That Was Close

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

By the time Hoya finished cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the kitchen I only had my brother’s bedroom left to vacuum (By his bedroom I mean his real one, in which Hoya is staying in). The vacuum was so loud I didn’t hear Hoya enter the room behind me.

*Hoya’s POV*

I went upstairs to tell Hyunok that I was finished, and noticed she was in “my room”. I entered and called out to her, but since the vacuum was so loud she didn’t hear me.

“Hyunok,” I touched her shoulder and she spun around in surprise.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-,” I tried to step closer to her, but tripped over the vacuum cord and fell straight at her. As the vacuum whirred to a stop, I opened my eyes to see Hyunok underneath me. Thankfully we had fallen on the bed so the landing wasn’t so bad.

*Hyunok’s POV*

I looked up at Hoya in shock. All the confidence drained out of me; I couldn’t move. I was even more shocked when, instead of getting off me, Hoya just stared into my eyes. He moved…closer? He kept coming closer until our faces were no more than an inch apart.

“I-I-I think you should get off me now,” I said.

I saw him finally realizing the situation as he got up off of me.

“Um, sorry,” he said shyly as he helped me up off the bed.

“It’s okay.” I stared into his beautiful eyes as he stared back into mine.

Confidence; I tell myself to have confidence, but when I see him like this I just melt. Why does he have to be so cute, funny, attractive…kissable?

I finally tore my gaze away form his and walked out of the room. When I got to my room I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. I slid down into a sitting position, holding a hand to my heart.

“I don’t know if it’s possible,” I whispered to the empty room. “But I think I just fell even deeper in love with Lee Hoya.”  

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!