I Can't Believe It

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

I opened my eyes to see a million faces above me. Well, okay, it was actually more like 15.

“What happened…?” I tried to lift myself up, but sat back down when I felt a throbbing pain in my head.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I looked around for the source of the voice. I knew who it was, but I couldn’t be sure with the way I was feeling. For all I knew I could’ve been hallucinating.

“Hey 100 points!” shouted my brother, offering Hoya a high-five. He slapped in with no meaning and turned back toward me.

“I really didn’t mean to-,”

“Someone walk her to the nurse,” The gym teacher cut him off.

“I’ll do it,” Minji said, pushing through the crowd to get to me. She helped me up, putting my arm around her shoulder, and slowly walked me out of the gym.

“What happened?” I asked her as we hobbled down the hallway.

“Hoya kicked the ball and it hit you in the head,” she explained to me. “By the way, what did Hoya mean when he said he was going to be part of your family? OMG! Is he-,”

“He’s not gay,” I cut her off.


“He’s not gay with my brother.”

She sighed.

“So what’s the real reason then?”

“That’s what Woohyun was telling me right before I got knocked out. He said that Hoya was moving in while his family worked out some issues… Oh my gosh. Hoya is going to be living in the same house as me…”

It finally hit me.

“OH MY GOSH!!!!!”

“Owww, Minji, that hurts,” I complained as I put my hand up to my aching head.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “But, oh my gosh, you’re going to be living with Hoya. He’ll be eating off your dishes, sleeping just doors down from you… using your shower!”

“Minji, be serious. I don’t know if I can do this. Do you think maybe I could-,”

“Oh no! You’re not coming over to my house because you’re too chicken to spend some quality time with your 5-year-long crush,” Minji stated in a So-There voice. I knew it was hopeless to argue.

There was no getting out of it: I would have to live along side Lee Hoya.

*Hoya’s POV*

“Do you think she’ll be okay?” I asked Woohyun as Minji and Hyunok walked out of the gym.

“Dude, she’ll be fine. That was awesome!” said Woohyun.

Dude, stop feeling bad. She’s fine. You can’t let people see your soft side.

“Haha yeah,” I laughed. “It was pretty funny wasn’t it?”

“Heck yeah! Did you see her face when it hit…” Woohyun’s voice faded out in my ears.

I really do hope she is okay. 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!