011: Minho's confession.

I Can Change For You


I had just finished taking a long, hot shower. I had the dorm to myself, so I was just going to relax. I grabbed my Mickey Mouse blanket and wrapped it around my body as I lay on the couch.

This past month, I have been trying to bury my feelings for Minho in the ground but it’s so damn hard. I bump into him everywhere. There was this one time he knocked my binder right out of my hands. Our hands accidently touched when we reached for the same paper. My heart was pounding and my face heated up. I can’t even read his expressions, or tell what he’s thinking.  I really want to talk to him, and have a normal conversation, but I’m afraid he’ll just find me annoying.

I bury my head in the pillow. “Stupid Minho. He has changed me so much.”

A knock at the door could be heard. I groaned, I didn’t feel like getting up. Maybe if I don’t answer, the person will go away. . .

The person knocked harder. “UGH.” I unwrap myself from the blanket and head towards the door, swinging it open.

It was no other than Jonghyun… He was wearing a white wife beater with a black jacket over it and dark blue jeans. His style is simple, yet it’s nice.

“Kibum!” he exclaimed, giving me a bear hug. He lifted me off the ground and twirled me a few times. I demanded that he put me down because he was making me dizzy and I was starting to feel sick. “What’s been up?” he asked, setting me on the ground.

“You know, the usual, being miserable.” I muttered as I crawled back onto the couch.

I was about to wrap myself back up in my Mickey Mouse blanket but Jonghyun yanked it away; “You need stop moping around,”


“No buts, come on Kibum. We’re going out today! Go get dressed!”

“No.” I answered simply. Before I knew it, Jonghyun picked me up bridal style and was headed towards my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and walked towards my dresser. He threw blue jeans and a green V-neck at my face. “Wear that and let’s go!”

I looked at the clothing with a disgusted look on my face; “What’s wrong with you? This doesn’t match at all!” I shoved him out of the way and looked for a better outfit.


I sat at the edge of the bed while I watched Key try to choose his outfit. When he saw something he didn’t like, he would do this cute little pout and shake his head. I really want to just kiss him…  It was driving me crazy.

“THIS! Perfect!” He stood with his hand on his hips. He was wearing a black and white striped shirt and some tight- skinny jeans.

“Judging by your expression, I’m assuming I look good.” He chuckled.

“You look better than good, you look great. y even!” I nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

“Oh thanks, Jjong!” he smirked. I hope he’s starting to feel confident again. “So what do you have planned?”

“That we go to the board walk! It just re-opened a few days ago! I heard that there are new rides.”

“As long as we don’t ride any scary roller coasters or anything, I’ll be fine.” He and I headed towards the front door.

“If we don’t – I’ll be bored.” I frowned as we headed down the hall, towards the elevator. I hit the down button and the elevator doors slid open after a few seconds.

“Roller coasters are scary.” He whined, making his voice a little higher. Ugh, I hope he’s nothing doing these cute things purposely. Cute little, er.

“I’ll be with you.” I grabbed his hand. He didn’t flinch or pull away so I intertwined our fingers and sent him a gentle smile. He avoided my eyes and looked at the ground; “What’s wrong?” I questioned, squeezing his hand gently.

He shook his head; “It’s nothing.”

“Yeah right,” I rolled my eyes. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

He sighed; “It’s just…I feel like I’m using you. I feel terrible.”

“How are you using me?” I raise an eyebrow.

“I’m just using your affection to make myself feel better.” He looked at me with sad eyes.

“No, Kibum we were like this way before he came into the picture.” I said.

He shook his head once more; “You don’t get it.”


“Just forget it. Let’s not talk about it anymore.” At that moment the elevator doors opened, and we stepped out.


I don’t care about Key, honestly. I try my hardest to avoid him! This was ing difficult because it’s like he’s everywhere! I bump into him in the restroom, sometimes he’s in front of me in the lunch line, and I have to see him in at dance practice. There was this one awkward situation where he and I bumped into each other, and I accidently knocked his binder out of his hands – sending papers flying everywhere. . .

I don’t know if this ’s coincidental or he’s legit stalking me.

Any who, there were no classes today and Taemin and I were going to spend the day together. Just the two of us. Right now, we were on the bus. We planned on going to this boardwalk that was near the school and afterwards we’d go out to eat.

“Today’s going to be fun,” Taemin grinned. “The weather’s nice and…”

He kept on blabbering about other things that I didn’t pay attention to. I wonder how he is doing…

, I’m doing it again. I’m thinking about him.


“Yah, are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?!” I snapped, poking Minho in his temple.

“Ouch yes, I’m listening.” He frowned, moving my hand away.

I just don’t know what’s wrong with him these days. He’s been in such a daze. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. We haven’t had since that one time he said he ‘wasn’t in the mood’ which was a long time ago. “Minho do you still love me?” I asked, without realizing.

He looked at me with a shocked expression. “O-Of course I do, Taemin ah. Why?”

“For the past few days, you’ve been making me feel like you don’t want me around.” I sigh, feeling tears form in my eyes. Don’t cry damn it.

“I’m sorry, love.” He whispered. He leaned his head on my shoulder. “Don’t cry. I’ll feel terrible if you shed any tears because of me.”

