I Can Change For You


The dance competition wasn’t a complete disaster. Hyuna and I managed to fix up the routine a bit (since Fei went and broke her arm) and we ended up placing third. I was still pissed because we could have placed higher! We could have been first!

Minho and I hadn’t talked since that one incident in his dormitory and it was killing me.
I wondered if he was still angry at me, but there was only one way to figure it out. I slipped on some slippers, before walking out the door.

In the distance I saw Minho leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, with Taemin across from him. I stopped in my tracks and hid myself behind a pillar.

“You said something, didn’t you?” Minho asked.

“What makes you think that?” A playful smirk crept onto Taemin’s face.

“Key isn’t on speaking terms with me and it’s because he thinks I’m-”

“Cheating?” Taemin interrupted. “Well, that’s what you did, isn’t it?”

“No, because it was an accident – I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Minho shot back. “Why can’t you just forget about it?”

“Because something like that can’t just be forgotten, Minho,” Taemin answered. “You just don’t get it do you?”

“Get what?” Minho sighed, frowning.

“You don’t really get how much I love and care for you. You just don’t get it!” Taemin nearly shouted. “I want our relationship back. I want us to be together, Minho.”

“I’m sorry.”

I mentally scoffed in my head; if Taemin loved Minho he would just shut the up and leave us alone to be happy.

“Minho, you said that I’ll always be special to you.”

Minho let out a sigh; “You are, okay? You are.”

“Then why are you treating me like this?”

“Taemin, don’t cry. Please.”

Oh, Minho, don’t fall into that! He’s guilt tripping you!
I frowned when Minho pulled Taemin into a hug.


I hope he isn’t falling for that. 




Minho pulled me into a hug and my arms immediately wrapped themselves around his neck. “I take back what I said about leaving me alone and not speaking to me. I love you so much,” I whispered into his ear, hugging him tighter. “Minho, you still care about me right?” He didn’t respond. “You love me, right?” Again, no answer. “Answer me.”

“That’s enough, Taemin.”
Minho and I hopped off each other to see Key standing a couple of feet away from us with his hands on his hips.

“Kibum,” Minho frowned. “It isn’t like that.”

“Minho, quit it. Stop lying!” I shouted. “You cheated on him just like you cheated on me!”

“I don’t think we should be talking about this in the middle of the hallways, so,” Key said, gesturing towards our dormitory. “I think we all need to have a nice chat in our dorm.”




Minho sat on the couch, while I on the floor, and while Key was sitting on a stool across from me. I guess Key wanted us to sit down and talk about this situation like civilized people.
However, I don’t think this will work. At all.

“So,” Key huffed. “Minho, I think you should be first to talk.”

“What do you want me to say?” Minho sighed, ruffling his hair.

“How about we skip this small-chat and you just tell us who you want to be with.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m sorry, you guys,” Minho frowned and leaned back onto the couch. “If I pick one then the other is going to be hurt.”

“The other can get over himself.” Key glared at me.

“Wow, you’re so confident that he’s going to choose you.” I shot back.

“Can you not fight like I’m not in the room?” Minho interrupted.  Key and I quieted down. “You’re asking me to choose between the two of you, right now? I can’t do that, and I won’t.”

“You won’t?” I asked.

Minho stood up; “I’m sorry, you guys but if things are going to continue this way then I really can’t be with neither of you.”

“Where are you going?” Key asked as Minho made his way towards the door.

“Just stop,” I got to my feet, quickly getting into Key’s way. “Let him go.”

“No! Get out of my way, Taemin. I can’t let him go!” he pushed against me but I gripped him tightly. Minho was already gone by now. So I kept a grip on him. “Key just stop, he’s gone.”

“This… this is your ing fault.” He shouted, pushing me against the wall.  “If you would have just left us the alone, this...”

“ you, Kibum! He was mine first!” I shouted. “You should have left us alone!”

Key drew in a quick breathe; “Ugh, I can’t believe this,”

“Well, believe it!” I said.

“Shut up.”


“I said, shut up.” he shoved his hand in my face before heading towards the bedroom. I sighed and tackled my couch.




I sighed as I reached my own dormitory. “Minho, hi.” Minsoa, Minsoo’s girlfriend, waved at me from the couch.

“Hi,” I barely acknowledged her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You look like someone just punched you in the face.”

