It begins

Assassin Girl
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“Hello everyone, I am Shiko Yuki” she brought out the best smiling face she could muster as she greeted her new classmates “It’s very nice to meet you all. Let’s all get along well” she ended then bowed.

While the students were busy commenting on her beauty and ‘cuteness’. She gagged at the thought that she would have to act all nice and normal around all these people until further notice. “Worthless people! Saying things like ‘It’s nice to meet you too’ and ‘I want to be friends with you’! In the end, they’ll just stab you in the back and betray you” These were the thoughts that ran in her mind as she made her way to her assigned seat: the third-to-the-last seat in the last row.

“I would have refused this mission if I had known that I’d have to be around idiots such as these people” she complained to herself.


“All you have to do, my dear, is to find the target, make friends with him and gain his trust ... then have him give you the password” Akuma explained the details of her mission excitedly “Sounds pretty easy, right? ... you don’t have to kill anyone this time!”

“I don’t want to do it! ... Why is this mission so troublesome?! Just corner the guy and force him to blurt out the freaking password!” Shiko protested.

“Oh? ... weren’t you always the one who DESPISED violence and killing? What’s wrong with you now?” Akuma retorted, shutting the girl up. “The Kim family is NOT that easy to crack, my dear Shiko” he looked at her straight in the eyes “After the completion of their high-end vault, Mr. and Mrs. Kim had the password given to their only son without knowing it themselves.” Akuma continued explaining.

“B-but still! Why must I have to get close to the target!?!” Shiko still complained. “Silence! You WILL do this mission and that’s final!” Akuma concluded “Your admission to Cha Ran has been taken care of and you can start next week”.

The girl was silenced but still ultimately disliked the idea. “Be sure to do well, my dear. You know the consequences if you fail” Akuma said with an evil look in his eyes before exiting the room.


“Tch! Just remembering it makes me so furious!” Shiko clenched her fist. “Uhm” I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and saw a smiling face. What’s up with this girl?

“I’m Sherina” she continued “Sherina Megumi” she repeated and offered a handshake ”I hope we become friends”. “What? You expect me to shake that?”. I just stared at her. “Shiko Yuki” I finally decided to say before turning around again to face the teacher, completely ignoring her hand. “Friends? Psh! Give me a break!” I scoffed inside.

The classes proceeded. Soon enough, the bell rang to signal that it was lunch time.

“Okay class” smiled the History teacher “See you all tomorrow~ Enjoy your lunches” she waved as she exited the classroom.

Sherina and another girl approached Shiko “U-uhm...”.

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[Assassin Girl] I'm currently speed-typing up the next chapter xD should be up soon^^


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New reader~~ The story is very interesting~ What anime, may I ask, is it based on? ^^
lockeycharm26 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!
jeya_013 #3
Chapter 21: Looks nice so far .! Thank you for sharing .! Can't wait for more .! :D
jeya_013 #5
Chapter 1: Waah! I really like this story of your's! I love shiko's character, please update soon author~nim.^^
Sicaluvschocolate #6
Chapter 20: Lol at minho, I laughed so hard at that bit!!!!
Chapter 20: OMG I LOVE YOU <3 you updated~ I'm so happyyy nowwww...but Shiko why continue the mission >_<
Chapter 19: Yay! She confessed! I'm so happyyyy~! I love this fic so much don't worry author-nim~
Sicaluvschocolate #9
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG update soon I just- OMG