Black ice

Cafe latte

Jin's last final thought before falling asleep, was seeing Namjoon's bright smile.
Later that night, namjoon's mind fell into a dreaming state. He dreamt about Jin. Jin looked out the window, noticing the pouring rain. He sighed but shrugged. He got to his car quickly, driving steadily. He noticed a figure, soaking wet, walking alone in the dark, cold, icy evening. He frowned, worried. Jin pulled over.
"Excuse me?" He called.
The figure looked toward him, shivering.
"Y-yes?" He asked.
Jin's eyes widened.
"You uh... you're cold. Would you like a ride?" He asked.
Namjoon's eyes widened.
"Uh ..sure..t-thank you." He stuttered.
Jin drove Namjoon home, silent the entire way. Namjoon bowed after exiting the vehicle and quickly entered the house. Namjoon quickly jumped up waking from his dream. He frowned, slightly whining.
"I need to tell you how I feel..." He muttered before finally falling back asleep.
Early the next morning, Jin woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing loudly in his ears. Annoyed, he groaned tiredly, turned off his alarm, and looked at the time.  He sighed, slowly and tiredly sitting up in his bed. He rubbed his eyes and started getting ready for his shift at the cafe. He looked outside, pouring down rain. He was happy once he got there because the heat was cranked up. He smiled slowly, seeing Namjoon sitting in a chair, drinking coffee and reading. He decided to finally approach.

"Can I get you anything else?" He asked, softly.

Namjoon looked up, smiling, cheeks turning red.

"U-uh...i-i....I'm Namj-" he stammered.

Jin laughed.

"I remember you. We went to high school together. Do you remember me?" He asked.

Namjoon blushed.

"J-jin." He answered.

Jin nodded.

"Well, Namjoon, is there anything else I can get for you?" He asked.

Namjoon quickly shook his head.

"No, uh..thank you." He replied.

After a while, Namjoon pulled out his text book and started studying for his exam. Jin continued on about his day, occasionally passing by Namjoon to see if he needed anything and to check him out, only slightly.  Namjoon certainly noticed, and would smile shyly, running his fingers through his hair and bite his bottom lip gently. How could such a simple act be so irresistible? Jin thought, blushing. Jin stopped by once more as soon as he went to break.

"How's your studies going?" He asked, smiling.

Namjoon smiled.

"Good. Thank you." 

"What are you studying?" Jin asked, curiously.

"And, is this seat taken?" He asked.

Namjoon motioned for Jin to sit down across from him.

"Music production, it's quite exciting." Namjoon said, calmly, staring happily at Jin.

Jin smiled.

"Well, I'm happy you like it." He answered.

"Are you studying?" Namjoon asked.

Jin slowly shook his head.

"No...uh.. we ..can't afford it right now." He stuttered.

Namjoon nodded, understandingly.

"Yeah, school is expensive. I mean, my parents pay for everything I need which is nice." He said.

"O-oh. Well, we...all work for what we want at my house." He answered, slightly lying.

Jin had always had to pay for things, as his mother didn't work and his father didn't make enough to support the family by himself. Namjoon smiled.

"Sounds....difficult." Namjoon answered finally.

Suddenly, he gasps.

"What time is it?" He asked frantically.

Jin looked at his watch.

"5:30. W-"

"I'm gonna be late!" He yelled, shoving his book back in his backpack and running off towards the school.

Jin couldn't help but laugh, shrugging.

"Kid's dedicated. I'll give him that." He muttered.

Later that night, Jin was finishing helping the last customer of the night, and was mopping the floors. He glanced outside, noticing the pattern in rain hadn't changed all day. Once he finished his final duties, he clocked out and headed to his car. Namjoon was walking along the bridge, shivering. He felt like he was being followed, making him feel uneasy. He kept looking over his shoulders. 

"Hey joonie..." He heard a voice coo.

He furrowed his brows.

"H-hello?" He stammered.

"Where you going beautiful?" The voice said, louder.

Finally, the figure showed himself, it was his ex, who Namjoon thought had moved countries.

"W-what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked, voice shaky with discomfort. 

His ex smiled, eyes glistening.

"I missed you." He said, putting a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon quickly flinched away.

"Don't touch me!" He said loudly.

"Aww come on baby, don't be like that." He said, stepping closer, gripping Namjoon's body.

Namjoon struggled to break free of his grasp.

"H-hello! Help! Somebody!" He screamed in terror.

Suddenly, he felt a forceful hand cover his mouth.

"Shut up stupid."

Jin noticed some commotion happening a short distance away. He had a strong urge to help. He pulled over just before the entry way to the bridge and ran to the scene. He instantly recognized Namjoon's cries for help. 

"Namjoon!" He screamed 

Jin kicked the muscular man in the stomachW as hard as he could so that he would let go of Namjoon. The man released his hold, panting. Jin quickly pulled Namjoon towards him, running back to the car.

"Who was that guy?!" Jin yelled, worried.

Namjoon didn't say a word. 

"Namjoon..." He said slowly. 

Namjoon turned to Jin.

"Um....nobody..just an ex of mine." He said, still clearly scared.

Jin drove Namjoon home that night and didn't leave until he was sure Namjoon was safely  inside the home. Namjoon waved from his window, smiling. Jin nodded smiling and waving back, driving back to his house.




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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!