The Bodyguard - Chapter 9

The Bodyguard

The group of men waited as a black car pulled up in front of them.  Sungyeol stepped out and opened the boot, unloading several large duffel bags and tossing it over to them.  Their eyes lit up with delight as they checked the contents.

"Where are they?" Sungyeol asked them.

Mr Nam ran over to embrace Woohyun the minute they arrived back.

"Sorry for making you worry father, but we had to stop by the hospital," said Woohyun.

"Oh my goodness, Woohyun, are you alright?" asked Mr Nam.

"I'm fine, father," said Woohyun.  "But Sunggyu took a bullet for me."

Mr Nam looked over to Sunggyu.  "You saved my son," said Mr Nam.  "Thank you."

"It's my job," replied Sunggyu.

Myungsoo stood back and glared at the scene in front of him.

Due to Sunggyu's injury, the butler helped tuck Woohyun into bed as Sunggyu stood and watched.

"Goodnight, Master Woohyun," said Sungjong as he walked out but stopped half way.  "Oh, before I forget," he whispered to Sunggyu.  "There's a lock on this door."  He smiled before closing the door behind him.

Sunggyu walked over to Woohyun and gently the side of his face.

"Rest well," said Sunggyu.  "I'll be next door."

As he was about to leave, he felt Woohyun grab onto his hand.  "Please stay," said Woohyun.  "I won't be able to sleep if you're not beside me."

Sunggyu was quiet as he contemplated for a second before walking over to the door and locking it.  He then returned to the bed where he took off his suit jacket and tie, before joining Woohyun under the covers.  Sunggyu lay on his back, allowing Woohyun to lay on his arm.  Woohyun his side as he reached out a hand to touch Sunggyu's chest.  He could feel the thick bandage underneath his shirt where the bullet had been.

"I'm sorry," said Woohyun.  "It's my fault that you got dragged into this."

Sunggyu placed his hand over Woohyun's hand, which was on his chest.  "It's not your fault," said Sunggyu.  "It would hurt me more to see you injured."

Suddenly Woohyun propped himself up on his elbow and stared down at Sunggyu.  Sunggyu reached out a hand to caress the side of Woohyun's face.  Woohyun smiled as he leaned down and initiated the kiss.  It was a brief but tender kiss.  Woohyun pulled back and looked at Sunggyu, whose expression seemed tense.  Woohyun wasn't sure if he should continue.  He started to pull away but he felt Sunggyu grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down on his back.  Sunggyu reversed their positions so that he was now staring down at Woohyun.  Without a word, Sunggyu closed the gap between them as he crushed their lips together.  Woohyun's initial reaction was shock but he soon felt himself responding to the kiss.  He let himself be consumed by Sunggyu's warm mouth as they wrapped in each other's arms.  

The group of men were celebrating their accomplishment over several cans of beer in the late hours of the night, when a car pulled up beside them.  A figure stepped out.

"What do you want now?" asked the leader.  "We got our money, so we don't need you anymore."

The figure did not reply but pulled out his two guns and killed the group of men before they could react.  He then took the duffel bags from them and loaded them into his car.



Author's note:

Hope you like the treat in this chapter.  That's as far as I can write for bed scenes.  You can imagine the rest.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 14: 👍❤❤
yulianichang #2
Chapter 6: Aww
yulianichang #3
Let me try read this, all your story was greaat
Chapter 14: Talk about plot twist
Chapter 14: Great story <3
Chapter 5: Myungsoo... Why so bad tho ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 14: *mindblown
Wow authornim is really good in writing this kind of stories... kudos authornim!!!!
naznew #9
Chapter 14: wow..fantastic story..
so many twist..
hoya as a gardener, sungjong as butler and at the same time was a bodyguard too..dongwoo as a doctor.. myungsoo who is woohyun's brother in love with sungyeol, the person woohyun pay for keep an eyes to myungsoo..
so the mastermind behind car accident is mr nam but the real mastermind in the kidnapping and the readers is woohyun..also he fake about he become paralyzed..
Chapter 14: *mindblown* wow you are such an awesome mystery writer just.. *jaw drop* i loved the end! How wooie turned out to be just pretending and all. So badass ^.^