In between


I’m in class again, but instead of staring at the clock, I’m staring at the beautiful angel two columns down and one row in front of me.  Even if it’s just the back of his head I still can’t help but wonder how such a perfect person could exist in the same world that I do.  Class passes by way too slowly for me and I can’t help but pray that I get the chance to talk to Luhan after school.  Of course my prayers are ignored as I walk out onto the sidewalk accompanied only by my silent shadow.  The sun struggles to embrace me in its warmth, being easily overcome by the crisp winter air that slaps me across the face.  

The school gate comes into view followed by a figure leaning against its walls.  After taking a few more steps toward the gate, the familiar shining porcelain skin has my heart thumping out of my chest.  My pace quickens as I struggle to hide my excitement behind my not-so-poker poker face.

“H-hi,” I say timidly.

“Hey there,” Luhan says nonchalantly.

“Umm are you waiting here for someone?” I ask, hoping that he may possibly be waiting for me.

“Oh yeah just one of my friends, you know,” Luhan says boredly.

I can’t help but feel my heart sink.

Luhan chuckles, “Of course I’m waiting for you!  Don’t look so sad!” he says while pulling my cheeks.

I ignore the shooting pain in my face and bask in the fact that he actually cared enough to wait for me.

“C’mon, let’s go before it gets dark~” he says, taking my hand to entangle into his.

I want to ask where he’s taking me, but the fact that he’s holding my hand erases all rational thought from my brain.  His warm skin feels impossibly perfect against my cold, calloused fingers.  I feel my cheeks heat up and I only hope he doesn’t turn around to see the bright pink color my face must be right now.

Not until I tear my attention from trying to control my breathing do I realize that Luhan asked me a question.

“Are you okay?” I can hear the concern laced in his melodic voice.

“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine,” I answer trying to will away the embarrassing tinge on my face that I’m sure has just become ten times brighter.  “Um, so where are we going?”

“Don’t forget we have a project to do!” he said.  “Here we are~”

We stopped in front of one of the funniest things I have ever seen.  The cutest little house that I have ever seen, wedged in between two ginormous apartment buildings.  The house is a bright mint green color with white windows, surrounded by the white picket fence that I thought only existed in picture books.  The front yard is filled with a sea of colorful plants, from chrysanthemums to ferns, blossoming from every corner of the garden.  

We walk up the stairs and to the front door, wood painted white with bright yellow flowers adorning its face.  Luhan reaches into his pocket and retrieves his keys, unlocking the door to this odd house.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he says as we enter the doorway.

This is anything but humble I think to myself as I step through into the landing.  

What hits me first is the neon pink shade of the walls, accompanied by white crown molding and a dandelion ceiling.  

“Mom! I’m home!” Luhan yells into the house.

I only get a glance of the living room before I find myself being pulled up the stairs and into one of the rooms.  
By now I’m not surprised by the bright aqua colored walls or lavender ceiling.  Luhan falls onto what I’m assuming is his bed, although I could be wrong considering the sheer feminine feel of the princess canopy bed, and closes his eyes.  I take the opportunity to walk around the small room.  I see a closet on the wall by his bed opposite of a white desk scattered with papers and photos, topped with a black laptop.  I saunter over to the desk and take a look.  It seems like a combination of old worksheets and sheet music, with a few photos here and there.  I pick up one of the photos to see a younger version of Luhan accompanied by a slightly taller girl, both of them smiling widely and flashing double peace signs.

“That’s my sister,” Luhan says.

I almost jump when I feel him standing behind me as he points to the girl in the picture.

“She passed away two years ago,” he says quietly.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I can’t help but feel that sadness doesn’t quite fit Luhan.  He walks back to the bed and plops himself back onto it, me following his lead.

We both sit in a comfortable silence until Luhan sighs and lies back.  I’m not exactly sure if I want to do the same thing, seeing as I’ve only known him for 48 hours and I’ve already been to his house, but I cant help but do the same.  I stare at the golden flowery pattern on the canopy above our head, trying to trace the vine back to its origin.

“Do you like me?”




here's the next chapter~
I'll probably end up updating again today or tomorrow morning...
hope you enjoy it ^^

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to be honest this is the longest story I've ever written... I'm not even sure when or how to end it..


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lorcaclea #1
Chapter 18: It's your first story and dear its wonderful.!!!!!!!! And ihope you can finish this. It would be a waste f you cant finsh it. ;)
Chapter 18: I just read this whole thing today @_@ please update you have no idea how much i love this story. SERIOUSLY. the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels ;u;
Chapter 18: That's so not crappy I love it it's sooooooooo cute omg ! <3 So happy you updated ! :D
Chapter 18: D'awwwwww dun worry. XD i lub it!
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 17: New reader...
Wow, full of fluffy..
And I like it!!!
Because I'm already full of angsty stuff. Keke~

Lukai on the track <3
Plot twist to make things more interesting!!! <33
I like fluff :3 it makes my heart flutter. A bit of um *cough**cough* wouldnt hurt xD
keep it fluffy ^.^ and maaaaaaybe you should add a little bit of :D