Meeting the family

Cafe latte

The next morning, Jin woke up, arms wrapped around Namjoon's torso. He smiled, kissing the back of Namjoon's head and nuzzling into him. Namjoon sleepily stirred, turning so that he was facing Jin. Jin slowly propped himself up on his elbows, checking the time.

"!" He said loudly.

This caused Namjoon to jump awake.

"What?" Namjoon said, worried.

"I have to go. I'm sorry! Uh-"

"Are you late for work? I thought you were off today." Namjoon asked, groggily.

"No, my mom needs me to help her clean the house up for my aunt and uncle coming to town in a few days." He asnwered.

"Oh...well...I can help! Please?" Namjoon asked, smiling cutely.

This caused Jin to chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"No. Not this time babe. But ill-" he started.

"Aww please? Why not? I like spending time with you. I don't care what we do." Namjoon said, slightly sad.

"God damnit you're so cute. Hmm...okay. besides I don't think Mom would mind the extra help." Jin said with a smile.

Namjoon nodded.

The two got ready quickly and headed to the car. Once they got to Jin's house, they paused, sitting in Jin's car, not saying a single word. 

"J-jin?" Namjoon asked, slowly.

"Yes honey?" Jin replied.

"Do your parents know you're know? Not...straight?" He asked, worried.

Jin nodded.

"Yeah, they know. Do yours?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"Yes they do. Do they know about me?"

Jin shook his head.

"No." He said.

Namjoon suddenly felt a wave of nervousness.

"M-maybe I should've stayed home. What if they don't like me? I mean...what if they think I'm a spoiled brat o-or-"

"Aww honey it's okay. They will adore you. Now come on. Mom's waiting." 

Namjoon regained composure and stepped out of the car. The two of them stepped into the small house, Namjoon slowly looked around.

"Huh...uh...small room." He commented.

Jin slowly looked at him.

"Uh... This is the whole house. I'll show you my room but first let's meet Mom." 

"Hey Mom?" Jin called.

"Yes? I'm in here!" She called from her room.

"Hi Mom!" He said happily, hugging her.

"Oh, who's this?" She asked, politely.

Namjoon blushed, shyly.

"This is Namjoon." He said, proudly, smiling at Namjoon.

Namjoon bowed.

"U-uh...hi..." He said, queitly.

"Tell me about yourself." She asked.

He thought for a moment.

"Uh...well..I'm going to school for music production." 

"Oh do you have a job?" She asked.

He blushed, embarrassed.

" my parents pay for everything." He said.

She nodded, slowly.

"Oh. You can't expect them to pay for everything when you are old right? So you should get a job. I'm sure my son could get you a job at him work." She insisted.

"'s very busy with school he wouldn't have time-"

"Oh nonsense son! You did it before! You had two jobs and school! Not to mention you would still come home and take care of your brother when he was sick. Or any of us for that matter."

Namjoon blushed, feeling useless.

Jin could sense the hurt in Namjoon's eyes. He frowned.

"Mom. That's not why we are here. Did you want help cleaning or not? If you keep degrading him like this, we're going to leave." Jin stated, irritated.

His mother stared, frowning.

"W-well I'm not degrading him. I was just saying it's possible to work and do school together. So who are you to my son?" She asked, sternly.

Namjoon gulped.

"H-his..." He trailed off, looking at Jin, nervously.

He came to realize they never really established weather they were really dating or not.

"Boyfriend." Jin answered, smiling and folding his hand over Namjoon's.

His mother's eyes widened, slightly.

"Oh..really?" She said, sounding skeptical.

"Yes." Jin said.

"Has he even worked a day in his life?" She mocked.

Jin rolled his eyes.

"Bye Mom. Come on Namjoon." Jin said, frustrated, leading Namjoon out of the room. 

By the time they got to the car, Namjoon broke into tears. Jin kissed his forehead, hugging him tightly.

"I don't care what she says. You're amazing and you need to know it." He said.

"B-but you...she wants someone who has a job and is hardworking." Namjoon said, sadly.

"Well good for her. I want you." Jin said, wiping his tears away.

"Let's just go home."

The minute that they got home, they changed into comfy clothes and laid in bed. Namjoon still felt really upset. They laid in silence, Jin running his skinny fingers along Namjoon's back.

"Please don't be sad my love. You're working on getting a job with the college classes you're going through." 

"Well...thank you. But I'm not good enough for you according to your mom." He answered.

"Stop it. You're perfect. You are good enough. No, more than good enough for me. That's all that matters. Right?" Jin said, slowly trailing kisses down Namjoon's back.

Namjoon blushed, smiling. He turned to look at Jin. Jin smiled, kissing his head, then just simply staring at Namjoon.

"Look at this beautiful sight." Jin muttered.

Namjoon blushed, looking away and frowning slightly.

"What's so beautiful?" He asked, quietly.

"Well, your shimmering eyes, for starters. Your dimples. The way they show up more when you flash that sweet smile when you get excited about something or really happy when your favorite song plays on the radio. You Namjoon. You are beautiful to me. Your personality, you are the most humble person I have ever met." Jin answered, so confidenly.

Namjoon smiled and cuddled closer to Jin.

"How did I get so lucky? You are so sweet, so giving, so patient. Thank you." He whispered.

Jin kissed his head, smiling.

A while later, Jin's mom called.

"Jin? I need you home. I have some important news to share with you." She said, sternly.

Jin's eyes flickered, nervously.

"I-is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes darling. Wonderful in fact." She replied.

"O-okay." He answered.

He ended the call, looking at Namjoon. Namjoon furrowed his brows.

"I need to go home. But I'll be back soon. Okay? Mom says it's important." He said, hugging Namjoon tightly and kissing him.

Namjoon nodded walking him out.





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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!