Chapter 34

Looking for Love

The car is going by quick and it is already getting dark. It is around 7 PM. I am glad that they are dropping me off around the right time. 

They are talking and having a good laugh while driving. 

It is fun.  Then Zaynaan parks the car and Karim and Zayaan switch seats. "Bye kiddy!" Karim says with a big smile on his face. That is his little nickname for me. "Bye" I managed to get out and wave by with a smile on my face.  I love that guy.  He is so cute and positive! Zayaan gets out and grabs my hand and we both walk really quickly towards the station. We make the ticket and step on the escalator. I start to feel emotional. I do not want to let him go. Just like last time, I start looking down into his eyes and he is smiling at me. I can not believe these are our last seconds together. I always cherish the last few minutes we have left together. We start making out a little on the escalator. Once we reach the platform, we realize that there is still a good twenty minutes until the train into New York will come. "Wanna go back inside the car?"

"Why not" I say. It is a while. 

Then we go back inside the car and Arhaam and Zayaan seem surprised to see us. "What happened?" they ask.

"The train is not coming for like another 25 minutes" Zayaan exasperaes.


We hop back in the back seat and start waiting. While we are waiting I am sitting on Zayaan. I think he told me to sit on him. And we start making out.

Karim turns around and says, "I see you".  Arhaam is looking too in surprise. Wow is it not normal to make out this much? Are other people not that in love like we are? I feel so happy to be with this guy and I just honestly can not keep my hands off him. I love and cherish every second that I have with him. 

"It has been like 15 minutes" I realize the time.

"Oh really?" Zayaan asks and we get out again for the second time and make it back towards the train station. I am hugging him all the way up the escalator.

Once we reach the platform, Zayaan stands while I put my arms around his shoulder and look up into his eyes. I feel like other people are staring at us. There are so many people around us.

"There is a lot of people going into New York today huh?"

"I guess" I confirm.

I love him. I feel like we are in a movie and so lucky. Two lovebirds just walking around and letting each other go on the train, straight out of a movie. People must be jelous that they do not have a love like us. They are watching in surprise seeing us young people so in love. It feels like straight of a movie. Young dumb and in love!

"I am so happy to be with you"

"Me too"

"Thanks for coming out today"

"I am so lucky to have you" I say.

"No I am the lucky one"

"You are just perfect".

"I am gonna miss you" he tells me.

"Me too".

"Make sure to text me when you get home babe"  he tells me.

The trains come and we both look dissapointed that we have to stop.

He lets me go to the train but kisses me before he says good bye. 

I hop on the train and am waiting for the train to take off when I get a text. It is Zayaan. The text says, "I see you". I look down and I see Zayaan staring at me from below, with a smirk, half smile on his face. God he is so cute. I start smiling big too and wave down at him.

He smiles, laughs a little and  I wave him off. He starts heading downstairs to go meet his friends I guess.

I sigh. I hate parting ways with him everytime. I enjoy all my time with him and its never enough! I never feel bored. It is always so exciting to see him.

And the train takes off.

He texts me throughout the whole ride telling me how much he misses me.

When I am home, around 11:26 PM, I text him, "I miss my world" on a black screen . He keeps telling me that I am his everything. Little did I know this is bull and talk in the moment. Did he fake it?

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