009: Key's fed up.

I Can Change For You


When I entered my dorm I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. I kissed Minho! Every time I replay the moment, I can’t help but imagine Minho’s soft, wet lips. What made me happy is that he didn’t push me away, plus he wrapped his arms around me! I did a little happy dance before entering my bedroom; Taemin was on his bed, reading a textbook. “What took you so long to get back?” He asked, looking up from his book.

“I went out to eat.” I answered simply, throwing my bag onto my own bed.

“By yourself?”

“No, with the dance team.”

“Was Minho there?”

“Mhm…” I took off my musty shirt and tossed it in the hamper with all my other dirty laundry. I needed to go shower, but Taemin kept pestering me with questions. I just ignored him and headed into the bathroom.


I ruffle my hair, frustrated. What if Key tried to make a move on Minho? What’s the big idea of them (the dance team) planning to go out to eat when I wasn’t there? I trust Minho – it’s Key I don’t trust. He’s a ing sneaky little kitten .

After about 20 minutes of waiting for him to get out of the shower (he takes a mighty long time in there), he finally came out wearing shorts and a white wife beater. “Ah, so fresh.” He smiled, not knowing that I was sitting on his bed now.


“Oh ! You scared me!!” he shouted.

I rolled my eyes: “What happened at the restaurant?”

“Look – if you wondering about Minho – nothing happened…” I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth or not. “How come you don’t trust your own boyfriend?”

“I do trust him.” I snapped. “I don’t trust you.”

“And why is that?” He smirked at me.

“Because your just a dirty that everyone likes to use!” It was quiet after I said that.

I could tell by the look on Key’s face that he was hurt by my words; “Gee thanks.”

“You aren’t going to strike back?” I asked, a bit surprised by his calm response.

“Oh – I have a way to strike back.” He offed the lights before crawling into his bed. What did he mean by that?? “Just go to sleep Tae, ain’t nobody trying to steal your boyfriend…”

I didn’t believe him though, I couldn’t.


I woke up real early so I could beat my dorm mate to the shower. When I got into the shower the water was really cold, but I liked it. I like the cold. I grabbed my shampoo bottle, it was half empty – damn Minsoo – who the gave you permission to use my stuff?! I hate Minsoo; he always takes my things and makes too much noise at night. I can’t go over to Taemin’s like I usually did, since it will be so awkward considering what happened with Key. The memory of what happened last night entered my brain. All I could think of was Key’s small soft, lips and nice petite waist.

I need to stop thinking about him though; I should have never kissed him back. ! I punched the wall and my wet hair shifted, making foam enter my eyes. “Ahh!” I groaned as I rubbed my eyes furiously.

“Yah! What the are you doing in there?! You better not be ing!! It’s too early in the morning for that!” I heard Minsoo bang on the door.

“Just give me 5 minutes!” I yelled back turning off the water.

“Aish – whatever I’m going back to sleep!” he replied. “Just make sure you clean up your mess! I don’t want to see any of your in the shower!”

“Yah! That’s not…” I started but just stopped because it would be no point explaining it to him. After I finished showering, I dried off and rubbed my body with baby lotion (don’t judge). I tied my bangs into a small pony-tail so it wouldn’t get in my face during the day. I really need to get a hair-cut… I put on my undergarments and then my uniform and exited the bathroom. Minsoo was sprawled across the couch (the one where I swore I would never sit on, and you know why) fast asleep. Should I be a and let him say there or should I be nice and wake him up? Hmm, I’ll guess I’ll be nice. “Yah, idiot. Wake up.” I slapped him softly on the face.

“Mm..” he began to stir.

“Get up!” The slaps became harder.

“Ouch! Damn it, I’m up! I’m up!” he exclaimed, shoving me out of his way when he sat up.

“You should be glad that I woke you, otherwise I would have left you to sleep.”

He just rolled his eyes in response and muttered something I couldn’t hear. I decided not to bother with him anymore and grabbed my backpack, headed for the door. “Minho~~” a voice called. I turn to see Taemin skipping towards me, Key was behind him, walking slowly though. He must be still sleepy. “Good morning Taemin, Key.” I smiled at the both of them.

“We were going to get some breakfast before classes start.” Taemin explained. “Join us.”

“Of course,” I responded. He smiled brightly and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together. He dragged me towards the elevator and pressed the down button about four times. When the doors opened Taemin noticed Key was still sauntering slowly towards us. “Hurry up, Key. You’re so slow. God.” He muttered as we entered the elevator.

“Shut the up Taemin, you know I don’t like to be rushed in the morning.” Key retorted, as he removed some of his fringe out of his eyes. To me, he looked freaking fabulous though. It’s like he doesn’t even have to try to look good.

“What’s up with your hair, Minho…?” Taemin asked, suddenly looking up at me.

“U-Uh…I put it in a pony-tail.” I replied.

“It looks kinda weird.”

“What’re you talking about? It’s cute.” Key interrupted. “Just move this to this side…” he placed his hand in my hair and started messing around with it. I felt my face heat up at his touch. – don’t react like this…Taemin is here. “…And there! Adorable.”


What the hell does Key think he’s doing? I bet he’s trying to make me jealous. I bet you my secret storage of banana milk that’s what he’s doing. Minho doesn’t even seem to be bothered by it. I rolled my eyes and let go of his hand as the elevator opened. I got out first, thinking Minho would try and follow me to see if I was upset our something, but no – I was wrong – oh so wrong. I turn to see the elevator doors closing, and Minho and Key still in there. “Yah!” I yelled, hitting the closed doors.

Key is ing up to something – I know it.


The elevator dinged, indicating that it will be opening soon. I noticed Taemin had let go off Minho’s hand and an idea just came to mind. Taemin was first to exit, and Minho was about to follow him but I grabbed his collar, yanking him back as I pounded on the ‘>|<’ button.

“Yah, what are you doing?!” Minho demanded.

“What I have been dying to do since I laid eyes on you this morning,” I whispered as I pressed my lips against his forcefully. He didn’t kiss me back ‘til after a while. He tasted minty, probably his toothpaste.

“Taemin’s going to assume-“ Minho tried to speak but I cut him off again with another kiss.

“Key-“ Another kiss.

“Kim Kibum,” he said sternly.

I kissed him again, not caring. “Ugh…I hate you!”

“You hate me?” I replied with a pout, resting my hands on his chest.

“No…not like that. I mean like – I don’t even know what I mean...” he sighed. “This is wrong though, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

“You like me, though.”


“You have feelings for me…right?”

He didn’t respond, and it was starting to piss me off. You can be okay with ing making-out and simple kisses but every time I ask about your feelings you freeze up! Yes, I’ll be hurt if he says he doesn’t like me. But I feel he should come out with it. Just tell me straight up. I dropped my hands from his chest and took a step away from him.

“Kibum, I--” he began, but he was interrupted by the opening of the elevator doors.

“Minho - you still haven’t left yet?!” Another tall boy with brown messy hair entered the elevator, standing in between us.

this.I let out a frustrated sigh and got out the elevator. I can just take the ing stairs.


don't kill me. ok. x.x
its been a long time and this is the best i could come up with;


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Thanks for reading: I Can Change For You. :*


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3