A Ski Adventure

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

“Oh my gosh, I’ve never been skiing before. Thank you so much for inviting me! I’m so excited! Hey have you talked to Hoya yet? How are things at home? Do you wan-,”

“Aigoo Minji calm down!” She was giving me a headache.

We were putting on all our gear in the little ski shack at the bottom of the mountain. Woohyun and Hoya were over at their own spot getting ready. Woohyun had let me bring Minji along so that I wouldn’t ‘bother’ him and Hoya. 

“We’ll start you on the bunny hill, okay?” I knew teaching Minji to ski was going to be a challenge.  

When we got to the bunny hill, I was shocked at what I saw. It had been roped off and a sign hanging on one of the ropes said ‘CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE.’

“Who closes a bunny hill, seriously?!” I shouted.

“Looks like we’ll just have to use the big hill,” said Minji as she walked toward the ski lift line.

This is going to be a disaster…

“What are you doing here?” asked Woohyun when Minji and I got behind them in line.

“The bunny hill is closed,” I explained.

“Wow, this will be a show,” mumbled my brother. I tried to hide my smile.

“Ow!” I looked down to see Minji on the ground.

“How do you fall when you’re just standing here Minji?!” I asked.

My brother went to help her up, but it wasn’t working too well with the heavy skis on her feet.

“Next,” said the man running the ski lift.

I looked at Hoya and he just shrugged, then gestured for me to get on.

Okay, Minji will be fine riding by herself. And I actually like riding by myself- Wait. What’s Hoya doing? He’s…he’s riding with me?! Aigoo!!!!

He stood next to me as the ski lift cart moved toward us. We sat down when it got to us and the man closed the bar across the cart. I was on a ski lift with Hoya; just him and me.

We both put our hands on the bar in front of us without thinking. I looked down to see my hand accidentally on top of his. I pulled it away quickly and turned away, blushing once again.

“Haha,” Hoya laughed. “You know you don’t have to turn away every time you blush. I think it’s kind of cute.”

“Do you really?” I asked excitedly.

“Yeah. You know I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have a little sister. It’s really not so bad.”

“Oh.” He only thought of me as a little sister. I should’ve known better.

“So, um, do you have any siblings?” I asked.

“I had a younger brother, but he was born premature and ended up passing away a few days after.” He looked down at his feet.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Stupid Hyunok; why’d you have to bring it up?

“Nah, it’s okay. I don’t really remember it since I was only three. And plus, now I have you Little Sister,” he said, putting an arm around my shoulders.

I know he only thinks of me as a little sister, but OH MY GOSH!!! I don’t care if he thinks of me as an alien, just as long as he keeps his arm there!

As we neared the top he took his arm away, preparing to get off. I wished we could just go around and around on the ski lift and never get off.

We waited at the top for my brother and Minji. When he finally saw them, Hoya and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“…and I mean, I’m totally cool. You and I should totally hang out sometime. You’re really cute you know. Hey! You should totally teach me how to ski. I’m sure you’re such a great teacher. How long have you been skiing for? I’ve never skied in my life…”

Woohyun looked as if he was about ready to punch her in the face.

“All right! You can go talk to Hyunok now,” he said when he saw us.

“Okay!” she skipped over to me and Woohyun walked away with Hoya.

“Minji, I’m going to buy you some duct tape for your birthday,” I told her as we began to walk toward the start of the ski trail.

“Why? What for?”

“To keep your mouth shut once in a while.” 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!