My Best Friend Is So Weird

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!!” Woohyun and his friends were making such a disturbance in the restaurant I thought we were going to get kicked out. Fortunately, we live in a small town so everyone knew they were part of the basketball team and just smiled at them.

I rolled my eyes.

“They’re so obnoxious,” I said to my best friend, Shin Minji. We were sitting at our own table.

“Aigoo, but your brother is soooo hot,” sighed Minji while resting her head in her hand and staring at him.

“Ewe! You really have to get over my brother,” I told her in disgust.

“I’ll get over your brother when you get over Hoya.”

She got me.

I gave her the That’s-Not-Fair look, but she just smiled.

“So, when do your parents get back?” Minji asked me. My parents were away on business all the way in America. We hadn’t seen them in 2 weeks.

“My dad called me last night and said it’ll be at least another month before they come home.”

“Gosh, you’re so lucky! I wish my parents trusted me to do stuff like that,” Minji complained as she fixed the big, plastic flower on her head band. I swear she wears the most obnoxious clothing.

“It’s really nothing special. Woohyun is always throwing these senior parties so I have a ton of trouble studying.”

“S-s-s-senior parties?! Senior parties have been taking place at your house and you haven’t told me about them? I’m hurt Hyunok, I really am.”

“Minji, it’s not like I interact with the parties. I stay locked in my room; and I emphasize the word LOCKED. I’ll never forget, at one of the first parties he had, I opened the door to my room to find this guy making out with his girlfriend on MY BED! It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever seen!” I said, pretending to barf.

“Heyyy sis,” Woohyun said, suddenly sliding into my booth.

“Heyyy Woohyun,” Minji said, batting her eyelashes to be all flirty. It looked more like she was having a seizure.

“Oh; hi Minji,” he said giving her the Hey-I’m-Pretending-So-Be-Sincere-But-You’re-Actually-Creeping-Me-Out look. “So you probably thought I was going to have a party tonight,” he said, turning his attention back to me. “But I don’t feel like getting everything ready.”

I relaxed. I hated having people constantly over at my house. I liked to be alone with my music, writing, dancing and photography.

“So, only Hoya is coming over tonight.”

I tensed back up again.

“O-o-o-okay,” I stuttered.

“Aigoo, you’re so weird,” he said getting up to join his friends again.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Tonight is totally your chance to talk to Hoya!” squealed Minji.

“Minji quiet,” I hissed at her. “And what makes you think that I’ll talk to Hoya tonight, if I haven’t talked to him for the past 5 years he’s been coming to my house?”

“You disappoint me Hyunok… Hey, I know! You should invite me over tonight too! That way I can talk to your brother and you can talk to Hoy-,”


I know I shouldn’t be complaining about my friends, seeing as I’m one of the most bullied kids in school. But, maybe I’d be a little more popular if I had a friend that was…well…normal? 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!