Chapter 16: Jonghyun POV– The visit

Escaping to Shinee's dorm


“Please stay indoors, Paige. I left my winter jacket with you. Don’t fall sick. Be safe.” I kissed her goodbye on her closed eyes as I dropped her at Boa’s dorm.

“Fighting, Oppa.” Paige cheered for me. It made me felt that my decision was the right choice.

“Kamsahamnida, Boa noona,” I thanked Boa and headed for the car. They both waved goodbye, looking like friends already.

Hyung, they will be fine. The plan you came up with will work.” Minho encouraged me, knowing my troubles. I smiled at him. It was a risk after all, doing what I was planning. But, it would definitely worth it, all for my Paige.

Fans gathered around the stage, cheering for us. I enjoyed the attention. I danced confidentially on stage, knowing that the stage was ours. All the SHINee members enjoyed performing together. Every performance chance was precious to us. We enjoyed singing so much that we would not mind working extra hard for it.

Then as my eyes wandered to the fans, I saw them. Men in black suit and black sunglasses, exactly like Paige described. I smiled in triumph, I just had to make them follow and fall into the trap.

Thank you, you worked hard!” I bowed to the crew. The performance was over.

Hyung, could you drive to this address?” I handed my manager a slip of note.

Minho and Key grinned at each other. They insisted to be included in my plan, and could not take no for an answer.

We stopped under a block of flats. This was where Paige lived before she was five. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Yes?” a lady answered the door. She was beautiful, looking a lot like Paige.

“I am Jonghyun. Can I take some of your time?” I smiled kindly.

“May I know what this is about?” A man, apparently the lady’s husband came into view, with a little girl behind him.

“This is important, concerning your daughter. Can we talk inside?” I said. We let ourselves in, looking around at the small house. It was plain and simple, without much furniture. The living room was filled only a sofa in the living room and an old-looking table by the side. The windows were opened wide.

“Mr and Mrs Kai right? Nice to meet you, you must be Paige’s parent. ” I started on the topic as we settled ourselves in the room.

“Yes, we are. Did you hear something about my daughter? ” Mr Kai spoke anxiously as soon as they heard her name. Mrs Kai and the little girl squirmed beside him.

“Yes, actually we did hear about your daughter. Please allow us to explain,” I requested. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Minho’s hand moved into his pockets. He understood all too well.

“Well, your daughter is very safe. Don’t worry. After she left the organization, she is living with us in Korea and she misses you all.”  I noticed their expressions, in pain.

“This is a picture of her.” I took out my cell phone and showed them the wallpaper of us. I loved taking photos with Paige, she just look so cute in every picture.

“She’s… beautiful.” Mrs Kai took the picture from me. Mr Kai stared at the phone, one hand comforting his wife.

“Yes, she is.” I smiled. “Well, we have come here for a purpose, to inform you and to listen to your story. I want to know as much as I can. I want to pass the story to Paige.”

Mr Kailooked bewildered, but believed my explanation.

“Well,” Mr Kaitook up the courage and spoke. “Twelve years ago, Paige was kidnapped when we are not looking. My wife was very sick, and my company was in a mess, and Paige was missing. I was at a loss. Then, few days later, here was this fat old man who came to our house, introducing himself as Mr H. He said he could help us find Paige, and settle on our debt. However, his offer was on a condition, to hand over Paige to him and not contact her ever again. I refused, but he threatened to kill if I didn’t agree to take away my Paige. To protect my wife, I had no choice.”

Mr Kwon had pronounced Paige’s name with great difficulty and sadness.

 “So, he left the money and went off. It was enough for the 2 of us to have a normal life. My debt was taken care off. My wife was missing Paige so much that her illness got worst. She told me to look get her back no matter what. I was devastated too, so I agreed. I went up to the address on the name card the old man had given me. They refused and denied they had her. I struggled, and nearly got myself into jail for doing so. But, all these years, I knew they had her. Their company grew ever since they had my girl. So, as long as the company strived, my girl would be safe and sound.  I nursed my wife back to health and told her to accept the truth. She wanted another child, so we had my second child, Quinine.”

“Please keep sister away from the bad guys,” the little girl pleaded.

