The stranger

Cafe latte

The next day, Jin was packing to head back home. Namjoon could barely stay focused.

"But what if I mess up the till? Or what if I make people mad? What if I disappoint them or get fired or-"

Jin cupped Namjoon's chin with his hand, smiling.

"Sweetheart, stop. It's your first job. They can't expect you to be perfect the first shift you have. It takes time, no matter what job it is. Just like your music production classes right? They take time to master. But that's okay." He said, kissing Namjoon's head.

Namjoon took a deep breath and slowly smiled.

"Thank you."

After a while, Jin and Namjoon said their goodbyes and got ready for another day. Before JinJmade his leave, he quietly passed a note to Namjoon.

"This is for you to read later." He whispered.

Finally, the day came for Namjoon's first day. He excitedly skipped down to the store. His boss was standing at the counter waiting for him. He smiled politely, bowing. She bowed back, quickly, she got to work showing him around the store, how to read labels, and cashier properly. He took notes, writing them quickly in his notebook, asking questions if needed. Over the next few weeks, Namjoon got better and better. One day specifically though, was especially hard for Namjoon. He barely got sleep needed because he was stressed over class. People seemed ruder than usual that night. Finally, there was a break in the evening so he had a chance to sit down. He felt his pocket:

"This is for you to read later."

He suddenly remembered the note. He quickly grabbed the note out of his pocket.

"Hey babe, I just wanted to say I love you. I appreciate you more than you know. You have helped me so much. I know you will make it through this. Remember to breathe one in a while. You got this. I love you and I'll see you again soon."

Namjoon smiled, tearing up at the note. He gently kissed the note putting it back in his pocket. 

"I love you too." He whispered.

As the night went on, Namjoon didn't hear anything from Jin for hours. He could've been sleeping but still, Namjoon was used to hearing at least something from Jin. A few days passed and Jin had stopped talking to Namjoon. Namjoon started to get worried. He tried messaging Jin but got no response. Jin was busy with work, he had gotten a new co worker so he'd been training him. Next thing he knew, it's been a couple months since Namjoon and Jin last spoke, despite Namjoon's best attempts. Namjoon continued to worry. 

"Should I call him?" He asked.

"Hell no! If he wants to talk to you, he would." Hobi said.

"Well I think you should. You know he loves you. He's probably just busy."

"Oh come on! Too busy to call or text your boyfriend? It's been a few months. Surely he isn't that busy. If anything Namjoon's busier!" Hobi remarked.

Namjoon sighed, frustrated, shaking his head. Later that night, he was looking through old messages between him and Jin. He sighed, trying to call Jin again, half expecting no answer.

"Hello?" Jin answered.

"Finally you answer! Why haven't you been answering?" Namjoon asked, quickly.

"Babe are you really this upset about it? I'm sorry I've just been busy."

"Busy? With what?"

"Work. And family." Jin replied.

"W-well...still...I deserve a part in your life too...right?" Namjoon said, weakly.

"Of course you do but I just...look, you're not getting it-"

"Well maybe I would if you would just tell me what's going on!"

Jin paused.

"I can't talk about it right now." He mumbled, angerily.

"What? But Jin I want to help.." Namjoon replied.

Jin rolled his eyes.

"I know but you can't. I'm stressed and I just can't talk about it right now. Why can't you just understand and accept that?!" Jin screamed

Namjoon fell silent.

". Joon i-im sorry i-"

"No you're not." Namjoon choked through tears, hanging up.

Namjoon cried, burying his face in his hands, shaking. He tossed his phone onto his nightstand and laid on his bed. Hobi, who was switching laundry over, heard Namjoon's sobs. Alarmed, he entered Namjoon's room quietly. He next to Namjoon on the bed, watching him. Hobi gently rubbed Namjoon's back.

"Come here." He muttered, pulling Namjoon up towards him.

Namjoon quickly hugged Hobi, clinging to him, crying into his shoulder. Hobi rubbed his back, holding onto him tightly.


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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!