Chapter 18

Meet my 'Girlfriend'

Taemin-ish POV

Taemin was concerned, Key was currently all alone with his ex, whilst he was here. He had wanted to go to stop her from rubbing her greasy hands all over Key but he couldn't. He had plans, important ones which he couldn't not afford to drop in order to just go 'hang out'. If he did that, he was surely be an idiot. And yes he was jealous that Key was spending time with his ex rather than him, but who wouldn't be? It was Key, perfect, handsome Key who was almighty... although he was slightly thick by how he could not realize his ex was an evil, fake .

He crossed the road and walked through the park, feeling more comfortable than when he last done it seeing as he was now back in his normal male clothes rather than a skirt which made him self conscious. He looked at his watch to check the time and realized that he was going to be late unless he ran for it, so he decided to run for it. He pretty much collapsed as he arrived at his destination. The dance studio.

His dancing partner, a cute, young, nice yet slightly annoying girl greeted him cheerfully with a huge grin.

"Taemin oppa! I knew you would arrive in time, everyone said you weren't coming but I had total faith in you and told them 'He'll come, he always does' but they didn't believe me." She babbled so quickly that if Taemin was not used to the pace she spoke he might not have understood her.

He smiled at her softly, she was so cute and just like the slightly younger sister he never had. She thought pretty much the same about him (as an older brother rather than a younger sister of course) so when anyone told them they made a cute couple it made either make grossed out faces or burst into laughter.

"Of course you did, now lets hurry up before we really are late." He chuckled ruffling her hair before grabbing her hand before running to the room they were supposed to be in. Their dance teacher looked at them disapprovingly.

"Lee Taemin, you have very nearly been late, don't you realise how important this competition is for you and this dance studio. You're lucky you have a very clean track record or I'll be a lot more harsh on you. Remember any more of this tardiness won't be accepted so easily." Taemin gulped and nodded, slightly scared, his teacher's face then relaxed into a smile. "Good luck and do me proud."

"Thank you sir." Taemin smiled brightly and bowed respectfully "I will."

And so he did, he danced his heart out and gained awed looks from the judges and the largest applaud from the audience he had ever heard especially when he danced with his partner. It was so clear that their dance studio won.

He was going to the changing room to change out of the clothes he had to wear for the competition and back into his casual when, turning the corner, he ran straight into someone sending them both sprawling across the floor. He groaned slightly but soon leapt up offering his hand to the person he had knocked over.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going!" Taemin apologised hurriedly as the person accepted his hand and looked up smiling.

"It's okay, I'm used to..." The person trailed off as he looked at Taemin's face, Taemin himself froze up and just stared even though all he wanted to do was run away or for the ground to swallow him up. "Taeyeon?" The person questioned.

Dun Dun DUN!

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Chapter 16: Oh my god, my name was in it XD
Chapter 28: Arghhh *pulling author-nims arm repeatedly* I'm commenting cause your dancing troll and A/N were irresistible. YAH! You'd better have got to the goods and finished that whole, "let me ask you three questions bit?" And congrats (?'s) on manipulating *cough* expanding your sibs into SHINee appreciation.
Chapter 17: Okay, author-nim. The same way you said chap 11 was the last titled chap so this shall be my last comment - cause 45 chaps is alot - unless I'm consumed by readers glee and 'must' comment much like Key realised he needed to tell Taeminnie that he was more important than banana milk.
Chapter 16: Author-nim, you don't realise how much this has brightened my day.
Chapter 15: No author-nim....that was real awkward Onew chicken p**n. yes, I will admit to wanting some chicken now too.
Chapter 14: Author-nim, your artwork is completely discernable. Stop back-handedly fishing for compliments. Sneaky author-nim.
Chapter 12: Okay, author-nim if you don't remember this chap please read it again. *fanning author-nim while serving author-nim a heaping plateful of warm cookies* Pat your back author-nim and buff a shine on your nails across your shirt. You so deserve it.
Chapter 11: I love Taeminnie's dreams. When he's mentioned his dreams and thoughts on variety shows he's so 'spacey' in the cutest way ever.
Chapter 10: Lol author-nim! I've dreamt in Korean too. It was like a historical one and I was an extra helping the 'leads' sneak their love-time and I woke up and was like, "I know Korean?"
Chapter 9: OM Key's wayward thoughts about Tae are are are......reader is flummoxed for words. Is flummoxed even spelled right?