The Answer

Assassin Girl
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“Nadeshiko Yuki. I want a progress report on your mission …” Jessica had on a serious expression while sitting on Akuma’s chair, she didn’t exude the usual mischievous aura.

Shiko actually tensed up at the question. Jessica had been true to her ‘As long as Akuma is away and I’m in charge, you’re free to do what you want’ motive until now.

“What’s this all of a sudden?” Shiko quickly regained her composure and raised an eyebrow at the older girl “Did you eat something strange?”


“Akuma has threatened to return if the progress of that mission has failed to reach his expectations” Jessica informed her flatly.

Shiko’s eyes widened. Crap! What would happen if that devil found out that she hadn’t even obtained the slightest idea about the Kim Family vault?


“You and I both know that we don’t want that guy to come back so we better make this work. Give me something I can use, I’ll handle it.” Jessica offered.


Shiko swallowed. This was NOT good.

“Miss Yuki!” Sherina and Shin Ah greeted Shiko as soon as she entered the school gates. She heaved a long sigh then quickly switched into the ‘sweet, innocent girl’ that they came to know, flashing them a small smile as they ran up to her.


“Exams are over so you don’t have to study after class anymore, Miss Yuki …” Sherina said as the three girls were walking toward their classroom “Do you want to do something this afternoon? The three of us haven’t gone out together yet”

“A-ah … Sorry …” Shiko tried to sound as meek as possible “I have … something I have to do after class … maybe another time?”. Shin Ah and Sherina deflated at the rejection but just nodded in understanding for their friend.


“Don’t lose focus now, Nadeshiko …” Shiko said to herself “Today is a mission day …” she clenched her fists discreetly. She HAD to get this done; she HAD to get something out of Key about their family vault. She would settle for anything as long as it’s something she could use.


She didn’t know why but she was nervous to face Key again.

Afternoon came in a flash, Sherina and Shin Ah reluctantly bade Shiko goodbye for the day.


Shiko gripped the hems of her sleeves t

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[Assassin Girl] I'm currently speed-typing up the next chapter xD should be up soon^^


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New reader~~ The story is very interesting~ What anime, may I ask, is it based on? ^^
lockeycharm26 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!
jeya_013 #3
Chapter 21: Looks nice so far .! Thank you for sharing .! Can't wait for more .! :D
jeya_013 #5
Chapter 1: Waah! I really like this story of your's! I love shiko's character, please update soon author~nim.^^
Sicaluvschocolate #6
Chapter 20: Lol at minho, I laughed so hard at that bit!!!!
Chapter 20: OMG I LOVE YOU <3 you updated~ I'm so happyyy nowwww...but Shiko why continue the mission >_<
Chapter 19: Yay! She confessed! I'm so happyyyy~! I love this fic so much don't worry author-nim~
Sicaluvschocolate #9
Chapter 19: OMG OMG OMG update soon I just- OMG