
I Don't Like Your Girlfriend - Remix
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SUYEON: As usual, we start the day by rolling dice for the day's ships. The results are Rina and Doyeon, Elly and Yoojung, Suyeon and Lua, and Sei and Lucy. I breathe a sigh of relief to see that no one inside the OT4 was paired with anyone outside the OT4 - at least that’s one less thing for me to worry about. Right after that, we pile into the van. Everyone’s talking excitedly — apparently this is going to be a good day. The first TV show we’re going today to be on is notorious for having idols compete in challenges that have nothing to do with singing or dancing, so we spent the whole van ride trying to guess what sort of challenges we'd face. Rina says that she doesn't really care what it is, so long as it isn't cooking. But apparently producers had read Rina's mind: The other guest on the show is a gourmet chef, and so we have to do a cooking challenge. Specifically, we have to make omelettes. As Lua and I struggle to make out omelette, out of the corner of my eye I can see Doyeon trying her best to protect their omelette from Rina, but to no avail — they end up instead with a plate of scrambled eggs. The timer rings and we all have to present our omelettes. Sei and Lucy surprise everyone by turning out a practically perfect omelette. "If you ever decide that singing and dancing isn't for you," the chef tells them, "you can come work in my restaurant." Sei and Lucy bow and thank the chef for her compliment. Having heard how much Lucy complains when it’s her turn to cook, I know Lucy doesn’t really consider this a compliment, so I’m very proud of them — they couldn't have done better if they had practiced this conversation specifically. The radio interviews all run together into a big blur. Each begins with a round of us recording station identification messages, both individually and as a group. For some reason I keep tripping over my tongue on one of the messages and have to record it several times before finally getting it right. I’m pretty sure that when I go to sleep tonight, I’m going to dream about the words "This is Suyeon from Weki Meki and you're listening to radio 97.3, your hot pop channel!" During the last interview, the host asks the group who has the best aegyo — I almost swallow my tongue, hoping this doesn’t blow up in our face. Everyone points to Lucy, of course. Then the host asks who’s most immune to Lucy's aegyo. Yoojung points to Elly — she’s not wrong, but I wish she’d lied. The host then says for Lucy to try convincing Elly to go for ice cream with her. Fortunately, Lucy keeps things light and playful and doesn't get out of bounds. Then at the end of the question, there’s actually ice cream for everyone! We all thank the host for having us on his show — he’s new, so this is our first time on his show, but hopefully it won’t be the last. As we walk out to the van, I can hear Lucy behind me turning on her aegyo. I’m not close enough to hear exactly what she’s saying, but I panic — with Lucy only barely restrained from try
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