Chapter 15

Looking for Love

I remember finding Arham cute in Zayaan's youtube videos. He looked so shy in the videos and I am such a er for shy guys. I was honestly surprised when I met him in person and he was not the same cute sweet shy boy from the videos. If anything he was a bit rude especially compared to a sweet outgoing guy like Karim. 

He looked at me weirdly and then away. He did not even aknowledge my existance. Zayaan picked me up and helped me sit down on top of this ledge and then he got on to. I found that so hot. The way he handled my body like that. So easily. Then Zayaan takes out a vape pen and starts smoking. I am not sure but I think I remember him smoking on Facetime. I did not know how I felt about him doing that.

Then his other friend came and jokingly said you have food on your shirt and then he pointed to the word halal. I found that funny. I never saw Zayaan in a weak moment like that. 

We were just sitting down and I felt like Arhaam kept looking at me weird. After a while of smoking and stuff and I can not remember but I think Zayaan's friend talked to me a bit.

Karim says something about me being small.

"I can pick you up" I say and put my arms around him and try to lift him up. I think it kind of worked!"

Karim just laughs. Zayaan does not seem amused. He has a serious frown on his face. I guess he was not too happy about me holding his friend? Or having any contact?

Zayaan takes me to a huge feild thats full of people and he tells me people do this weekly. This school kind of seemed like a party school but fun. 

There is people everywhere playing games and music. Zayaan joins in on a game of catch and I just stand in the back and watch. I thought he would expect me to join in but he does not. Then out of nowhere we just stop and lookin into each others eyes and stare. He looks down at me and I look up at him smiling with Karim in the background staring at us with a half smile on his face.

It feels so special and nice like our own little moment. I think I had my arms around his neck.

Then he grabs cotton candy for the both of us and takes a chunk and feeds it to me. We do it to each other. Then all of a sudden, in front of all those people, he puckers his lips and points at them. Not sure what to do, I go towards him and tipy toe and put my lips on his while staring at him shyly. After like a second or two of awkwardly pressing our lips together in front of all those people, in the middle of a crowd, I step back awkwardly. In the background, Karim is watching the whole time and he says, "Awe thats cute!". I did not even realize he was watching us kiss. And that was our first kiss.


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