Chapter 14

Looking for Love

I was feeling so awkward in Zayan's car with him and Kareem. They were both looking back at me. Then in a rush, they started up the car and started driving to god knows where. I was just sitting in the back awkwardly. This was not what I was expecting. I thought it was just gonna be me and Zayan together and talking over a cup of coffee. Not with his best friend there!

Karim kept looking back at me all smiley and stuff. I can not remember what he said exactly but he asked me, "So your name is Ji Eun right?"


"Wow that is so cool" Karim says. 

Zayan added on, "Karim could not believe it at first when I told him"

"Alright, let us play some music", Karim says and he started playing a popular song that his the song Ji Eun in it. And that is how the tradition began with him playing that song with my name in it every time i entered the car.  I was named after a famous singer so I get that a lot but I never had someone make such a big deal out of it that they started playing the music everytime they saw me.

Zayan asked me how I am  I think. I felt shy and told him I am fine. I could hardly talk.  I felt so shy and little. Coming in, I thought that I was going to be so confident and cool but seeing the both of them and just starting at me totally made me shy and killed my confidence.

I got a text from my friend asking me where I am. Oh , I am skipping English class I remembered to come on a date with Zayan. I told Zayan, "My friend just texted me".

"Oh what did she say" he asks. 

"She asked me where I am. I am cutting English class right now..."

"Oh wow you had a class today" Zayan says.

"Yea but I am cutting it"

Karim asks me,  "Hey what song do you  want us to play?". I wonder why he asks me that. Is he trying to figure out what kind of music I like? What kind of person I am?

"Play anything!"

"Come on you must have something in mind" he states and then gives me his phone. "Just search up a song and play it" on Youtube. I was impressed. I guess he had unlimited internet or something to be letting me search up anything.

Not knowing what to choose, I looked up an old song I like "Replay" by Iyaz. I remember that was a hit in the early 2000s. I would listen to it and think of my middle school crushes.

Karim took a look at the song and was like "ayy old songs are nice. Throwback!"

Then all of a sudden Karim asks me, "Hey have you ever drunk before?"

I say "No, I have not".

Karim seems surprised and he is like "Oh my god you gotta try it today. You are totally drinking. Have you had breakfast though?"

"Yes" I respond.

"Okay good, because you should not drink on an empty stomache or you might throw up".

Wow I could not believe it. They were gonna get me to drink today. I felt weird about it. But lowkey excited because I have never tried it before but guilty and haram at hte same time.

The drive took a while! Longer than I thought. And by the time we knew it. We were at his school. I felt in awe. This felt like everything I saw in his Youtube videos was coming true. This parking area was something I saw in one of Zayaan's Youtube videos. I could not believe that I was apart of it now. It felt familiar in a way. Seeing his Youtube videos come to real life. I remmeber in the Youtube video, Zayaan was driving for school and then he started looking for parking. He could not find any that he got so late or ended up cutting class. I could not remember. Then he said to never commute and just dorm.

Once Zayan parked the car, he opened the car doors and we all got out. I could not help but notice how tall both Zayaan and Karim were. They looked like tall giants! I knew they were tall but I did not realize they were THAT tall. Both of them too. I think Zayan was noticing too and said with a chuckle, "Ji Eun, you are so small" or short  or tiny or something. I could not remember what it was. 

 Zayan came and extended his hands toward me and I took it. I felt so happy that he was holding my hand. And we walked hand in hand towards one of the buildings of his school. I was smiling so hard. I had never done this with a guy before. Hold hands. It felt so sweet and romantic like we were couple goals or something.

And our height difference was so cute!  I saw us through the reflection of the window and we looked cute together. I mean he looked a bit skinny but we still looked like a cute couple.

We walked into the big building and hand in hand we went down the stairs and towards where the bathrooms were. Karim jumped at the sight of the bathroom and said he had to piss really badly. They both ran into the bathroom, peed and came out. I kind of wanted to pee too but I felt too shy to mention it.

Then Zayaan took me into a arcade with Karim by our side. It was full of guys. They took a glance at me but made me feel kind of invisible. Then Zayaan said " I have a gift" and I thought it was a gift for me but it was actually a ps4 that he took out of his bag. 

He started hooking it up and started playing video games with his friends. I felt kind of invisible and did not even know where to sit. At first I watched him with a smile on his face. Everything felt kind of surreal. I remembered seeing this arcade in one of his Youtube videos. Its like his Youtube video came to life in school. I remember in one video, he said that one of his fans showed up at his school in the arcade. Or was that in person or in a live. I cannot remember.  But then I felt awkwards and started looking for the bathroom. Next thing I know, I Get a text from him on snapchat asking me, "Hey where are you"? 

After I pee, I respond "Im in the bathroom" When I come out. I see him. Wow he noticed I was gone quickly and came to get me. I go to drink water and he does too. There are two water fountains. He goes to the short one at first and then chuckles and asks me if I want to switch. I tell him yeah and then I drink at the shorter water fountain and he drinks at the taller one.

When we get back, he notices my pink bag and asks me if I want to put it in his bookbag. I agree to it and do that but take out my phone first to which he puts in his pocket. I wonder why he did that. Did he secretly want to look at my messages somehow? I did not know how I felt about him having my phone in his pocket.

He starts playing ping pong and I Watch him and his friends with a smile on his face and he keeps staring at me and throwing kisses towards my way. 

I felt so smitten and just started at him with big eyes and a smile since I did not know how to act. Man, I was such  a simp man. Looking back on it, that way way too much. Looking at him with adoring eyes for him hardly doing anything. I was admiring him way too much.

I felt like his friends were looking at me. He was playing ping pong and not paying that much attention to me. Karim started talking to me and cracking jokes making me laugh and putting a big smile on my face with my teeth showing.

Zayaan noticed and he seemed like he got a little jelous and starting talking to me instead.

After playing around for a bit, Zayaan grabbed me and  the three of us went out somewhere.  And thats when I first saw Arham, the cute asian looking boy from Zayaan's youtube videos.



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