
Assassin Girl
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Jessica sat on the swivel chair of Akuma’s office with a thoughtful look on her face. Her fingers tapped the mahogany table and her lips pursed occasionally. She was thinking of something; something important.


“How do I begin to do this, I wonder. Won’t be long now before Akuma comes back. I have to be quick” she said to herself, her eyebrows furrowed.

She grabbed her hair “Aish, that girl! I’m trying to help her out and she refuses! Geez!”

Shiko stood there … utterly SPEECHLESS at what Key had just told her.


“S-shiko?” Key cautiously spoke, worried about her reaction. He stepped closer to her and she stepped back, away from him. “What’s wrong?”


“I-I …” Shiko struggled to find her voice and thoughts. Key was trembling, thinking that he might be scaring away the girl he liked. He didn’t want that! Now, he was instantly regretting his confession. How could he be so stupid!? She barely even trusted him!

“Shiko, I--“

“Shh!” Shiko suddenly raised his palm in front of his face, signalling him to be quiet. Her eyes were suddenly fierce and she was looking around suspiciously.

He looked around as well. He couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary though.

“Shiko, there’s no--“

“SHHH!!” she hissed again and focused her glares on one particular spot to their right.


With her sharp eyes, Shiko spotted a metal object hurling towards them at break-neck speed. “Watch out!” she pushed Key hard to the side and the metal object missed him by about an arm’s length. The Kim industries heir’s eyes widened when he saw what that metal object was: a small, sharp dagger. “What the heck!?” he gasped.

Without wasting another second, Shiko dashed toward the source of the dagger “Darn it! Just when I don’t have my katana!” she cursed inwardly but still went forward, swinging her legs powerfully at the dark corner.

A man clad in black dodged her attack and was now out in the open. Recovering quicky, Shiko quickly followed up with another kick towards the stranger but with her other leg. The man blocked and attacked as well, easily dodged by the girl through a fast backflip.


Key’s eyes remained wide as saucers and his jaw hung low as the scenes unfolded in front of him. It was like watching a really cool action movie. He had never, NEVER expected Shiko to move as swift and fierce as how she was fighting this man now. Wasn’t she supposed to be the mysterious, new girl? Wasn’t she an introvert? She didn’t even want friends at first! So what the heck was happening now?!

He felt that everything he worked SO HARD on finding out about her was vanishing in front of his eyes.

Who was that girl right now? How on earth can she fight like that? What happened to her

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[Assassin Girl] I'm currently speed-typing up the next chapter xD should be up soon^^


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New reader~~ The story is very interesting~ What anime, may I ask, is it based on? ^^
lockeycharm26 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!
jeya_013 #3
Chapter 21: Looks nice so far .! Thank you for sharing .! Can't wait for more .! :D
jeya_013 #5
Chapter 1: Waah! I really like this story of your's! I love shiko's character, please update soon author~nim.^^
Sicaluvschocolate #6
Chapter 20: Lol at minho, I laughed so hard at that bit!!!!
Chapter 20: OMG I LOVE YOU <3 you updated~ I'm so happyyy nowwww...but Shiko why continue the mission >_<
Chapter 19: Yay! She confessed! I'm so happyyyy~! I love this fic so much don't worry author-nim~
Sicaluvschocolate #9
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG update soon I just- OMG