Chapter 36

Meet my 'Girlfriend'


Key-ish POV
Key comforted him the best he could, he just let him cry into his expensive shirt, it was now ruined more than a little dry cleaning could fix, but he did not care. This was Taemin not some other person, Taemin was special, more special than any old shirt. Key just continued to hug him and hope it conveyed all his love for Taemin through it.
Key did not say anything about how it will all be okay, because as far as they knew it may not be and besides Taemin does not need any one to tell him that or any sympathy by saying how he understood. Because Key didn't, he did not understand how it was to have the chance to loose a parent, he had never been in this situation. But he could hold Taemin and be there for him. That he could do.
Taemin's cries slowed over time, and it was only mere sniffles now and again. At last Taemin's breath evened out and deepened. The boy had fallen asleep, Taemin whenether he cried, which was actually pretty rare, always got tired as if the tears wore him out and often fell asleep after crying. Key just sat there cradling Taemin lovingly as he slept, occasionally running his fingers through the boy's hair. A voice distracted him from doing so. It was Taemin's brother.
"You really do love him, don't you?" He said softly, his eyes were red and swollen just like Taemin's. He had been crying too, but unlike his brother he had no one to comfort him and Key felt sorry for him.
"I do, I love him more than anything else in the world." Key said running his fingertips over the perfect contours of Taemin's sleeping face, well they were perfect to him anyway, everything about Taemin was perfect to him. Taemin's brother smiled but it still held a trace of sadness inside it.
"Well I'm glad of that, remember this though, if you hurt him I'll have your head on a plate." His brother said sighing and sitting down on the sofa next to them before burying his head in his hands.
"Do you want a hug too?" Key asked softly, Taemin's brother looked up shocked and laughed in slight dibelief.
"I threaten to kill you and you offer me a hug?" He asked with a proper smile which had no underlying sadness, Key smiled back, glad he had managed to make the other boy forget about the troubles if only for a moment. He loved this guy like he was his own brother and also if he ever got to marry Taemin (which he will someday) then he would really be his brother then.
"I'll never hurt Taemin, I would rather die than do so, so your threat is rubbish." Key replied honestly, the fact that it was truly what Key believed shone in his eyes, Taemin's brother smiled slightly.
"I'm glad to hear that."
"Though Taemin may want it rough and beg to not walk for weeks and who am I to deny him?" Key added, making Taemin's brother glare at him, Key laughed nervously at the glare but he did not say how he was joking because to be honest, he wasn't.
"Key~" Taemin murmured in his sleep, Key smiled softly at his... he blinked what was Taemin to him now? They were more than best friends now, so what could he call him? His boyfriend? His lover? They both sounded so sweet on his tongue. Key ran his fingers through his sleeping boyfriend's (squeal!) hair, Taemin in his sleep leaned into the touch. Key gave him a small kiss on the forehead.
"I love you so much." Key whispered into Taemin's ear, Taemin smiled in his sleep. Key wondered curiously what Taemin was dreaming of.
"Die, giant banana milk." Taemin laughed. Key raised an eyebrow and gave a look at Taemin's brother who just shrugged before standing up and smiling sadness returning.
"Thank you Key." Taemin's brother said, Key looked up at him curiously, silently asking why with his feline eyes. Taemin's brother answered the question having sensed it. "Thank you, for looking after my little brother, thank you for loving him and making him feel safe. Thank you for cheering me up as well. I'll be glad to call you my brother-in-law."
"Stop it, you're making me tear up." Key said, not even joking as he rubbed away from appearing tears, he had always been emotional when it came to things like these, he often cried over romance films and Taemin always about it. Taemin's brother chuckled slightly.
"You can stay over if you like, I'm sure Taemin wouldn't mind." Taemin's brother smiled, Key smiled back.
"Thanks, I think I will." And he did, he eventually fell asleep with Taemin still in his arms. He dreamt of when he first met Taemin, it was before they had become neighbours, they had become neighbours at the age of eleven and thirteen, but they had met at the age of eight and six.
Key glared at the sand, how dare it cover his shoes, he gave it no permission to do so. Stupid sand. He was at the playground with his appa and umma, playing of course, duh. What other things would you do at the playground? It was even in its name. Playground.
He had been dragged to the sandpit by his appa who wanted to play with Key's new red trucks with his son in the sand. He swore his appa was more excited than he was. Seriously, the man was acting as if it was Christmas, to be honest Key had no idea what was so exciting with getting sand stuck in between your fingernails, in your hair and in your clothing besides he did not even like trucks. He would so prefer to be playing on the swings but he could not deny this man his weird type of enjoyment.
In the end his appa attempted to make his son join in by forcing a red truck into his hand, Key rolled his eyes and absentmindedly rolled it through the sand, seriously he was getting too old for this, he was eight for goodness sake, only six year olds play in the sandpit.
It was then when Key spotted her, the girl he swore he would spend the rest of his life with, she looked around six had beautiful black hair in a mushroom style hair cut, she was playing elegantly with her shovel and bucket in the sand.
A/N: ARGH! I keep going into first person :( and at last some humour! Even if it is only mild. Oh humour how I missed you. 
Also thank you all my subscribers, readers and commenters! Did you know that I have 93 subscribers on this fic, do you know how happy that makes me and how it pretty much kills me from shock and delight? I already have 27 subscribers on the sequel which you should check out if you haven't done so already as there are some extracts in the foreword and I thank you.
Also pleases comment, I love all your comments
Also the first chapter of the sequel contains . Are you lot okay with that?
Also I must inform you all that my brother is a mother-ing bastard and how I wish he was like Taemin's brother in this fic...
Also, I am using also alot
Sequel title clue: Key, M___ M_ H______
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ARGH! 101 Subscribers! *dies from shock and joy* Thank you all so much


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Chapter 16: Oh my god, my name was in it XD
Chapter 28: Arghhh *pulling author-nims arm repeatedly* I'm commenting cause your dancing troll and A/N were irresistible. YAH! You'd better have got to the goods and finished that whole, "let me ask you three questions bit?" And congrats (?'s) on manipulating *cough* expanding your sibs into SHINee appreciation.
Chapter 17: Okay, author-nim. The same way you said chap 11 was the last titled chap so this shall be my last comment - cause 45 chaps is alot - unless I'm consumed by readers glee and 'must' comment much like Key realised he needed to tell Taeminnie that he was more important than banana milk.
Chapter 16: Author-nim, you don't realise how much this has brightened my day.
Chapter 15: No author-nim....that was real awkward Onew chicken p**n. yes, I will admit to wanting some chicken now too.
Chapter 14: Author-nim, your artwork is completely discernable. Stop back-handedly fishing for compliments. Sneaky author-nim.
Chapter 12: Okay, author-nim if you don't remember this chap please read it again. *fanning author-nim while serving author-nim a heaping plateful of warm cookies* Pat your back author-nim and buff a shine on your nails across your shirt. You so deserve it.
Chapter 11: I love Taeminnie's dreams. When he's mentioned his dreams and thoughts on variety shows he's so 'spacey' in the cutest way ever.
Chapter 10: Lol author-nim! I've dreamt in Korean too. It was like a historical one and I was an extra helping the 'leads' sneak their love-time and I woke up and was like, "I know Korean?"
Chapter 9: OM Key's wayward thoughts about Tae are are are......reader is flummoxed for words. Is flummoxed even spelled right?