Pinky promise

Cafe latte

Namjoon wasn't able to go back to sleep after that, the memory of the previous actions clouding his gentle mind. Later that morning, still awake, he tiredly yawned as he started getting dressed for class. As usual, he walked past the coffee shop where Jin worked. He decided to stop in for a cup, considering how tired he was. He was barely able to stand properly as he mumbled his order to the cashier Jin noticed, furrowing his brows. This wasn't like Namjoon. He carefully placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Namjoon?" He said smoothly.

Namjoon jerked his head around, worried at first.

"It's alright, it's just me. You look tired. More than usual..may I offer you a ride to wherever you're going?" He asked with a soft smile.

Namjoon took a quiet sigh of relief and nodded slowly.

"Yes please, if you could." He muttered.

Jin nodded and told his manager he was taking his lunch break. Jin lead Namjoon to his car and opened the passenger door for him. Namjoon clumsily piled into the seat, instantly curling up in a ball on the seat. Jin laughed quietly, smiling. 

"So? Where we headed?" Jin asked.

"Seoul music academy." Namjoon responded.

Jin nodded, beginning the drive.

"So you walk all this way? It's a long walk  isn't it?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"What if it's snowing or cold and rainy? You poor thing you probably get sick often." Jin continued.

Namjoon blushed, thinking about being sick and Jin taking care of him. A wide smile crept upon his face.

"Y-yea but uh...I tough it out." Namjoon answered, trying to sound strong.

Jin smiled.

"I bet you do." 

Once they got to the school, they sat in Jin's car for a few more minutes. There was a sudden silence.

"What time do you get done with class?" Jin asked.

Namjoon's eyes widened. 

"Uh...8:45 usually...sometimes 9. If there's a more important lesson." He answered.

Jin nodded.

"Okay, well I can't have you walking here any more. It's too dangerous. I'll see you at 9." He said smiling.

"Aww thank you but you don't have to-"

"I know I don't have to. I want to." He replied.

Namjoon blushed, smiling.

"O-oh...okay. I..I'll see you at 9 then. Thank you for the ride."

Jin nodded.

"Of course. Have a good day. Don't forget your coffee." He said, passing Namjoon his half full coffee.

Namjoon nodded, waving goodbye and heading to class. Once Jin was out of sight he jumped, letting out an excited scream. Jin drove back to the coffee shop, smiling and singing happily along to the radio. He texted Namjoon letting him know he's getting back to work and to have a good day. Namjoon smiled, feeling his heart melt as he wished the same for Jin. Namjoon's day was filled with tests and hard work, harder than usual. So you could say it was busy for him. So busy, he forgot Jin was going to pick him up. He smiled and slumped into the car tiredly once he noticed him there. Jin smiled, handing him a small cup of coffee.

"I thought you might be cold so I got you this." He said.

Namjoon smiled, thankfully.

"Thank you." He answered.

The ride home was filled with talk of their day, laughter, and singing to the songs on the radio. Once they got to Namjoon's place there was the familiar silence again.

"U-uh would you like to come inside for a few minutes?" Namjoon offered.

Jin smiled.

"As much as I'd love to I can't. I have to start my overnight job at the convinience store down here, But maybe next time." He stated.

Namjoon nodded understandingly.

"Why do you need two jobs?" He asked.

Jin shrugged.

"Times are tough right now." He answered, shyly.

"Aww I'm sorry. Well I'm here if you need me. Have a good night and work." He said, giving a quick hug to Jin.

Jin smiled, blushing slightly.

"Thank you Namjoon." He whispered.

Namjoon smiled, heading inside his home, once again, waving as Jin left. He turned around to see Jimin and Hobi standing there, smirking.

"What?!" He stammered.

The two laughed, mimicking Jin and Namjoon.

"Oh Jin I looooove you" Hobi said, holding Jimin and dipping him, kissing his cheek with a loud smack following.

"Namjoon this is so sudden but I looove you too!"

"Stop it you guys!" Namjoon yelled, flustered, hiding his face in his hands.

"What? You two are adorable!" Hobi said, happily.

Namjoon blushed, giving in now.

"Ugh he is so sweet! He gave me a ride to school because he noticed how tired I was and he wanted to give me rides home now! He said it's dangerous to be alone! I want to bring him something. Hmm...what should I do? When should I bring whatever I want to bring?" 

"Lunch! Make him lunch. It's a sweet gesture and it's not overly  romantic so it's perfect!" Jimin suggested.

Namjoon smiled at the idea.

"Okay. Yeah, I will." 

Namjoon spent a while looking up bento lunch ideas trying to find the perfect amount of food with cute designs. He boiled some rice and got started once he found what he liked. Jin and himself kept talking of course so he found the address easily for the convenience store. He packed the lunch up with a water and some Advil just in case and made his way towards the store. Jin had no idea of this yet. Jin was cleaning up after some students had left their trash all over the tables, rolling his eyes at such lazy people. Especially since the trash bin wasn't far from them. Namjoon excitedly entered the building, a smile plastered on his face.

"I made this for you." He said proudly, handing the bento box to Jin.

Jin laughed, looking at how proud Namjoon looked.

"Thank you." He said, happily.

"Hmm.." he said, looking around.

He quickly rang up a couple drinks and sat down at a table with Namjoon.

"Which one do you want?" He asked.

Namjoon looked over his options and picked on out. Jin nodded, handing the drink to him. The two sat while Jin ate his lunch, Namjoon smiling. 

"This is really good. Thank you." He said through butes if food.

Namjoon nodded, proudly.

"Well I guess I better let you get back to work." Namjoon said.

Jin shrugged.

"I mean I guess but I'm not busy. You could stay if you want to. But I know you probably have class in the morning, huh? I'll pick you up around 9am?" Jin said.

Namjoon nodded, smiling.

"It's a date." He said, holding out his pinky.

Jin laughed looking at him, confused. Namjoon smiled wider, moving his pinky towards Jin more.

"It's a pinky promise!" He said, cutely.

Jin laughed, rolling his head, understanding now. He held his pinky out to and folded his over Namjoon's.

"It's a date." He answered.




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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!