I Can Change For You

A week into their relationship; Taemin and Minho were happy as ever being together. Minho was just the most amazing guy, and he was always sweet to Taemin. He loved how Minho gave all his attention to him and he rarely even talked to Key anymore. He found it strange though – Key was quieter and less y now that he and Minho were going out. Did he like Minho or something? Ha, but Key liked everybody. Didn’t he?

Taemin and Minho were in the dance room with the rest of the dance team. Hyuna sighed loudly, making everyone turn to look at her. “It’s been a week! Where are Kibum and Jonghyun!? They have been skipping haven’t they!?”

Everyone looked at each other with confused expressions. “I haven’t seen Key around much.” CL shrugged her shoulders.

“This is ed up! Chaerin and I can’t even practice since they are gone.” Hyuna groaned. “The competition is in two months.”

“Hyuna calm your ,” Kikwang interrupted. “We have plenty of time.”

Hyuna pouted and stomped her foot like a child; “This has to be perfect!”

“Hyuna, I understand where you’re coming from,” Sandara spoke. “But maybe they are going through something right now. You never know.”

“Dara may be right,” Amber added, while the rest nodded in agreement.

Hyuna sighed in defeat. “Okay, I guess…Chaerin and I have to practice without a partner.” Hyuna sighed sadly. She really missed Kibum. She missed her best friend, but she felt like a horrible friend because she had no idea what he was up too.



After dance practice it was about 6:54pm, Taemin and Minho were outside walking towards the boy’s dormitory. “Ahh, such a nice breeze.” Taemin grinned.

“Yeah, your right.” Minho agreed. “It’s cool today.” Taemin grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. He swung their hands back and forth and hummed a soft tune.

As they got nearer to the boys dormitory, Minho felt a bit thirsty. He thought he could buy him and Taemin a drink, but he realized he didn’t even have his backpack with him. “Oh shiiiit, Taemin, I forgot my stuff.” He blurted out, as he stopped walking.

“Pabo! How could you forget it?”

“Well – because as soon as practice ended someone was so eager to leave.”

“Mianhae,” Taemin blushed a bright shade of pink. “Let’s go back and get it.”

“No,” Minho shook his head. “I’ll be quick. Just go to your dorm, I’ll be there in like ten minutes.”

“…Fine…” Taemin pouted. Minho smiled, kissing him on the lips before he turned and jogged towards the main building. He walked down the deserted halls, his steps echoing throughout the hall. He was near the dance room when he heard a laugh. “You can’t stick up for yourself? What happened, hmm?” an unfamiliar voice chuckled.

“S-Stop…” another voice replied. Minho barely heard the second person. The person sounded weak.

“Why should we stop? We’re having fun here!” a third voice spoke. “Are you trying to ruin our fun?!”
What the hell is going on? Who could they be? Minho gulped. The sound of something being dropped to the ground and another person’s quick footsteps startled Minho. He quickly hid behind some lockers, trying not to be seen. “Kibum!” a familiar voice shouted, he took a peek and saw Jonghyun rushing into the room. “Aish, you s!  Leave him alone!”


[45 minutes earlier]

After Key’s classes finished, he would just come to my dorm and laze around. He was a lot quieter ever since his confessed his love for Minho to me. As his friend, I’m really just trying to be there for him. I love him and all, but I won’t take advantage of that just because he’s vulnerable now. Kibum – vulnerable? Yes, I’ve watched him. He doesn’t lash out at people who get annoy him, anymore. And the homophobic bullies are what break my heart the most; usually they stay clear of Key, because they know how he is. He wasn’t scared of anybody. Now, however, they’ve taken advantage of Key’s quietness and like to beat him in the restrooms, or the halls. I see it… and every time, I do, I stop it. I often ask Key why he doesn’t fight back or say anything but he just replies with a shrug and “Why should I?” ……Key had changed.

“Hey, Jonghyun do you want to go to the dance room?” Key asked, suddenly breaking my daydream.

“Why do you suddenly want to go there?” I questioned.

“I need to practice the routine,” he replied, simply. “I haven’t been practicing. You haven’t been practicing. The competition is in two months.”

“Why do you suddenly care?” I raised my eyebrows.

He glanced at me; “If I dance, I might feel better. Plus, practice should be over now. Look at the time.”

“Okay.” I answered. “Let me find some spare clothes.”


At the dance room, I told Key to start without me while I go buy us some Gatorade from the vending machine. The school halls were quiet, and kind of creepy. I quickened my pace and quickly found a nearby vending machine. I bought the drinks and headed back towards the dance room. “You can’t stick up for yourself? What happened, hmmm?” I know that voice. It’s those bullies again. I dropped the drinks and ran. “Kibum!” I shouted rushing into the room. “Aish, you s! Leave him alone!”

“Oh, look, another queer.” Yong Junhyung smirked down at me. I hate him! What makes him think he’s so special that he can beat on another human being?! What makes any of them think that!?

“Oh,” Yoon Doojoon looked up at me. He had a fistful of Kibum’s hair in his hand, holding his head up. Kibum’s lip was busted and his face was wet, probably from tears. I hate seeing him like this.

“You came just in time!” Kim Myungsoo grinned at me.

My expression darkened; “I suggest you bastards get the out of here now.”

“We’re not ing scared of your , Jonghyun.” Junhyung smirked, pushing me.

“Don’t touch me, er!” I exclaimed, pushing him back. Doojoon had let go of Key, and Myungsoo had joined in too. , three against one.

“, I’ll teach you a lesson too.” Junhyung said, punching me in the jaw. It ing hurt but I launched at him, but Myungsoo held me back.

“Jonghyun!” Key shouted, but it was not only him who shouted my name. I turned my head to the side and saw Minho punch Doojoon in the face. Myungsoo released me to go help out his friend. Junhyung was still focused on me though. He threw a punch at me, I barely dodged it though. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. From there, I got on top of him and punched him in the face numerous times. I felt like a wild beast.
Soon, Junhyung was knocked out cold. I spat onto his face, angrily as I got off of him. “Oh my god,” Key whispered.

“Gwenchanha!?” I asked, quickly going to his side.

“I’m fine…are…you okay?” Key asked, holding my cheek. “That punch looked like it hurt.”

“I’m okay,” I smile, placing my hand on his hand that was on my cheek.

Minho cleared his throat awkwardly, and we both turned to him. “Thanks,” I said. Although I still ing hated him, I had to at least say thank you.

“You’re welcome,” he answered, and walked over to the back of the dance room, grabbing his red Jansport backpack. “Are we going to leave their bodies here…?”

“Yeah, they’ll wake up sooner or later and get out.” I answer. “Come on Kibum, we need to attend to your wounds.” I scooped him up into my arms, bridal style. He didn’t reply, he just hid his face in my shoulder.
He was probably just uncomfortable being in the same room as Minho. “We came here for nothing,” he muttered as we left. “I didn’t even get to dance.”

“Well – you can dance for me back at my dormitory.” I joked.

“Yah,” he hit me in the chest.

“Ouch, yah! That hurt.” I replied. “Treat your hyung with some kindness, yeah?”

He giggled quietly. I smiled, happy that I was able to make him laugh again.


just admit it, that 'fight' scene was totally LAME.
hmm, this chapter has jongkey in it, so i hope you jongkey shippers are a bit happy?
don't be a silent reader and comment. your comments spark ideas!!! :D


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Thanks for reading: I Can Change For You. :*


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3