How It All Began

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

I watched his large bicep muscles flex as me dribbled the ball down the court with grace, dodging the other team’s players. They rippled as went for the lay-up, making me feel all tingly inside. I almost melted at the overjoyed expression on his face as the ball slid into the net.


I know I should’ve been watching my brother, Woohyun, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Hoya. The way he moved, every detail of his face, everything about him made my heart flutter. I became lost in a daydream…

“Hello beautiful,” Dream-Hoya said to me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

“Aww, you’re so sweet,” Dream-Me replied.

“Hyunok, there’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.” Dream-Hoya pulled me in around the waist.

Dream-Me smiled at him and giggled shyly, “Oppa…”

Dream-Hoya’s lips were about to touch mine when-


The clock buzzer snapped me out of my dream.

Stupid buzzer!

I looked down to the court to see that Hoya was about to take a fowl shot. I held my breath.

He dribbled the ball a couple times, angled himself with the net, then shot, arching his hand with the follow-through.


The crowd went crazy! There was less than a second left on the clock; we were tied 54 to 54. If Hoya made this last fowl shot then we would win the state championship.

You can do it Hoya! I believe in you. I know you can… Aigoo you’re so beautiful…

He went through his process again as he got ready for the shot. He pushed the ball up and out and…













I wanted to shout it to the world, but I couldn’t. You see, Hoya doesn’t really know me. He knows me through my brother because they’re best friends, but we’ve never actually had a conversation. When he would come over to hang out with my brother, I would get all panicky. And when he spoke to me; even just a simple greeting; I would freeze up. He would just laugh, then go off with my brother. I had been in love with Lee Hoya since the day I first saw him.




 “Mom! Hyunok! I brought a friend over okay?” I heard Woohyun’s voice echo down the hall, but I thought nothing of it. He was in 7thgrade and I was in 5th,and he was constantly having friends over. But, it was always the same people.

I heard the two walking down the hall toward the living room where I was lying on the couch watching TV and munching on popcorn.

“Hey sis; this is my friend Hoya.”

I looked up, but did a double take. Standing in front of me was the most gorgeous, incredible, stunning boy known to mankind. He looked like an angel that had descended from Heaven. I dropped my bowl of popcorn in shock, spilling it all over the floor.

“Ah, clumsy Hyunok!” shouted Woohyun. “Why must you act like that in front of guests?”

I blushed right away. When I blush my cheeks turn bright red, and unfortunately I blush at just about everything.

“It’s okay, let’s help her clean it up,” Hoya said, coming to my rescue as he began picking up the pieces of popcorn.

“Well are you gonna help?” asked Woohyun. I realized I had been so caught up in staring at Hoya, that I didn’t even notice he was cleaning up the mess that had been totally my fault.

“Oh, I got it; it’s oka-,” As I got up from the couch I tripped on the popcorn bowl which was lying on the ground and fell toward the ground. I closed my eyes, but was surprised to feel- not the hard floor- but big, comforting hands holding me.

“Careful there,” Hoya laughed as he helped me back up.

You’re my hero…

From that day on, I knew that I was under Hoya’s spell. There was nothing anyone could do that would ever change the fact that: I was hopelessly in love with Lee Hoya. 






Author's Note: I hope you liked my beginning! I figured I'd type of the first chapter real quick and put it up to give you guys something to chew on. Definately more to come soon! c:

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!