Why are you so Lost?

Assassin Girl
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“Ya, ya, ya! … Did you hear? Did you hear? … the news! About the CEO of Kim Motors!”

“Ah, yeah! My dad is a close partner of that guy. It was so shocking!”

“But here’s something that they didn’t reveal on the news! … The only thing that was missing from CEO Kim after the murder … was his dogtag”

“What? Why the heck would they kill him for the dog tag?”

“Fool! That was no ordinary dog tag! It’s actually the KEY to the CEO’s wealth! His vault!”

“Omo! I heard from my mom that that vault was wiped clean just a few days ago! Without any trace too!”

“Oh my gosh! So the Black Death really IS here! So scary!”


Shiko touched the cut on her cheek. The one left by Akuma during that night when she killed the CEO but not the policeman. All the rumors among the students haven’t died down. Not a bit. All this was giving her a bad head ache.

“I’ve been meaning to ask …” Shin Ah said from beside her. “What?” the assassin girl looked her way.

“Why do you have such a cut on your face? You don’t even cover it with a band aid or something”

“It’s no big deal, don’t bother about it” she said flatly. “B-but what if it scars?” Sherina worriedly asked. “It’s fine” Shiko replied, dismissing the matter. She wasn’t really in the mood for petty talk. Sensing that aura, Shin Ah and Sherina shut up.

That lunch time, Shiko decided to take a break from hanging out with Sherina and Shin Ah for a while. She was at her usual place when she wanted to be alone; the branch of one of the trees in the school’s gardens. It was a place that was quiet, just the way the assassin girl preferred it when she wanted to think.


What am I doing? Just what am I still doing here?

Do I still have to do that darn mission? Even when Akuma is away? Like this, I could easily just run. Run away and never come back. Why am I still here?


She stared at the lazy clouds rolling by above her head


I can just leave, right? It’s not like I have anything better to do here in this place filled with clueless, idiotic rich kids who waste their time doing whatever they like but still be promised a good future.


She could mock them all she wanted but Shiko could never deny that she envied those ‘idiotic rich kids’. She can never be like them; she had no life, she had no future. She could do whatever she wanted but it wouldn’t end the way she would want it to. She doesn’t even know WHAT she wants. Everything in this girl’s life was just a dull blur. No life, not even a glint of hope.



“Shiko-ah!” came a voice from below. Looking down, Shiko’s eyes widened to see who was looking for her. It was Key. “And what’s his deal?”. “Shiko-ah!” he called again “Aish! Just where IS that girl?” he stomped his foot like a 5-year old. For a second there, Shiko ACTUALLY thought about calling back “Wait, what am I doing?” she caught herself.

It puzzled her how those thoughts could even begin to cross her mind. It’s not like she and Key were in a close enough relationship to be always glued to each other. If anything, they’re simply ‘comrades’ on getting Sherina and Taemin together. WHY is she helping this cause again?



To get close to the target.


“Figures” she mumbled and jumped down from the branch effortlessly. “Omo! You startled me!!” Key exclaimed as she landed right in front of him “Did you just …” he pointed up the tree “Come from THERE?!” he gaped. She didn’t answer “Why are you looking for me, sunbae?” she asked him instead, suddenly in ‘average, school girl mode’.

“O-oh” Key sheepishly scratched the back of his head “Well, I met Shin Ah and Sherina at the cafeteria earlier and they said you didn’t want to joi

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[Assassin Girl] I'm currently speed-typing up the next chapter xD should be up soon^^


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New reader~~ The story is very interesting~ What anime, may I ask, is it based on? ^^
lockeycharm26 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!
jeya_013 #3
Chapter 21: Looks nice so far .! Thank you for sharing .! Can't wait for more .! :D
jeya_013 #5
Chapter 1: Waah! I really like this story of your's! I love shiko's character, please update soon author~nim.^^
Sicaluvschocolate #6
Chapter 20: Lol at minho, I laughed so hard at that bit!!!!
Chapter 20: OMG I LOVE YOU <3 you updated~ I'm so happyyy nowwww...but Shiko why continue the mission >_<
Chapter 19: Yay! She confessed! I'm so happyyyy~! I love this fic so much don't worry author-nim~
Sicaluvschocolate #9
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG update soon I just- OMG