled. "It's not about me. It was never about me in this story." He pointing his index finger to Kyu's chest. "It's about you, because if you do like her. This story it's not about between you and Sooyoung only, also Yoona."

Kyuhyun just silent. Shock with Siwon's words. And makes him thinking.

"So please. Make it clear. Because if you don't do that. Remember that Yoona is Sooyoung's bestfriend."


Siwon walked away with furious in his step, leaving Kyuhyun alone.


Yes. This story it's always not about me. It's always Kyu's story.




Sooyoung wake up in the morning and feeling so excited with today's event. The last rehearsal for dance practice before tomorrow final Basketball Tournament in her school, between Kyu's highschool and her. What a tight competition.

It's already past a week and time really running fast. And it will only 4 month left for them to prepare for the last exam before they graduate. It makes Sooyoung think about her application that she sent months ago to University of France in Paris. Application for schollarship to Fashion Design. It always been her dream and Kyuhyun, Siwon, and her brother knows that.

She opened the website to University of France and read that in a month they will sent the letter of new admissions. And Sooyoung always hoping that she will lucky enough and talented also passion enough for them to notice and accept her.

Sooyoung take a shower and preparing to go to school and go down stair when she meet with Siwon in the pantry. He was talking to Yesung who it seems if seen from his face that he just woke up. His hair is a messed.

Sooyoung patted his back. "Morning sleepyhead."

Yesung just yawned. "Where's Kyu?" He asked Siwon and makes Sooyoung realized that Kyuhyun was not there.

"Kyu is already got to his school. He said that he had a meeting with the basketball team before school begin."

Sooyoung nodded understand. Because this basketball tournament really important for the school pride and beside that was the last time for senior class to play which is the last time play for Kyuhyun. Also same with her school, last time for Donghae, Eunhyuk and many more.

"Ready to go to school, Soo?" Siwon ask her makes her snapped back to reality.


"I come here to pick you up, Soo."

Siwon always nice to her, to her dongsaeng and makes Sooyoung used to his nice attitude. Sooyoung nodded and they leave to school. Little did she knows, Kyuhyun is really had a meeting with his basketball team but after school before his practice. But what is actually happened was Kyuhyun in his own home... feeling sick.






I woke up in the morning feeling so excited with today's practice. When suddenly gravity took me over and make me sitting in the edge of my bed. This dizziness keeps bugging me since Sunday when I went with Yoona to the cinema. The pain is keep on occur and dissapear arbitrarily. Makes Kyuhyun confused and also anxious with this headache. This makes him worry and alittle bit afraid for what happen in middle school.


-- Flashback --


Kyuhyun is in the doctor's room with his mother and father. Kyuhyun already took profound examination of the head because of his lately headache. Kyuhyun waiting patiently with little anxious. The doctor came and sit in front of them behind the work desk. Doctor Park sighed and give the envelope to Kyu's mother while explain the situation Kyuhyun got.


"From the results of the examination stated that there is tumor in Kyuhyun's brain and this tumor must be removed immediatly before it spreads. If get spreads I'm afraid that Kyuhyun's live will be in a stake." Doctor Park said with empathy.

"Is there any choice, Doctor?"

Doctor Park shook his head. "I'm afraid no Mr. Choi. Because the tumor is really dangerous."

"Is there any guarantee that this operation will be successful?"

Doctor Park sigh. "It will always be 50-50 percent chance. But I assure you that this tumor is not yet spread so it makes a little bit easier. As soon as possible."


Hearing that Mrs. Choi cried in the Mr. Choi embrace. Kyuhyun reaction just none. His eyes get blank. Shock.


Why can this happen to me?


After hearing doctor Park diagnosis, Kyuhyun's parent register him for surgery. Doctor Park said that before the surgery, Kyuhyun have to regardless of heavy and sporting activities temporarily. Kyuhyun kept this secret only for his family, even Sooyoung didn't know. Kyuhyun don't want to make Sooyoung sad and seeing her sad makes him sad either. Kyuhyun had the positif thought about he will be heal from this sickness. So he don't want to make Sooyoung sad and worry for something that will heal.


The surgery ended successful and makes Kyuhyun back to normal activity. So there's no point for him to tell Sooyoung about his past condition. The pain and sickness never haunt him again.


-- End of Flashback --


"Until now." He mumbled.


Why this headache begin to haunt me down again? But it can't be that my tumor is come again. The doctor said that to me, little possibility for me to relapse again. No, it must be not it.


Kyuhyun lay his head in his bed when knock is banging in his door.


"Come in." He said while his head. I heard my door get opened.

"Kyu, why you doesn't ready yet?" Siwon asked him.

"I don't know, Hyung, my head feels so terrible." Kyuhyun said between his whined.

"Kyu, you should check to the doctor. I'm afraid that..."

"I'm oke, Hyung. It's just a little headache. If I lay my head for awhile I assure you that it will be gone."

Siwon sighed. "Fine. But if relapse again, please Kyu, go to the doctor Park."

Kyuhyun nodded. "Hyung, can you pick up Soo? And please tell her that I had a meeting with my basketball team before class start."

Siwon frozen. "You asked me to lie? I don't want to lie." He said. Especially to Sooyoung, he added in his thought.

Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrow because of his headache. "Please, Hyung, I don't want her to worry about me. Worry because of some little headache."

"It's not little Kyu."

"Please, Hyung." Kyuhyun said in pleaded.

After that Siwon didn't argue anymore.




Sorry for this short chapter. I hope you enjoy it and keep comment and subscribed.


Anneyong.. ^^


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chapter 16 is out!! ^^


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Gamekyulove #1
Chapter 26: Please update soon.
What will happen to kyu??
I'm waiting for the next chapter. Thank you.
Chapter 26: Please dont tell me that kyu oppa would die? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!~~

Update please! :-)
soondya32 #3
Chapter 26: Update please
Chapter 26: it is a nice chapter
please update
biluvsoo #5
Chapter 26: wowowowowow Soo accept it quite easy!
is Kyu sick or st???
why he cant tell her what the problem???
and thanks for your hard work.
u update so frequently...thank u ^-^
Chapter 24: please update soon
syoolove #7
Chapter 23: I'm curious to know why je's doing this to Soo....
If I'm being Soo...I'll be so sa with this relationship...
Siwon oppa...please tell her the truth....
biluvsoo #8
Chapter 23: what is Kyu hiding? and why???
kid_little #9
Chapter 22: Update soon please. I'm really curious about how next stage will be? Why Seohyun is in Kyuhyun room ? WHY???????????
LovinKick #10
Chapter 22: Updateeeeeeee omg Im dying. Sooyoung