
Cafe latte

The next day, Namjoon slowly opened his eyes. Once he realized where he was, his eyes shot open and he gasped as he saw the stunning sight lying next to him. He quickly covered his mouth in fear that Jin would wake up do to the sound he made. Namjoon cautiously and slowly sat up, getting out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom and splashed water in his face.

"Am I really here?" He thought to himself.

Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair trying to relax. Jin leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling, just simply watching Namjoon. Namjoon took a deep breath and turned to leave.

"U-uh.." He muttered, blushing.

Jin smiled, cocking an eyebrow.

"Good morning hun." He whispered.

Jin rested his hands against Namjoon's face, gently placing soft kisses upon his lips. Namjoon felt his face light up like that of a firework. His heartbeat intensified as he kissed his lover back. Jin paused, smiling and resting his forehead against Namjoon's. He kissed his forehead softly.

"Let's make breakfast."  He said.

Namjoon smiled widely and nodded slowly.


The two wandered aimlessly to the kitchen. Namjoon sat on the counter, smiling at Jin. Jin stared at him, smirking.

"What do you think you're doing, babe?" He asked.

Namjoon laughed nervously, simply shrugging. Jin shook his head, and kissed Namjoon again sweetly.

"Come on. You're gonna help." He said.

Namjoon nodded.

"Okay." He mumbled, yawning.

Namjoon tried to cut peppers and mushrooms, failing miserably. Jin couldn't contain his laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Namjoon whined, pouting.

Jin smiled.

"Here." He said.

Jin rested his hand on top of Namjoon's, showing how to hold the knife properly, cutting through the different veggies. Eventually, Jin let go of Namjoon's hand, allowing him to cut them by himself. 

"You look so cute cooking." Jin cooed.

Namjoon snickered.

"Thank you." He said, concentrating.

Jin helped Namjoon cook the rest of their breakfast, the two sat in the dining room, Simply enjoying each other's company. After they finished breakfast, Jin had to get ready for work. Namjoon awkwardly stayed silent, shuffling his feet back and forth. 

"You know.." Jin started.

Namjoon looked at him, curiously.

"You could...stay..if you want." He said.

Namjoon's eyes lit up.

"O-oh...are you sure? I-i don't want to be a burden i-"

"Aw come on baby, you're never a burden." Jin said with a serious tone to his face.

He kissed Namjoon gently.

"I have to go to work now, but I'll see you when I get home later. Do whatever you want but please, try not to break anything. Okay?" He said, smirking.

Namjoon rolled his eyes.

Jin left for work. Namjoon lazily plopped onto the couch. He sighed. His day was spent by sleeping, cooking research, and thoughts of Jin. He smiled. It was getting later in the day, suddenly, Namjoon decided he wanted to prove to Jin that he could cook a decent meal for dinner. Namjoon spent a large amount of time chopping veggies, peeling potatoes, and marinading steaks. He put some oil in the pan to cook the steaks, while he was putting one of the steaks in the pan, his hand was shaking and  touched part of the pan, burning his hand. He jerked back, screaming in pain. He groaned as he put his hand under some water and wrapped it with a bandage. While he was distracted, the steaks started to burn a little. Frustrated, Namjoon took the steaks off the burner and continued with mashing potatoes. A long while later, dinner was finally ready. Perfect timing, Jin walked through the door.

"Hi honey." He said, smiling as he walked into the kitchen, kissing Namjoon's cheek.

"How was your day, love?" Namjoon responded.

"It was good. This looks great, did you really make all this?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"I wanted to prepare a special meal for you." He said, proudly.

Jin laughed.

"Aww babe, that's so sweet. Thank you." He said, kissing him.

The two, similar to breakfast, sat at the dinner table and listened to the rain pour down against the house. Jin stared at Namjoon's hand, concerned.

"Honey? What did you do?" He asked.

Namjoon blushed, embarrassed and hid his hand under the table.

"Uh..nothing." he protested.

Jin stared in disbelief.

"Joonie...did you burn your hand?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded slowly.

"Y-yea...a-and the steaks." He muttered, looking away, embarrassed.

Jin frowned, noticing how bad Namjoon geniunly felt and  carefully held Namjoon's hands in his.

"Babe, look at me.  You shouldn't be embarrassed about making a mistake. Thank you for cooking me dinner. It was delicious. I'm really proud of you." He said, kissing Namjoon's hands gently.

Namjoon nodded, smiling.

"Thank you. I...I love you." He said quickly, blushing more embarrassed.

Jin laughed, smiling.

"I love you too."



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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!