Coffee shop chaos

Cafe latte

Jin carefully grabbed the mugs and plates up from the freshly empty table, placing them in his bin for dirty dishes. He quickly walked to the back to clean the dishes and clock out for his lunch. He weaved his way through the busy kitchen, finally getting to the sink. Once he finally finished the task at hand, he clocked out for lunch and left the building for a short walk and some fresh air along the pier. He loved the feeling of the cool fall breeze brushing through his hair. He smiled as his eyes kept lock on the scene that was the ocean in front of him. He noticed a light house farther down, he wished he had more time to explore it. Before he knew it, he noticed the time and was almost late. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him back to the cafe he worked for. Without realizing it, Jin had accidently slammed into a customer about to enter the shop, knocking him to the side, nearly making him fall.

"I-i'm so sorry!" He stammered frantically.

The customer only smiled, waving his hand.

"Don't worry, you're clearly in more of a hurry than I am. Go ahead." The male said, holding the door open for Jin.

Jin bowed and quickly entered the building. He tried to maintain a pokerface scurrying back to clock in, his face stained red from the cold and running. He finally was able to catch his breath and gain composure before resuming his daily duty. Jin worked through the rest of his shift, full of energy. Finally, his shift ended and he was able to go home. He tiredly sat in his car, resting his eyes. Suddenly, his mind wandered to the man from earlier. He smiled, thinking how paitent he seemed. Little did he know, just how much the man would mean to him.

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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!