Chapter 13: Sing-a-pore

Escaping to Shinee's dorm


“Singapore,” Jonghyun said with a hint of worry. He was now sitting in the dorm, discharged from hospital, but still weak in his health. I was taking care of him, while others went for schedule.

Singapore was a subject that I wanted to avoid during my days here. It was a past. I kept silent, trying to reason with myself to tell him.

“Can you tell me about it? I want to know everything about you.” Jonghyun looked at me, searching for an approval on my face. I knew I could not hide this for very long.

I took a deep breath and sat beside him on the couch.

“I have a special gift when I was born. I was the test subject for them. They did all sorts of experiment on me.” I shivered when images of them start flowing in my brain. Jonghyun took my hand, .

“I have the abilityto bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present,” I continued. “For example, I can bring myself back to 10 years ago, or future 10years later. They know it will be useful for them if they have my gift. They can use my visions to cheat in their business. They know as long they have me, they will be the king in the business industry.”

“Who are they?”Jonghyun questioned.

“I never really know their real identity. But they are a big company named as The Red Carpet. I was discovered by them when I was 5. I was at the super market with my family and I got lost. They came and took me away. They knew my family was in debt, and took advantage of the situation. They kidnapped me on that day from my parent in exchange for clearing the debts. I never have seen them ever since. I lived in an underground facility, being locked up, only to leave when I attend school. And the only memory I had was the day at the super market. ”

 “I was envy of freedom. I want my freedom back so badly. So I planned. I know if I want my freedom, I have to get out of Singapore. I begged them to let me work part time. They did not budge with my begging, so I threaten them that I will not provide my visions if they don’t. In months, I earned for my plane ticket. I tried to see in my visions, which country will work out for me. Then, Korea gave me hope. I could only see pitch black in my vision, no men in suit, nothing. I realized it will work for Korea. I did everything without them noticing, but it was difficult.”

Jonghyun was giving me his full attention, not cutting in.

“I had everything planned. So I take action on the day when you return to Korea. That day, I escaped through the school’s bathroom. It had 2 doors. I changed my clothes and escaped one that was not guard by them. By the time they realized I was missing, I already took the train, heading towards the airport.”

“They were even faster, in their car. They arrived before I did. It was really a miracle I could avoid them. And, I think you helped me a little too.” I grinned. Jonghyun raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

“Your manic fans were there that day, so they helped me in hiding myself from them. That was when I bumped into you and managed to dodge them. Then I ran to the gate and board the plane.” I smiled at my sweet success in escaping.

“I thought I was hit another crazy fan,” Jonghyun laughed as he recalled. I shot him a disapproving look.

“But, something just bothers me. So this is why you are so distant when you first came? You learned to be defensive no matter in what situation.”

“Because I could not see anything when I am in Korea, it makes me unsafe. After awhile, I figured out the reason. It is because of you guys, if my future contains SHINee, I can’t see. So, I concluded that whenever things concern you boys, my vision will be blocked. I hate it, not knowing anything about you.” I sighed.

Jonghyun raised one eyebrow and chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

“You just surprise me,” He pinched my nose playfully. I rolled my eyes.

“Is telling me the story painful for you?”His face was suddenly serious.

I hesitated for a moment, looking thoughtfully at him.

“You are afraid it is painful for me, instead of thinking I am a freak who can see the future?” I was amazed.

“Well, yes, I care for your feelings more than anything else. Is it painful?” He repeated.

“It isn’t that bad, knowing you are with me.” I admitted truthfully.

“Thank you for telling me this.” He pulled me into a hug.

I buried my head in his shoulders, my tears trickling down my face. “You’re welcome”

It was comforting to know he was here for me.

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Omg sooooo good
@Yoseobhasmyheart heh.Thank YOU!^^ <3 comments like these.makes my day.(: YES!SUPPORT THE SEQUEL.HEHEHE.^^
Gonna read the sequel now~ <3
@Gtvy67 TY!^^ if you wanna know, read the SEQUEL!!!^^
Omo:/ what's going to happen to the future of Paige and jonghyun >.< ah~~~
Love the story^^ author fighting!!!!
@Jessica1965 TYTY.hehe.please support the sequel story too!
Good story wait what am I talking about ??? It was awesome!!!!
@Choi_DeeJee Thank you!^^
@photomusicart heh.TY!hope you did enjoy it.(:
please do support the sequel too!^^
Haha this was interesting.........i read the whole thing in one sitting :)
Choi_DeeJee #10
You Have To Rock This Story!!