“No, it’s nothing.” I responded.

“Yeah there is, come here!” she patted the spot next to her on the couch and I slowly obliged. “Now tell me what’s wrong?”

“There are these two… girls, that like me and I … like them,” I explained, slowly.

“Ooh, do they know about each other?” Minsoa asked. “What are their names? Do I know them?”

“Um, yeah they know about each other,”

“Ooh, that’s never good.”

“A couple of minutes ago, the three of us were together and they asked me to choose between them.”

“Ooh, that’s not ever, ever good.” She frowned. “What’d you say?”

“I told them I couldn’t –that I wouldn’t– choose,” I sighed. “And, then I left. I don’t know…I feel-”

“You did a good thing, you know.” She patted my shoulders. “This way nobody gets hurt.”

“I’m hurt, though. And I’m sure they are hurting too.”

“Well, you know what? You’ll heal and they’ll heal too,” Minsoa grinned. “Trust me,”

I always thought Minsoa was a clueless but maybe I had judged her too quickly. “Uh, may I ask why you’re in here? Minsoo isn’t here… is he?”

“He went to the cafeteria to get some snacks for us, I was too lazy to get up so he just went by himself,” she explained.

“Ah, well, I’m going to listen to some soft music and try and sleep.”






I couldn’t even get up the next morning; my body was too heavy and I couldn’t lift myself up.

“You’re asking me to choose between the two of you, right now? I can’t do that, and I won’t.”

I rolled over in bed and buried my head into my pillow. I can’t even-

Not even two weeks into our relationship and we were already over!

A soft groan escaped from my lips as my phone started blaring Judas. I answered without looking at the collar ID; “Hello?”

“Key, come open your door. Hurry up!” a very familiar voice hissed.

“Jonghyun, what do you want? I can’t get up.” I frowned.

“What do you mean you can’t get up? What’s wrong with you!? Did you hurt yourself?”

“No, I’m just lazy.” I muttered.

Jonghyun sighed; “Please, just get up before Mr. Han or someone other monitor sees me.”

I swung my feet off my bed and got up. I stumbled towards the bedroom door and ever-so-slowly made my way to the front door. “Kibum~” Jonghyun called.

“I’m coming, I’m unlocking the door, ri~~ght-” I unlocked the door and swung open the door. “Now!”

“Bummie~!” He grinned, hugging me.

“Aye,” I stuck my phone in my back pocket and kicked the door close with my foot. “How have you been?”

“Mm, studying and uh-”

“How are you and Jong number two?”

“We’re not together!” he denied as we settled ourselves down on the couch. “Plus, he’s moving. He’s going to study in Japan. I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. What about you and mister Choi?”

“We…” My eyes fell onto the floor. “We broke up yesterday.”

“What?! Why?”

“Mm,” I muttered. “Taemin told him to choose between him and me, but then he was like ‘No, I’m not choosing, sorry’ and walked out. So yeah, I’m assuming we’re broken up now.”

“I knew he was no good.” Jonghyun scowled.

“But I love him, still,” I sighed.

Why?” Jonghyun demanded. “Why?”

“I believe he wants to be with me,” I answered. “It’s all because of Taemin that he’s… acting the way he is.”

“Kibum, I told you I loved you right?”

I nodded, slowly.

 “I will make you forget about that Minho guy. I’ll love you and only you. I’ll treat you the right way. So, why don’t you give us a chance?”

“I told you, you deserve better!”

“You’re better!” he shouted. “You’re the one I want to be with!” I didn’t know what to say or how to respond. I didn’t want to be with Jonghyun, because I’ll just hurt him. Just like I’m doing now. “Kibum,”

“I don’t love you like that Jonghyun.” I tried to keep my voice from choking up.

“It doesn’t matter; I’ll make you fall for me!”

“What if you can’t…?”

He suddenly pressed his soft, full lips against my own and pushed me back down onto the couch. “I will be able too, just watch.” He murmured once he pulled away. “So, Kibum just be with me!”


okay so yeah, people asked me where jonghyun went and thus i brought him back^^

minho finally dumped the both of them.

& i swear i have been watching to much jerry springer cause i made taemin and key be like; "OH HE'S MINE." "NO HE'S MINEEE!"




 this doll thing that they got going on is kinda creepy
but i wouldn't mind having shinee as dolls

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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3