Chapter 54

Looking for Love

We head back into the car. 

Next Stop, Zillion Faterson School. We wait for Arhaam in the car.

He comes in the car and sits down next to me.

He complains, "I was working such a late shift last night. I made like six hundred dollars this week" He say something like that. I am impressed with all the money he made. I did not realize that he is the type to work. He mentions something about moving around boxes. Ooh physical labor huh.

 Zayaan and Karim are driving and they pull over by a deli in a sketchy area. 

I didn't realize that we would be making all these stops today. 

Karim says, "This place does not ID". Oh yeah, they are both under 21. They are both 20. I forget sometimes that they are basically kids like me since they are doing all this crazy . All this drinking and smoking and partying and I would think they are at least 21 to be doing all this so often but no, they are the same age as me basically. I feel so immature and young compared to them though. 

Looking back, I feel like they are really kids trying to come off as older but looking back, being older is not cool, being young is. You get away with a lot more. Not having your together... Things like that you know.

"You guys can wait in the car" Zayaan and Karim say as they get ready to go get the drinks. It would not be a good idea for me to go with them of course. I look so young. It might raise suspicion of their age and cause them to get ID'd. How did  they even manage to find a place that does not ID and how does this place not get in trouble? I guess this is New Jersey for you.

Zayaan and Karim walk out the car. As soon as they leave, Arhaam turns to me and looks at me and says, "I only got like two hours of sleep last night." I feel surprised that he is being honest and telling me all this considering how he was roasting me last time and making me feel uncomfortable. I guess he really is a real one.

I respond to Arhaam, "Oh really" with a huge smile on my face. "That is so little. You need to sleep" I explain to him.

I look up through the car window and see that Zayaan and Karim are looking back at the car at us conversing.

Karim has this huge suspicious smile on his face, like he is suspicious and amused of me at the same time that I am speaking so freely and happily to Arhaam.

Zayaan looks like he has no idea what to think even though he is smiling to. 

Zayaan and Karim take a while in there getting the drinks. Arhaam gets so tired that he literally knocks out right next to me.

Bored, I take my phone out and take a quick snap of the moment, with me and his friend right next to me and caption it "His friend fell asleep". I don't remember if I sent it to anyone. 

Zayaan and Karim come back and I am not paying attention that much since I am shy but I think I recall Zayaan mentioning, "You can have my girl". I get a confused look on my face immediately, and Karim is watching for my reaction. He sees the confused and offended look on my face. Why is Zayaan telling Arhaam that he can have me? Then Zayaan says, "Just kidding". Looking back, I should have realized that this was a sign of disrespect but it was too late anyway since we did it.

Maybe he was jealous that I was talking so excitedly and freely to Arhaam with a smile on my face and we were both conversing like best pals? Now that I think about it, it was kind of cute and maybe it was a sign of jealousy. However, now I wonder, was our relationship that bad that I and Zayaan never talked freely like that or joked like that? Was I always just nervous and just saying like one or two words to him? So when he saw me acting that freely to Arhaam, he felt kind of jelous?

Looking back, I guess Zayaan really did care about the conversation more than the , or just as much I don't know, well actually more since it seemed like it was a dealbreaker.

He just wanted a girl that could talk freely to him like best pals and be chill. It didn't matter that I was so into him or that we were smashing if I could not talk to him comfortably... 

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