I wiped my tears away.He pisses me off, but I can’t stay mad at him. I find it hard too. I love him too much.

“Look, we’re here.” Minho smiled, and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go shall we?”

There were a lot of things that looked fun and I wanted to ride. I marveled at the rides like a little child. “Come on!” Minho ruffled my hair then grabbed my hand.

“Woah~ You’re going to fast!” I exclaimed, almost tripping.

“Miahn~” Minho winked.

I smiled. This is what I want.


When we arrived at the board walk I was ready to take on this one roller coaster that was really high! “NO! JONGHYUN NO! WE ARE NOT – I REPEAT – NOT RIDING THAT! ARE YOU CRAZY?” Key exclaimed.

“Come on Key, don’t be a chicken.” I grinned and grabbed his arm.

“Jonghyun, I can’t… just looking at it, my legs…I can’t go on!” Key placed his hand over his face dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and grab his wrist; “You’re riding this! There’s no way out of it.” I dragged him into the line as he begged and pleaded.


I looked up at the people that were already on the ride; watching as they went up and up and up. Aren’t they completely terrified!? “Jonghyun,” I looked at him seriously. “I can’t. I can’t ride this.”

“Quit being a baby – look we’re near the front of the line.”

I rolled my eyes. Guess there’s no way out of this. I sigh in defeat and look at the ground. “Minho, doesn’t this look exciting? Look how they’re screaming!” My head snapped up, and scanned the area. Did I just hear his name? And that voice – sounds so familiar.

Can’t… till we … on!” I couldn’t hear the other voice clearly. Must be a coincidence, couldn’t actually be Minho.

“Next fourteen people please!” a worker called out.

“That’s us!” Jonghyun squealed, excited. He grabbed my hand dragged me towards the roller coaster seats. I heaved a sigh as the worker checked to see if everyone was strapped in. “Don’t worry Kibum-ah, you can hold my hand if you get scared.”


As the worker strapped Taemin and me down in the seats I heard someone say Kibum. “I’m scared and excited at the same time!” Taemin grinned, squirming in the seat. The roller coaster began to move and a guy – who was four seats ahead of us – started screaming his head off. Chill dude, we barely even started. “ANDWAE! GET ME OFF! STOP! AAHHH!”


“ANDWAE~~! GET ME OFF! STOP! AAAH!” Key screamed, shutting his eyes tight.

 I grabbed his hand; “Calm down, you look very unmanly right now.”

He squeezed my hand tighter and tighter, his nails sinking into my skin. Ouch. “Jjongie, I’m scared.” We were now at the peak now.

“Don’t worry just put your hands UUUUUUPP!! WOOO!!” The roller coaster suddenly dropped down.

“AHH! AHH! NOO!” Key screamed, yelled, and hollered the whole ride. I just laughed, amused. He’s such a baby. My baby.


Once the ride was over, Key stumbled over towards a trashcan and leaned against it. “I hate you, Kim Jonghyun. I really do.”

I pulled him into a tight hug and just laughed. “You’ll get over it.”

“No I won’t!” he exclaimed, pushing me away. “Ouch my throat hurts – anyway! I need to use the restroom, wait here.” He began walking away.

I followed him though; “I could just come with you—“

“Shireo!” he turned, abruptly. “Stay!” He pointed at a nearby bench and glared. Why was he treating me like a dog? D:

“Arasseo, I’ll wait.”


“That was so intense.” Taemin giggled, wobbling all over the place. I wrap an arm around his shoulder (can’t wrap it around his waist since we’re in a public place) because it looked as if the kid would fall over any minute.

I looked around for a bench, and spotted one. There was one guy in a black jacket on, sitting there with a hoodie on his head, probably to block his face from the sun. “Sit here, I’m going to go to the restroom. Give me 3 minutes.”

“Arasseo, but hurry up. I want to ride something else.” He said.



I quickly hurried towards the bathrooms. I really just wanted to put some water on my face. To cool off. To clear my head. I don’t know, just to get away from Taemin for a few minutes.

No,I did not just think that.

I pressed hard on the button to turn on the water and just splashed my face with it. ’s wrong with me?

The toilet suddenly flushed, and out came a familiar blonde. Our eyes locked almost immediately. His mouth dropped in surprise; “M-M…”

Why? Why did he have to show up now?

“What a coincidence…” I said, turning.

“I-I have to go…”

“Wait.” I grabbed his elbow without thinking, and hugged him from behind. “Just…wait.”

“Get off!” he elbowed me in the rib and I stumbled back a few steps, clutching my chest. “Aish, what’s wrong with you? You told me yourself that we shouldn't be doing things like this! You don’t have feelings for me!” I could see tears forming in his eyes, he was hurt.

“No, you’re wrong.

I do have feelings for you, Kibum.”


wait whut? teehee ok.

@MinKeyMK: Yes, they are aren't they? XDD!

@Bummi_love & @ParadiseWithINFINITE: There was some Jongkey in this...ok well not...really.

@yueilu: i'll just leak that there is taekey in this story ok, but its comes later on in the story. ;3

@GaemChau: It's out in the open for now since there's drama. I LOVE DRAMA XD


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3