Chapter 18: Prefect plan

Escaping to Shinee's dorm


Oppas! Thank you for staying safe” I hugged each and every one of them. I could not lose my family members, not even one of them.

“Don’t you worry, Paige.” Onew said as he let go of me. I was touched, tear filling my eyes again.

Hyung, see what you did. You made her cry again.” Jonghyun teased Onew, handing me a handkerchief. Everyone laughed. They looked all relaxed, chatting happily again.

Nah, it is not Onew oppa’s fault. I am just touched.” I smiled back at them.

Hey, Boa noona, thank you so much for taking care of her. I owed you a very big favor” Jonghyun bowed 90 degrees to Boa.

You are welcome, my cute junior. She is such an adorable kid, a fast learner too, in both Korean and make-up. You would be surprise she could understand us now. I am so glad I got to know her, Jonghyun.  You must let her come visit soon, if not I will kidnap her away from you.” Boa teased.

“Anytime, noona,” Jonghyun grinned.

“You must promise to come, alright?” Boa gave me a hug.

“I promise. Thank you.” I return the friendly embrace.

“Let’s go home.” He turned to me, taking my hands. We waved goodbye to Boa, and headed home.

“What do you want to know, Paige?” Jonghyun asked me. All of us were sitting in the living room, waiting to hear the actions.

“What did you do in Singapore?” I could not hide my tension in my voice.

“Your enemies are, in fact, all in jail. The police have caught them. Our credit,” Jonghyun grinned. I frowned, how could they risk themselves?

Yeah, we were awesome!” Taemin exclaimed.

 “Don’t worry! We are fine. When Jonghyun heard that we are going Singapore, he was very worried about all sorts of things. He would not allow anything to happen to you. So he decided you would stay in Korea, while he goes to Singapore. Then he came up with his plan,” Onew said

“Yeah,” Jonghyun continued. “Then I thought, why not get rid of them. I did all sorts of research, for the big company. And, I was lucky enough, I found The K.Hudges Co., the CEO is Mr Hudges. They are the company that grew in an instant in 1998, the year you were taken away.

I guessed that they already knew you were in Korea, and staying with us.” Joghyun said.

From where? How would they know?” I was puzzled. Did my plans have flaws that I had not notice?

Internet news,” Minho replied. “Remember there was one time that you went SME, and was about to get kick out? They knew…

Anyone would have bet that I would take you along to Singapore when they heard SHINee’s promotion. They thought I would want to protect you, by taking you along. So, they can take action when we are there in Singapore.” Jonghyun smiled.

Remember I asked you to record one video of your story?” Jonghyun asked. I nodded slowly, thinking the link between them.

It served as an evidence for the police. A true life story of a victim in K.Hugdes Co. they can never get away with it.

“When he told us what he wanted to do, we thought he was crazy,” Onew chuckled at that thought. “But we supported him. We also wanted to help you, as a family.” They grinned at each other.

 “We found your parents,” Jonghyun stopped to look at me. He was giving me time to rejoice.

“They are fine,” Jonghyun answered before I could ask. “They even ask you to write to them often. Do you know that you had a little sister? She is already 9 years old. They all cared for you, Paige. They do not want you to go Singapore, because they know it is painful for you. I promised to take care of you.” Jonghyun smiled sincerely at me. I was all fuzzy inside, with his last sentence.

We even recorded the conversation between Mr Hudges and us in that house. It was another piece of evidence against Hudges.” Minho was proud of himself to figure it by himself.

Here comes the action!” Taemin eyed Minho, looking all excited.

As we talked, Hudges got more and more agitated. He wanted to kill us. His body guard was armed with guns and they pointed it at us.” Key joined in the animation. I stopped breathing; they had guns, pointing at my family!

“It is okay, Paige” Jonghyun placed both my hands in his, comforting me.

Then hyung shouted surprise and the police came charging in. They shouted, Freeze! Key and Minho grabbed hold of one of the bodyguard disarmed him. Onew and I seized the other. Hudges wanted to run, but slam! He fall flat on his face, on top of him was your father, Paige. And he raised his fist, and said coolly” Taemin stood up, one fist raised and other on the pillow.“‘This is for mis-treating my daughter.’ Then wham! His punched Hudges. It was like an action movie!

They all high fived each other, triumphant smiles spread across their faces. I heaved a sigh of relief. They were safe. But, how could they go through this, because of me? They were almost killed.

As far as we know, the policed pressed charges against him, now they had evidence. He is going to be jailed for a long time for it. Millions was recovered from his company.” Key added on, smirking.

All I could say is I am a genius.” Jonghyun showed-off. The room filled with laughter. I chortled with him.

All I could say is,” TaeMin paused at his words. “Dinner!




hope you guys enjoyed this story so far......((: & thanks thanks thanks a million times to those who subbed!<3

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Omg sooooo good
@Yoseobhasmyheart heh.Thank YOU!^^ <3 comments like these.makes my day.(: YES!SUPPORT THE SEQUEL.HEHEHE.^^
Gonna read the sequel now~ <3
@Gtvy67 TY!^^ if you wanna know, read the SEQUEL!!!^^
Omo:/ what's going to happen to the future of Paige and jonghyun >.< ah~~~
Love the story^^ author fighting!!!!
@Jessica1965 TYTY.hehe.please support the sequel story too!
Good story wait what am I talking about ??? It was awesome!!!!
@Choi_DeeJee Thank you!^^
@photomusicart heh.TY!hope you did enjoy it.(:
please do support the sequel too!^^
Haha this was interesting.........i read the whole thing in one sitting :)
Choi_DeeJee #10
You Have To Rock This Story!!