As Planned

Assassin Girl
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“And that way is the dining room … up here is the way to the rooms. To the left is the 2nd ballroom and to the right is the library. This door is …” Key rambled on and on. His eyes were glistening in excitement as he pointed to almost every corner of the house.


Shiko’s sharp eyes took in every detail of the place; from the structure of the house, to the approximate measurements of the spaces of the hallways, windows and doors. Not forgetting, of course, to take note of the CCTV cameras that were distributed throughout the house, leaving minimal to no blind spots.  “Impressive …” she thought.


“I just don’t understand it …” she heard someone mumble from behind and turned her head to see Minho with an expression of distaste while staring at the hyperactive Key who was even describing a small, old drawing of a distorted dog on the wall “Scratch that, I will NEVER understand it” he sighed. “Understand what?” Shiko asked out of curiosity.

“You weren’t on drugs when you agreed to be THAT guy’s girlfriend, were you?” Minho blurted out as he pointed to Key who was now scolding Taemin for laughing at the doodle on the wall saying that it was a precious childhood memory. “But hyung! it seriously looks like a pile of-- ”   “Shut up! I’ll turn YOU into a pile of--”

“OH-KAY! break it up, you two!” Onew interrupted the bickering pair “… Geez. Just stick with your ‘umma and son’ concept, will ya?”. “I’LL do the disciplining here, Youngam! (old man)” Key barked.


Shiko was taken aback by Minho’s question but couldn’t help but smile unconsciously at all the sudden mess. “Eo! You smiled!” Minho pointed out, surprised and she quickly reverted back to her cold demeanour. “So you agree that Kibum is a total dork, right?” Minho grinned.

“I heard that!” was Key’s remark.


“These guys are just a bunch of idiots …” she muttered in her brain. They were too carefree and optimistic; it was like nothing could ruin their good moods. In her opinion, they were stupid for not putting their guards up. They were high-profile people and yet, they play around like little kids; not worried about their safety and security. Idiotic. Just plain idiotic.



Finally, they came to the innermost part of the estate, Key was blabbering on about how this was the part of their house that he hated the most since it was old and dark and just plain creepy.

Shiko, on the other hand, spott

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[Assassin Girl] I'm currently speed-typing up the next chapter xD should be up soon^^


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New reader~~ The story is very interesting~ What anime, may I ask, is it based on? ^^
lockeycharm26 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!
jeya_013 #3
Chapter 21: Looks nice so far .! Thank you for sharing .! Can't wait for more .! :D
jeya_013 #5
Chapter 1: Waah! I really like this story of your's! I love shiko's character, please update soon author~nim.^^
Sicaluvschocolate #6
Chapter 20: Lol at minho, I laughed so hard at that bit!!!!
Chapter 20: OMG I LOVE YOU <3 you updated~ I'm so happyyy nowwww...but Shiko why continue the mission >_<
Chapter 19: Yay! She confessed! I'm so happyyyy~! I love this fic so much don't worry author-nim~
Sicaluvschocolate #9
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG update soon I just- OMG