
Meet my 'Girlfriend'

Onew-ish POV (Like since Onew, Minho + Jonghyun think Taemin a girl in this, in their POV Taemin will be referred as one and as Taeyeon rather than Taemin)

This thingy starts just before the last chapter ends

Onew looked at Jonghyun urging him to think of someone else other than their small quartet of friends. I mean, seriously somewhere in the world he must have another friend, they couldn't possibly be his only social life, right? Nah, who was he kidding, they probably were his only friends but all was good he had just had freaking fried chicken moments ago! Life was very good indeed, finger in' good. Besides who needs friends when you have chicken?

"I can be your friend if you like..." Taeyeon said timidly, Onew felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside in his chest, that had honestly been the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him since that lady at the fried chicken takeaway informed him that fried chicken was on a special offer of five for the price of three. That had been one of the greatest days of his life. He decided for her kindness he would award Taeyeon with a hug, not any old hug a super special ONEW hug filled with GOODNESS (but no artificial flavourings or preservatives just like the chicken he ate). For a moment Taeyeon stood there awkwardly probably overwhelmed by the GOODNESS of the hug but soon she smiled embarrassed and cautiously returned the hug.

"Yah! The grease from  that chicken will give Taebaby acne if you hug her like that! Besides only I can have hugs with her as I'm Almighty." Key yelled at him whilst rescuing her from Onew and pulling her back to him. Onew noticed as Key glared at him with intent which was definitely not good, rather more on the evil side actually. He was filled with happiness at that look. Well normally he would not be happy that Key was glaring at him as if he wished to kill him or at least severely injure him, to be honest he wasn't that happy because of that fact, but he was more happy why Key was glaring. Key was jealous of him being friendly of Taeyeon which was great because that shows that he liked Taeyeon alot which was excellant as Key's last girlfriend (as Minho had so politely pointed out earlier) had been (and probably still was) a and no one in the group of friends had liked her aside from Key but no one had mentioned it.

Firstly Key seemed happy enough with her even if she was an evil, scheming little . Secondly Key nagged like hell if someone tried to find so much as a single fault with her (which trust him she had lots of, the biggest one being her attitude). Taeyeon however was a nice polite young girl who he was pretty sure everyone liked, he certainly did. He hoped Key kept a hold of her as she seemed the perfect girlfriend for Key rather than his ex, Key needed someone to love and take care of and be loved and cared for back by rather than someone to wait hand and foot for.

"Um... Key hyung, can we enter the shops now or do we have to stay outside in the cold?" Taeyeon asked, Key blinked slightly surprised, it seemed he had managed to forget shopping. Shopping! Over his jeaulousy over Taeyeon, that was amazing. He must really like her alotThen Key smiled at Taeyeon, like smiled smiled. SQUEE! Key never smiled at his ex, not even fake ones. Hell, he did not even smile like that at his friends! They were meant to be together and their names combined so perfectly together as well! 'TaeKey', 'KeyTae', they could easily become his new obsession (but still they were not on the same level as chicken). Key took Taeyeon's hand as they entered a clothes shop, their hands seemed to fit perfectly.

There was one word for what Onew was doing inside his head at that moment in time:

He watched like some sort of stalker (or just a fangirl watching her idols for a hint that the pairing she worshipped was real) as Key lead Taeyeon along the shop complimenting her skin tone and her figure whilst piling clothes into a flustered Taeyeon's arms, clothes which seemed to get more and more revealing as time progressed. It also seemed as Key as the woman rather than Taeyeon, excuse him if he was being stereotypical but weren't the wife/girlfriend bombard the husband/boyfriend with clothes they chose for them other than the way KeyTae (yeah, he was going to call them that now) were currently doing it. He then watched as a store clerk tried to flirt with Key but Key quickly put a stop to that by replying to her,

"Oh, I'll just ask my wonderful girlfriend whether we need any help," before taking a hold of Taeyeon's hands lovingly and pulling her into his chest.

"Onew why are you smiling like an idiot and doing a... dance?" Jonghyun asked clearly concerned for the mental health of his friends, first Key growling and now Onew dancing. If that could be called dancing anyway.

"No real reason, I was just thinking of chicken."

A/N: Okay it seems Onew is the number one TaeKey fangirl! Whoo! Go Onew!

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Chapter 16: Oh my god, my name was in it XD
Chapter 28: Arghhh *pulling author-nims arm repeatedly* I'm commenting cause your dancing troll and A/N were irresistible. YAH! You'd better have got to the goods and finished that whole, "let me ask you three questions bit?" And congrats (?'s) on manipulating *cough* expanding your sibs into SHINee appreciation.
Chapter 17: Okay, author-nim. The same way you said chap 11 was the last titled chap so this shall be my last comment - cause 45 chaps is alot - unless I'm consumed by readers glee and 'must' comment much like Key realised he needed to tell Taeminnie that he was more important than banana milk.
Chapter 16: Author-nim, you don't realise how much this has brightened my day.
Chapter 15: No author-nim....that was real awkward Onew chicken p**n. yes, I will admit to wanting some chicken now too.
Chapter 14: Author-nim, your artwork is completely discernable. Stop back-handedly fishing for compliments. Sneaky author-nim.
Chapter 12: Okay, author-nim if you don't remember this chap please read it again. *fanning author-nim while serving author-nim a heaping plateful of warm cookies* Pat your back author-nim and buff a shine on your nails across your shirt. You so deserve it.
Chapter 11: I love Taeminnie's dreams. When he's mentioned his dreams and thoughts on variety shows he's so 'spacey' in the cutest way ever.
Chapter 10: Lol author-nim! I've dreamt in Korean too. It was like a historical one and I was an extra helping the 'leads' sneak their love-time and I woke up and was like, "I know Korean?"
Chapter 9: OM Key's wayward thoughts about Tae are are are......reader is flummoxed for words. Is flummoxed even spelled right?