Wake me up

Cafe latte

Everyday after that for the next few weeks was filled with the same promises. Jin driving Namjoon to and from school and going to work, and Namjoon visiting Jin every night on his lunch hour. The two felt such a level of peace and comfort towards each other that they felt they couldn't let go of. Late one night, Jin was staying the night at Namjoon's and they had decided to walk to the convenience store down the street for some late night munchies and drinks. Snow was falling gently and freely from the sky, Namjoon smiled. He secretly loved the crunch of his shoes hitting the snow beneath him. Out of no where, a snowball hit Namjoon in the arm. Being dramatic, he clinged to his arm and fell into the snow, soon after he started making a snow angel. Jin laughed, watching him. Jin helped Namjoon to his feet, kissing him softly on the head. Namjoon giggled, blushing. The two continued walking towards the store, Namjoon jumped seemingly out of nowhere, onto Jin's back. In nearly fell with the unexpected weight on his back, laughing and he kept hold of Namjoon. Jin carried him the rest of the way to the store, the couple laughed and talked about what movie they would watch when they arrived back home. Once they finally arrived at the store, they ran around like children in an arcade, eyeing all the different flavors of candy, snacks, and soda. They each picked out a few of their favorite choices and headed to the register. On the way home, Namjoon took the opportunity to strike back, crashing a perfectly formed snowball into Jin's back. Jin threw one back, and they continued the whole way home laughing, running and hiding from snowball attacks. Once they finally made it home, they changed into dry, warm clothes and sat down to pick out a movie. Throughout the movie, Jin started to get tired, so he leaned his head on top of Namjoon's lap. Namjoon carefully combed through his hair with his finger tips. He occassionally stole a few glances at the stunning man laying with him. He blushed, smiling happily. He kissed Jin's neck quickly. The movie eventually ended, Namjoon had fallen asleep as well to the comforting sound of the rain trickling against the window pane. He slowly woke up, eyes blurry, he looked at the clock. He gently shook Jin awake.

"Hey sweetheart? Let's go lay in bed now." He whispered.

Jin sleepily nodded, slowly sitting up. Namjoon walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, Jin followed. He wrapped his strong arms around Namjoon's waist, kissing his neck gently. Namjoon smiled, kissing his cheek. Once Namjoon finished his glass of water, he started slowly walking  back towards his room. Jin didn't release his hold. Once they were in Namjoon's room, Namjoon closed the door and kissed Jin sleepily. Jin smirked biting namjoon's lip. Namjoon let out a soft moan. 

"You like when I bite you?" Jin whispered, seductively.

Namjoon couldn't say a word, he was only able to nodded slowly. Jin raised an eyebrow, smiling. He kissed Namjoon slowly and passionate. Namjoon shivering in his embrace. Jin gently traced warm finger tips along each and every curve of Namjoon's body. Suddenly, Namjoon saw a flashback of him being pushed down and forced to give a . To some, that's a fantasy, to him, that was torture. And his torture didn't end there.

"B-babe...w-wait. please." He muttered

Jin held Namjoon's hips, drawing little circles with his thumbs and kissing his collar bone lightly.

"What baby?" He breathed.

Namjoon gently pulled away, holding Jin's hands steady and staring at him with a slight expression of fear. Jin cocked his head. His expression changed from that of intensity to a slow burning curiosity. He carefully took Namjoon's hand in his and sat on the bed, allowing Namjoon to sit on his lap.

"Now, what's wrong?" He asked sweetly.

Namjoon stared at Jin for a few agonizing minutes before bursting into tears. Jin immedietly rubbed his back and kissed his head. He slowly wiped Namjoon's tears.

"Aww baby doll...what happened?" He cooed.

Namjoon slowly took a few deep breaths before he was ready to talk.

"I-i uh...I'm not... experienced enough..." He muttered, blushing.

Jin shook his head.

"Come on now, I know you better than that. What really happened." He responded.

Namjoon nodded slowly.

"I...ugh...I was violated when I was younger by a class mate. Okay? I- i mean we we're dating at the time so I should've been open to the idea right? I'm sorry this is so lame. I really want to be with you...and sleep with you but..."

"Namjoon, look at me." Jin ordered.

Namjoon was so embarrassed he couldn't bring himself to. Jin cupped his face and carefully brought Namjoon's eyes to meet his. 

"Namjoon, being violated is not your fault. Just because he was your boyfriend doesnt make it right for him to continue without your consent. You need to know that. Okay? I understand if you aren't ready. That's okay. Please, don't feel like you have to satisfy my needs if you aren't up to it. I want you to be happy too. Okay baby?" He said, slowly, capturing Namjoon's lips in his. 

Namjoon kissed back carefully, wrapping his arms around Jin's neck and kissing his lips a couple more times

"Thank you. You're the first person to not..force it." He answered sheepishly.

Jin gave him a puzzled look.

"Well, I happen to respect the one I care about." Jin answered back.

Namjoon let out a sigh of relief. The two of them fell onto the bed and Jin wrapped an arm around Namjoon's torso, pulling him close and kissing the back of his head before falling into a soundly sleep.

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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!