Chapter 15: Jonghyun POV- ray of hope

Escaping to Shinee's dorm

This chapter is Jonghyun POV.(:


The next morning, she lied in my arms, still soundly asleep. She snuggled closer and closer to me at night, treating me like her personal heater. I smiled at the fact that I was someone that she needed.

The previous night, I called all my juniors to let her stay with them, but they could not make it. If only someone could. As I submerged in my thoughts, my phone vibrated.

“An nyoung?” I greeted.

“Jonghyun sii!” Boa-noona was on the line.

“Ah! Noona! How are you?”

“Great, great! How is your training? Working hard, aren’t you?”

“Yes, noona, I am!” If Boa could take her in, maybe…

“That’s my dongsaeng!”

“Actually, noona, could you do this cute dongsaeng a favour and take care of Paige for me?”

“Paige? Your girlfriend?”

“Yes, noona. I would be going Singapore, so I hope you accompany her. She is still unfamiliar with Korea, as you see…”

“Sure, why not? Just sms me the detail alright! Nonna going to work now, see you soon!”

“Thank you so so much!! Love you, noona! See you!” I nearly screamed into the phone.

“Yes!” I yelled after I ended the call.

“What’s the happy event?” she mumbled. My roar had woken Paige up.

“Nothing, Paige,” I grinned.

It was great knowing that someone was taking care of Paige while I was away. Now, I could do my performance perfectly, I knew it.

Great work, guys. Hit the sack early, tomorrow is the big day.” Manager Hyung debriefed us in the dorm after practice.

“What’s wrong?” I turned to Paige, whose face now reflected uncertainty.

“Oppa,” Paige whispered. “I can see. My visions…”

“What did you see?”I hesitated. Did she found out? I had to break the news to her, sooner or later.

“I see myself with someone else, in her dorm. I am learning make-up from her. She is a stranger, but I feel close to her. I am still in Korea, Oppa. I can see snow. ”

“Paige, please listen to me, alright?” I spoke carefully, not wanting to surprise her. Paige nodded, willing to receive any bad news.

“Well, I am going to Singapore tomorrow,” I heard her gasp, her eyes widened. “I am going there to perform. I can’t take you with me. I want to protect you from them. It hurts not to see you. But this is necessary.”

Paige looked down, dejected obviously. She was afraid of that place more than anyone else. I took her face in my hands, titling it up so she could see me.

“Do you really have to go?” Paige asked.

“Yes, Paige. I called Boa noona and ask her a favor. I want you to go there, you will be safe. But you have to promise me not to leave the dorm in these 3 days I am away. Do you think you can do that?” I looked at her, desperately wanting to keep her safe.

Paige looked shocked, she was still processing all the information I had piled on her. I waited, for her to calm down and face this.

“Oppa… will you be alright? What if they knew our connection? What if they find you? What if…” Paige’s eyes filled up with tears.

“Shhh, Paige. I promise you I will keep myself safe, not letting them harm me. You must also promise me that, please.” I begged. Paige nodded, broke into a sob.

“Paige, Paige. Look at me, you will be fine, everything is. Your vision tells you so, isn’t it? You don’t see those bad guys in your future right? You will be alright. We both are going to be fine.” I assured her. Paige could not hold it any longer. She hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go.

“Oppa…Oppa…” was all she could say through her sobs. That night, I cradled her to sleep like usual, humming her favourite song to her. I let her hold onto me tightly, this was the only way to make her feel safe.

But, I knew there was a ray of hope for us, to be safe.

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Omg sooooo good
@Yoseobhasmyheart heh.Thank YOU!^^ <3 comments like these.makes my day.(: YES!SUPPORT THE SEQUEL.HEHEHE.^^
Gonna read the sequel now~ <3
@Gtvy67 TY!^^ if you wanna know, read the SEQUEL!!!^^
Omo:/ what's going to happen to the future of Paige and jonghyun >.< ah~~~
Love the story^^ author fighting!!!!
@Jessica1965 TYTY.hehe.please support the sequel story too!
Good story wait what am I talking about ??? It was awesome!!!!
@Choi_DeeJee Thank you!^^
@photomusicart heh.TY!hope you did enjoy it.(:
please do support the sequel too!^^
Haha this was interesting.........i read the whole thing in one sitting :)
Choi_DeeJee #10
You Have To Rock This Story!!