Co-Author Contest

Hidden Love

Anneyong-haseyo readers!! I hope you've been enjoying this story! It has been giving me a lot of difficulty:P I feel myself being uninterested in it lately, mostly because I'm so focused on all my other stories. Therefore, I am holding a contest to select a Co-author to finish writing this fanfic!! Are you interested?

Here's what you have to do:

1. Come up with an idea for the next chapter.

2. Write the next chapter for the story.

3. REVISE!! (Chapter entries with bad grammar and spelling mistakes will not be looked at as highly, no matter how well the story itself is written.)

4. Send it to me in a message!

5. Wait for a reply :D (I will reply to everyone, whether you win or not.)


This contest will begin immediately and end in one week. (For people that have the same times and such as New York, USA, that means it will end on March 3rd).

Because I am leaving my readers (who I love<3) in your hands, I want to make sure you'll take good care of them.

Here's a list of things I'm looking for in your entry:

1. DETAIL! I'm looking for someone who can really bring the words to life, and make it so the readers can picture each scene in their mind. For example: I glanced around the small room. The paint was pealing off the walls and it smelled musty; like mothballs. The sun's rays shining in through the smudged, single-paned window was the only source of light. Dust particles filled the air, causing my nose to itch and my eyes to burn.

2. GRAMMAR! I mentioned this earlier. I am very picky with grammar. I hate when people use the wrong 'there' 'their' or 'they're' and leave spelling mistakes. I understand that not everything can be caught, but please try your best.

3. SUSPENCE! Make sure you leave your readers wanting more!!!

4. PACE! Don't rush your story. Make sure you take your time (just not too long so that it drags). You just don't want to write everything all at once and write yourself into a corner, then have to rush with a corny ending. Believe me, I've done that before. It's no fun.

5. ROMANCE! I understand that this chapter may be difficult to include any romance into, but just for future chapters. You can even write me a little side paragraph to show off your romantic skills. It could be about anything or anyone. I'm a er for romance, so I usually jam my stories full of cute moments and kisses:P haha

6. HUMOR! A good story isn't all about the drama and suspense. I used to have an issue with that, but then my English teacher said that once in a while you need to slow things down and bring things back to normal. Humor is usually best for this. If you show that things are still normal and take a break from the drama, when something big happens again, it will have more of an impact. Also, who doesn't love a story that'll make them laugh?! (:

7. BE CONSIDERATE! I'd prefer if you didn't use a bunch of and curse words. Try to make it pleasant and appropriate for all readers. I udnerstand if you have one chapter that gets rated; I've run into that issue too. Just try, for the most part, to make it appropriate for all. There are some very young readers on this site.

8. HAVE FUN! Make sure you have fun while writing this! If it's a job and a pain to update, then your heart must not be in it. Updating and writing these chapters should be fun for you!



*If I think of anything else I will make sure to announce it! I wish you all luck, and am excited to read your entries! Happy writing! Now go, go go!!!! :D <3





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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!