Why Didn't I See This Before

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

We spent the next day as a lazy day. I stayed locked in my room for most of the day while the boys hung out downstairs, doing whatever it is boys do.

Even though I wasn’t going out anywhere, I still put on something cute and did my hair and makeup; after all, I had to always look my best with Hoya in the house.

That evening I decided I’d make a nice meal for the boys. I decided on bolgogi.

“Hey Hyunok, I’m going to run out to the store real quick to pick up some more junk food,” Woohyun said as he came into the kitchen.

“But I’m making bolgogi just for you,” I complained putting on a cute face.

“Fine. I’ll still buy the food, but we just won’t eat it tonight. I’ll be right back. Hoya’s in the…” his voice faded as he ran out the door.

Whatever. I turned back to my cooking.

*Hoya’s POV*

When I got out of the shower I realized there was no more hair gel. I wrapped my bottom half in a towel and went downstairs to tell Woohyun to pick some up while he was out, hoping he hadn’t already left. When I got to the living room it was empty. I heard noise coming from the kitchen, so I figured it must be Woohyun.

“Hey, there’s no more- Oh!”

*Hyunok’s POV*

“Hey there’s no more- Oh!”

I turned around at the sound of his voice.

“Ah!” I shouted as I dropped the spatula I had been holding.

Oh. My. Gosh.

His body was gorgeous! He was totally ripped and (even though it was the middle of winter) looked slightly tan.

“Um, sorry,” he said as he quickly darted out of the room.

I stared after him dreamily, until I smelled something burning.


*Hoya’s POV*

Well that was embarrassing!

I quickly put on some clothes, did my best with the hair product that were there, and went back downstairs.

When I came to the kitchen Hyunok was just finishing up cooking.

I was about to walk in when I stopped. I stood in the doorway watching her. There was something different about her. For some reason she didn’t look like a little girl anymore. She looked like a woman, and a beautiful one at that. I watched her move gracefully as she danced around the kitchen putting things away.

“Here let me help you,” I said, walking up to her.

She turned around in surprise. I reached for the cookbook in her hands, making it so I had to lean in closer to her. She let me take the cookbook, but I didn’t move. I just stayed there leaning in toward her, looking at her surprised face.

How could I have not seen this beauty before?

*Hyunok’s POV*

Oh my gosh what is he doing?! Why isn’t he backing away? Is there something on my face?

“What’s wrong?” I finally forced myself to ask. “I-I-Is there something on my face?”

“No,” he said as a stupid smile spread across his own face. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I knew there was probably a perfectly logical explanation for all this. It was probably even just a joke!

“Oh, okay then,” I said as I pulled away and turned to wipe up the counter.

“Um, so, do you need help with anything else?” he asked as he put away the cookbook.

“No, I’m all set,” I answered. I noticed him staring at me out of the corner of my eye, then he turned and walked out of the room.

Oh my gosh, I love him.

I sighed at the thought of what just happened.

*Hoya’s POV*

Oh my gosh…am I in love with Woohyun’s sister? 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!