
Cafe latte

After Namjoon was able to successfully calm down,  he and Jin got to work on applications.

"I might be able to set you up with a job at one of my last jobs if you want." Jin suggested.

Namjoon nodded.

"Maybe." He answered, shrugging.

Jin smiled softly.

"Don't worry." 

Namjoon nodded again.

"Okay. You're right. Let's try the convenience store. It's close by."  He said, more confident.

Jin and Namjoon headed towards the store, walking slow, listening quietly to the snow crunch beneath their feet. They walked into the store, looking around for a bit. Namjoon  nervously looked towards Jin, blushing. Jin calmly smiled, motioning to the man standing at the cash register.

"Go on. Don't be shy. He won't bite." Jin whispered.

Namjoon took a deep breath and stepped up to the register.

"Uh...hi...m-my name is Namjoon. Uh..." He mumbled, getting nervous again. 

Namjoon blushed and walked back to where Jin was, leaning his head on Jin's chest groaning and punching Jin's shoulder in frustration. Jin chuckled and closed his hand over Namjoon's fist, kissing his head.

"Come on now love. You can do this. I know you're scared. You know you shouldn't be but it's alright that you are. You've never done this before. But the only way you're going to get over it is to do it. Okay?" Jin said slowly.

Namjoon nodded.

"Okay...I'll try again." He mumbled.

Jin kissed his head.

"That's my baby. Now, go on." He said, turning Namjoon back and pushing him gently.

Namjoon once again stepped up to the register. He took a deep breath.

"A-are you uh...hiring?" He asked, nervously.

The man nodded.

"Yes we are in fact. Do you have any experience working in stores?" He asked, smiling.

Namjoon looked at the floor, shaking his head.

"No.." he answered.

"Okay well what's your availability?" He asked.

Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Uhm...weekends...and nights...from midnight to whenever.." he replied, sounding more questioning.

The man smiled.

"Okay well write down your name and number and I'll see what I can do." 

Namjoon smiled.

"Thank you!" He said, excitedly.

Jin smiled proudly. He walked out from the aisle and put an arm around Namjoon's waist.

"Jin! You're back home now?" The man said happily.

Jin laughed.

"Just for the weekend and to visit this one." He said, motioning to Namjoon.

"Aww nice of you to help him. I'll see what I can do for him. My boss is on lunch but if you want to wait for her to be back you can or you can come back later if it's too long of a wait."

"We'll wait." Namjoon said with a confident smile.

In the mean time, Jin and Namjoon wandered all over the store, Jin would test Namjoon on possible interview questions and certain products around the store just for fun. Finally, after a while, the manager came back from lunch.

"Hey, I miss anything while I was gone?" She asked.

"We'll, this young man wants a job here. I told him we are hiring. He's a friend of Jin's."

She smiled.

"Perfect!" She said.

"This is it babe. Knock em dead." Jin said, smiling, fixing Namjoon's collar.

Namjoon walked to the register again where the manager was standing. 

"Ah you must be Namjoon." She said extending her arm for a handshake.

He nodded.

"Hello. Yes I'm Namjoon." He said calmly.

She pulled him into the back office for the interview.

"So why do you want to work for my shop?" She asked.

He gulped.

"U-uh...I'm a regular here. I live down the street. I can walk here so I will always be on time." He answered, shaking.

"What position are you looking to fill?" She asked.

"W-well...I'm in school right now so I would prefer night shift. Overnight if possible. Or I could work weekends only." He said.

"Okay well since Jin recently left due to moving, we are hiring for an overnight clerk. Your schedule would be from 10pm-6am Monday through Friday. Will that be a problem?" She stated 

He shook his head.

"No, not at all."

She smiled happily.

"Perfect. Start next week on Monday. I'll be with you the first couple nights so that you won't be alone but after your first week you will be on your own. Okay?" She said.

He bowed.

"Thank you so much." 

He left the room, as soon as he saw Jin he tackled him. Jin laughed, ruffling his hair.

"I take it you did well?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"I start next Monday!" He said happily.

"Good job! I'm proud of you babe." Jin said.

"Let's celebrate." Jin said, grabbing a couple bottles of soju.

The two bought their items and headed home. Once they arrived home, Jimin and Hobi were playing video games. Jin cracked the bottles open.

"Whats that for?" Hobi asked.

"Tonight we are celebrating. Namjoon got a job today." He stated proudly.

Namjoon nodded, blushing.

Hobi and Jimin hugged him, following up with shots of soju to join. Namjoon felt excited but also nervous. We never had a job before, we hoped to do well and to make the ones he loved proud. 


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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!