Chapter 31

Meet my 'Girlfriend'

Hehehe ^_^, haven't updated in a while, want to know my excuse?  That, nah only kidding that took barely any time :P, the first took only a couple of minutes. I was just lazy ^_^ Well anyway.

Key-ish POV

The second day of  Taemin attending the same school as Key, whilst disguised as a girl, the first day was definitely interesting and he hoped this day would be just as great, maybe a little bit less eventful as seriously it was tiring sometimes with all the mad stuff which went on. Especially the day at the park, Key like yesterday smuggled his adorable dongsaeng out of the house and in his own to change Taemin into girl clothes, however they were nearly late again as somebody (*cough*Key*cough*) had to spend so much time playing with Taemin's extensions to give him many different hairstyles, at last deciding on two pigtails.

Key almost instantly dragged Taemin into the library upon realizing that no one was waiting for him today, horrible friends abandoning him like this at the school gates, what if fangirls attacked him and tried to him or something? He needed his big (except Jonghyun) strong friends  to protect him from those horrors.

He pretty much growled as when as soon as they neared the library, OnJongHo were leaving the library, no doubt about to go visit somewhere else in the school grounds. 

"Onew Oppa!" Taemin yelled excitedly, nearly deafening poor Key as he spotted Onew in between Jonghyun and Minho. Taemin wiggled out of his grip almost instantly and pretty much flew into Onew's ready and waiting arms. Onew, catching the boy spun him around making the younger giggle. Key felt his heart clench in his chest, he should be the one doing that to Taemin, not Onew. Minho and Jonghyun looked at one another confused at the behaviour of Onew and Taemin.

"Key oppa, how are you today?" His ex asked sidling up next to him unnoticed as he stared at Onew and Taemin, he felt an aching in his chest and it really hurt. What was worst was the fact he had no idea what the aching was. Was he ill or something? Maybe he should see the nurse, yeah, that sounded a good idea. He smiled weakly at his ex.

"I'm fine, thanks for ah- asking." Key replied politely, wincing and rubbing his aching chest as it pained him further as Taemin leaned over towards Onew smiling brightly, it seemed like the boy did not need him anymore. He knew he should be glad that Taemin was finding independence but it just pained his chest more. His ex frowned at him, actually looking sincerely worried for him.

"Key oppa, I don't think your fine, you look as if you're in pain." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder, Key smiled at her but it ended up as a grimance.

"I'm fine." He said trying to convince her that it was in fact the case, it was true... well except for this strange mysterious illness he seemed to be dying from. She frowned obviously not believing him and pretty much marched him to the nurse's office at last gaining the attention of his friends. Taemin noticing the pained look on Key's face was by his side in an instant pretty much knocking Onew over in the hurry he was to get to him.

"Key, what's wrong? You don't look so good, shall I take you to the nurse's office, or perhaps I should take you home." Taemin said hurriedly, the boy looked so worried and was so concerned for his hyung that it made Key feel a lot better, Taemin pulled Key into a gentle hug and ran his fingers through the elder's hair.

It was relaxing and for some reason the aching began to subside slightly but it was still there. Key eventually wrapped his own arms around Taemin and buried his head into Taemin's shoulder forgetting that everyone else was there, for that moment it was just him and Taemin. Taemin rubbed Key's back comfortably and whispered comforting words to him.

All of a sudden Key felt as if he was back sitting on Taemin's bed whilst Taemin comforted him over his latest girlfriend failure, only this time Key had no idea what was wrong. He tried to give a laugh but it ended up as a choked sob. He started crying without really knowing why, Taemin's eyes softened whilst everyone just stared no doubt just as confused as why Key was crying as Key was himself.

"Shall I take you home?" Taemin asked gently to the weeping Key, Key just nodded, he yelped when Taemin lifted him up with ease and held him bridal style, Key blushed heavily and hid his face in Taemin's shirt when people stopped to stare when they left the school premises. Most of had seen Key carrying Taemin in but they had not Taemin carrying Key.

Taemin carried Key all the way to Key's house and just walked in and placed Key on the bed as if it was nothing, he then crawled over to Key and wrapped his arms around him.

"Now tell me, what's wrong?" Taemin asked Key's hair softly, Key gave an odd little laugh.

"I don't know." Key said looking confused, he then lifted up Taemin's hand and placed it on his chest. "My chest ached." He said looking so adorably confused. Taemin looked at him blankly.

"Your chest ached? When?" Taemin asked gently, Key bit his lip and hid his face in his pillow.

"When you and Onew where all friendly..." Key grumbled, Taemin smiled softly at Key.

"You're sure you were not just upset that we was not paying you attention?" Taemin questioned, removing the pillow from Key's face.

"No, I've been jealous before and this was different though," Key said certainly, he moved Taemin's hair directly over his heart this time. "I feel as if I lost something and it almost pyshically hurt." Key said and he moved his head closer and laid his forehead against Taemin's. "Lee Taemin, I think I'm in love with you..."

Again it's short crying and there's this poll...






and new poll 






and also in WWANTWYASNB?  which I'm co-authoring with xXxkanagarouxXx I wrote an M-worthy chapter in it ^_^ 

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Chapter 16: Oh my god, my name was in it XD
Chapter 28: Arghhh *pulling author-nims arm repeatedly* I'm commenting cause your dancing troll and A/N were irresistible. YAH! You'd better have got to the goods and finished that whole, "let me ask you three questions bit?" And congrats (?'s) on manipulating *cough* expanding your sibs into SHINee appreciation.
Chapter 17: Okay, author-nim. The same way you said chap 11 was the last titled chap so this shall be my last comment - cause 45 chaps is alot - unless I'm consumed by readers glee and 'must' comment much like Key realised he needed to tell Taeminnie that he was more important than banana milk.
Chapter 16: Author-nim, you don't realise how much this has brightened my day.
Chapter 15: No author-nim....that was real awkward Onew chicken p**n. yes, I will admit to wanting some chicken now too.
Chapter 14: Author-nim, your artwork is completely discernable. Stop back-handedly fishing for compliments. Sneaky author-nim.
Chapter 12: Okay, author-nim if you don't remember this chap please read it again. *fanning author-nim while serving author-nim a heaping plateful of warm cookies* Pat your back author-nim and buff a shine on your nails across your shirt. You so deserve it.
Chapter 11: I love Taeminnie's dreams. When he's mentioned his dreams and thoughts on variety shows he's so 'spacey' in the cutest way ever.
Chapter 10: Lol author-nim! I've dreamt in Korean too. It was like a historical one and I was an extra helping the 'leads' sneak their love-time and I woke up and was like, "I know Korean?"
Chapter 9: OM Key's wayward thoughts about Tae are are are......reader is flummoxed for words. Is flummoxed even spelled right?