Fight or flight

Cafe latte

Over the next few weeks, Namjoon would walk to school, he stared sadly at the cafe Jin used to work at. He sighed.

"I miss you babe." He muttered, shutting his eyes tightly.

He continued walking to his school, texting Jin the whole way there. He found it hard to focus on his work, all he could think about was Jin. 


"Namjoon!" The teacher called.

Namjoon jumped up in his seat.

"Y-yes?" He asked.

"The answer please? Question 4 on the homework." The teacher asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"Uh right." He said looking down at his paper, only to realize he didn't even do his homework from the previous night. 

He gulped, turning red.

"U-uhm...I...i-i didn't get that question..." He answered shyly.

The teacher nodded slowly.

"O-okay." She said, asking a different student.

Namjoon sighed, shaking his head. A while later, Namjoon tried calling Jin but got no answer. He frowned. 

"Maybe he's at work." Namjoon muttered to himself.

The day was busy with exams before winter break. Finally, the day finished. Namjoon called Jin again.

"Hey babe." Jin said, quickly.

"Jin!" Namjoon said excited.

Jin laughed.

"How was your day? I'm sorry i didn't answer you earlier. I miss you." 

"Boring. I miss you too. When can you come visit?" Namjoon asked eagerly.

Jin stayed silent.

"Jin?" Namjoon asked.

" know I miss you and I want to see you so badly but I...I just can't right now. Okay? I just started my new job and i-"

"But...what about days off? Surely you have to have at least one day off." Namjoon answered.

"I know but one my days off I've been busy lately."

"Busy? Doing what? What are you so busy doing that you can't even come down and hang out for a bit. Or text or call me a few  times a week." Namjoon saying, starting to sob.

"Aww baby...come on now, please. Don't cry." Jin said slowly.

" you care?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course I care. Namjoon, you are so important to me. I love you. I'm so sorry. I'll see if I can request the weekend off and see if I can come visit you. Please don't be upset baby doll." Jin said sadly.

Namjoon took a deep breath.

"I-i'm sorry honey. I know you're busy. I over reacted. Are you mad?" Namjoon asked.

Jin chuckled.

"No. I'm not mad my love. I'll see you this weekend. Hang in there." 

Jin sighed after ending the call, he quickly called his boss, explaining he had to call out for the next few days. He explained his cousin was very sick and needed to take care of him. Luckily, his boss was understanding and allowed him the days off. Jin quickly packed a duffle bag and left to Namjoon's. He called Jimin on the way there, letting him know of his plan. Once he got to the house, he smiled happily. Jin quickly ran to Namjoon's room, sitting on his bed. On his way there, he stopped by the store to pick up some wine and a card. Later that night, Namjoon headed out towards his apartment, noticing how rainy and cold it was. He shivered the whole way home, finally, he made it home after a long walk. Namjoon slowly and tiredly yawned, shutting the front door behind him.

"Hey guys." He muttered.

"Hi Joon." Hobi said.

Namjoon grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed to him room, he opened the door and instantly screamed. 

"What are you doing here?!" He shouted, hugging Jin.

Jin kissed his head sweetly.

"Hey babe. How was your day?" Jin asked, opening the wine.

Namjoon shrugged.

"Not bad. Busy. Better now though. I missed you so much." He said, kissing Jin.

Jin smiled.

"I missed you too. I'm happy to see you though." He said.

The two of them stayed up all night, laughing, drinking and simply just enjoying each other's company. 


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Jaehyeonnie #1
I LOVE this story so much!! Thank you author-nim!