“I will,” I promised her. “Thank you, Mr Kai. She is as precious to me as to you and I will promise to protect her. Please pardon us for the next bit of…drama.” I added. Then I nodded to Onew. Onew took 2 big steps and reached the door. The man standing at the door was shocked, his hand held up, ready to knock on the door.

“Mr Hudges, welcome.” Onew smiled politely.

The man chuckled without any sense of kindness. He stepped in with his two body guard, the same ones I had noticed at the performance.

I knew my plan had worked. I looked at Mr Hudges calmly. Mr Hudges was short and fat, wearing a handsome suit, carrying a walking stick with him. He was sitting directly opposite me, a sign of war. Nonetheless, they were slowly falling into my trap.

“Greetings, greetings to my lovely friends here, and we have meet again, Mr Kai, and family.” He greeted us, as if we were old friends. Mr Kaifists clenched filled with anger. Mrs Kaicringe at the sight of Mr Hudges and the little girl grabbed Mrs Kaivery tightly.

“I heard you had my girl, my dear Paige. Is she well? She has been disobedient recently. We had a small little fight and she run away from home. I cannot bear to leave her like that. ” He spoke as if it was Paige was his family. I hated it, but controlled myself.

“Well, we did have her. I heard about you from her too.” I spoke calmly

“Oh, really? I am surprised she did. Usually, she kept it to herself.” Mr Hudges looked straight at me.

 “Mr Hudges, let’s cut his short, shall we? I know what you want and what you did to her.”

 “You know nothing, boy, nothing at all.” He knew he was exposed.

“I am shocked that girl will tell you everything.” His voice was cold now, even angry. “You really know nothing at all. This is a cruel industry. You be king or the loser. There is no exception.”

“You locked up an innocent girl for nothing!” I was furious.

“No, boy. She is not just some innocent girl you know. She is gifted. She can see them, all my solutions to my success.” Mr Hudges said proudly. “It is amazing, money kept rolling in. But what a careless mistake I have made. Foolish enough to let her live till totally outside my control.”

“However, this will be the last mistake I am going to make in my life,” he smirked. At the same moment, his body guard pointed their gun at us. Mr and Mrs Kaiinhale steeply, shocked. They moved in front of their child, trying to protect the scared child.

“Well, boys, any last words?” Mr Hudges laughed at his own little advantage in this situation. He wanted to silence us, permanently.

But I was one step ahead of him.

Bang! Came charging in was around six policemen armed with guns. The little girl screamed.

“Freeze!” They commanded. But Mr Hudges was already running, away from the police, towards the window. Then he was yanked from behind, stopping him from climbing the window. The one who pulled him was, surprisingly, Mr Kai.

“This is for mis-treating my daughter.” Mr Kaipunched towards Mr Hudge’s face.

The two bodyguards were stopped by Minho, TaeMin, Key and Onew all together. I grinned at them. The police handcuffed them, and sent them back to the police station.

“Chief, here is the evidence of Mr Hudges’s crimes.” Onew handed the chief police a voice recorder device and one piece of CD.

“Thank you so much for your cooperation. We have been investigating them for a long time, but do not have solid evidence to arrest them.” The chief shook hands with each of us.

“Sure, chief. It is good to see him in jail.” Onew said, grinning.

“Actually, boys, I have a request.” The chief hesitated, looking embarrassed. “Can I have your autograph? My girls are huge fans of your group.”

“Definitely, chief,” I smiled.



A SUPER SUPER long chapter.heh.hope it is not tooooooooooooooooo boring. and if you like  this story, please subscribe!!THANK YOU!!<3 

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Omg sooooo good
@Yoseobhasmyheart heh.Thank YOU!^^ <3 comments like these.makes my day.(: YES!SUPPORT THE SEQUEL.HEHEHE.^^
Gonna read the sequel now~ <3
@Gtvy67 TY!^^ if you wanna know, read the SEQUEL!!!^^
Omo:/ what's going to happen to the future of Paige and jonghyun >.< ah~~~
Love the story^^ author fighting!!!!
@Jessica1965 TYTY.hehe.please support the sequel story too!
Good story wait what am I talking about ??? It was awesome!!!!
@Choi_DeeJee Thank you!^^
@photomusicart heh.TY!hope you did enjoy it.(:
please do support the sequel too!^^
Haha this was interesting.........i read the whole thing in one sitting :)
Choi_DeeJee #10
You Have To Rock This Story!!